Thursday, September 15, 2011

TEXAS GOTHIC by Rosemary Clement-Moore

Okay, so I've been waiting a ridiculously long time to talk about this book. I know, I know, I could've moved it up, but I've committed to some things, and then there were release dates, and yada yada yada, the day is finally here!

TEXAS GOTHIC by Rosemary Clement-Moore: Amy Goodnight's family is far from normal. She comes from a line of witches, but tries her best to stay far outside the family business. Her summer gig? Ranch-sitting for her aunt with her wacky but beautiful sister. Only the Goodnight Ranch is even less normal than it normally is. Bodies are being discovered, a ghost is on the prowl, and everywhere she turns, the hot neighbor cowboy is in her face.

Dude. There are many things to like about this book. Let's examine.

Exhibit A: The clever. I am a huge fan of clever, and TEXAS GOTHIC has it in spades. From clever writing, to clever dialogue, to clever characters.

The dialogue between Amy and Ben is spot-on. Heck, the dialogue is spot-on everywhere. The things Amy thinks are clever and witty--and perfectly true to the story.

Exhibit B: The characters. Amy pops right off the page, as does her sister. They're both well-developed for me, though one is entrenched in "witchcraft" and the other is trying to maintain her "normal" appearance.

Their profiles are well-drawn. They acted like sisters, without acting out-of-character. They complimented each other, while Amy was still able to shine in her protagonist role.

Exhibit C: The cowboy. Okay, so maybe I'm biased, but dude. The first book I ever wrote took place in Montana, simply so I could have the male MC be a cowboy. I'm ridiculously attracted to cowboys. Lame, I know.

Which gives TEXAS GOTHIC an advantage over most other books, because as soon as I read the word "cowboy hat" I was sold.

That said, Ben is a great character. Complex; someone who lost something in order to come back and do the cowboy thing. And did I mention his clever dialogue? Okay, I did.

Exhibit D: The magic. I love magic. I love thinking about magic. I love reading about magic. I wish I could do magic. And TEXAS GOTHIC has a special kind of magic that appeal to the magic-fiend in me.

So yeah. If you haven't read TEXAS GOTHIC, put it on your list. You won't be sorry.

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storyqueen said...

You know, I love mash-up kinds of books. It's not every day you hear about magical cowboy books.


Jessie Harrell said...

thanks for putting this on my radar - sounds like an awesome read (even if I don't think cowboys are hot).

Tiffany said...

Many thanks! This is right up my alley. I'm even going to go to Barnes and Noble on my lunch break to pick it up! :)

Carolyn V said...

Woohoo! I've gotta get this one. ;)

Jenilyn Collings said...

Ooh, that sounds like fun! I'll have to read it!

Ruth Josse said...

Oh, I'm with ya on the holy-hot- cowboy thing! *daydreaming, fantasizing*

Thanks for the recommendation!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Awesome review, Elana! I haven't seen this one yet, so I'm glad you chose to review it. :-)

Donna K. Weaver said...

Another book for my list.

Anonymous said...

Read it. LOVED it!

I'm with you, cowboys have a special place in my heart and RCM makes hers pop off the page and stick in my memory like a long lost lover!

*rubs goosebumps off arms*

Great review!

Jenny S. Morris said...

I have a special place in my heart for cowboys. (My dad is from LOOSIANNA.)I'm married to the polar opposite of a cowboy, but I do love that southern drawl. I'll have to check this one out.

Angela Kulig said...

I guess I can't walk away since I was a Texas Goth ;)

Alice said...

Wow, sounds great. I love gothic romances and i kinda like cowboys too. This is one i'll be checking out.

Matthew MacNish said...

This sounds so unique! I love that title.

And dude, Elana, part of my book takes place in Montana! Yay for Big Sky Country.

Heather said...

Magic and cowboys, oh yeah, this is going on my list. ;) Thanks!

Kelley said...

Interesting. Very. I'll have to check it out :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVED Texas Gothic. It was charming. And funny. And smart heroines abounded. And OH, the Nancy Drew references! And the name Goodnight is utterly perfect. And there's a certain kissing scene with certain not-euphemisms that made even my husband LOL.

Do I sound like a fangirl? I am. I totally am.

Ishta Mercurio said...

I love this just because of its title! But since there's magic involved, I'll have to give it a go. I love magic, too!

Jeff King said...

If you like it... I know I will!

WritingNut said...

It sounds very interesting, I'll have to check it out. How can you not love a book with magic?

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Sounds cool. Perhaps I will partake.

Angela Brown said...

Sounds like this story does a great job of tapping into the hot genre but giving it a bit of cowboy twist for some originality. Very cool.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the share! Really it is great post, cute sounds, i loved this one.

Sample Cover Letters

Charlotte said...

I’m not a general fan of cowboys, but I love great characterisation, witty dialogue, Gothicism as a genre, magic, and things set in the south, so I’m exited to read this! Above all I love witches- when I was eight I watched Hocus Pocus and planned on being a witch, so I was very disappointed when my mum told me that the closest things to real witches were people who danced naked in forests. (Yeah, I’m not entirely sure why she told me this either!) I’m also a fan of random mash-ups, which is why Cowboys vs Aliens is on my to-watch list. Your review sounds great and I will definitely be heading over to Amazon to check this out. Love the cover and title too, although yeah, yeah, I know what they say. Thanks for bringing the book to my attention!

Cynthia Lee said...

Oh, I love cowboys too. I've been a big fan of Lonesome Dove since high school and that was a loooong time ago.

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