Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Best of 2011: Movies

Okay, so I'll admit that I don't see a lot of movies. Well, maybe I do, I don't know. But I've decided to do a "best of" series for the end of the year, beginning with movies.

Best Movie of 2011: The Help. Seriously, if you haven't seen it, drop everything and see it. It's fabulous.

Best Children's Movie of 2011: The Muppets. I love this kind of stuff, especially the "Am I Muppet or a Man?" song. Genius.

Movies I Still Love Even if They Didn't Come out in 2011: Despicable Me. I will never tire of this movie. Watch it. Love it.

Most Anticipated Movie of 2011: Harry Potter 7.2. It was well worth the wait, and I loved every minute of it.

Movie I Thought I'd Hate, but Loved: Thor. It just doesn't sound like my "thing." But it was. Oh, it was.

Most Anticipated Move of 2012: The Hunger Games. I simply can not wait to see that! The trailer was awesome, and I have no doubt the feature-length film will deliver.

What movie did you love this year? What are you looking forward to next year?


  1. I don't watch many movies either. I loved the last Harry Potter movie. You've given me a few to add to my list to rent. Thanks. And I can't wait for The Hunger Games too. That one I'll go see at the theater for sure.

    Happy Holidays!

  2. I only saw one movie in the theaters this year (apparently I need to get out more...) and it was Harry Potter - which I totally agree was awesome! :) Can't wait to see the Muppets too!!

  3. Totally agree with you about The Help. What a wonderful film!

  4. Totally agree with you about The Help. What a wonderful film!

  5. My best of 2011 was Hugo, the film adaptation of The Invention of Hugo Cabret. It was phenomenal.

  6. Thor was pretty good. I have to say I Am Number Four is up there, too, for me. Love that movie!!

  7. Harry Potter was the only one I saw at the theatre and I loved it. The Hunger Games is the one I'm waiting for too. It looks fantastic!

  8. I would love to see The Help, so I agree with you there. I think Tangled was also pretty good. And I'm waiting for The Hunger Games as well.

  9. Most of my movie seeing happened during the blockbuster-summer-fest. I did not, however, get to make it to HP 7.2. I know, flay me with a cat o'nine tails for such heresy lol!!

    I enjoyed those I saw but can't really say that one stood out above them all for me. Maybe that will change when I finally watch HP.

  10. I loved Thor!
    I'll add Inception and Xmen First Class to the list.

  11. The Help was great, made me cry like a baybay. And I can watch Despicable Me with kids every day.

  12. Thank you for the list! Help was on my to do list next week. For sure now.

    And yes. I so CAN'T wait until Hunger Games!!!

    Merry Christmas, Elana!

  13. I think I only saw one movie this year that came out this year - the new Sherlock Holmes. Seriously, you will love it.

  14. I don't see many movies in theaters, but of course I saw and loved HP! :-)

    Despicable Me is awesome--LOVE it! And Hunger Games . . . BRING. IT. ON! :-)

  15. Wanted to watch The Help the other night but the Redbox was all out :( maybe another night this week :) I saw War Horse the other night...special sneak preview. Really awesome movie.

  16. Great choices! I LOVED Help and The Muppets, and I have always felt like Despicable Me is so underrated. Not a big fan of Thor, except Chris Hemsworth is very, very, very, very...*ahem* sorry. Yummy. Yes. Very yummy. Also Hunger Games looks fantabulous!

    However. Best movie of 2011? Definitely Midnight in Paris. At least for me.

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  17. I'm sorry. I can not answer your question. *drops everything and runs out to rent The Help*

  18. Great roundup! I didn't go to the movies much but I watched a lot on Netflix. I actually have a copy of The Help at home waiting to be watched! I loved the book.

    Harry Potter 7.2 was one I saw in the theaters and I agree - it was amazing. I can't wait for Hunger Games next year.

  19. I'm looking forward to watching 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' on Friday! I've read the books and have seen the Swedish movie versions, so I can't wait to compare them to the American version.

  20. For me it's definitely The Muppets. Though if I manage to see War Horse before year's end (unlikely) it will be a strong contender for #1. Loved Thor and Captain America and quite enjoyed X-Men First Class.

    This next year I'm most looking forward to the Avengers and The Hobbit.

  21. The Muppets was a fun movie. Really dug Thor, Captain America, and Fast Five. Favorite - Super 8!

  22. Oh, and most anticipated for next year? Looking forward to The Avengers but THE movie of the year will be the first part of The Hobbit!!!!

  23. I so felt the same way about Thor! I thought it would be eh but I absolutely loved it!

  24. I saw all of them but the Help and I absolutely loved The Muppet Movie. It was my favorite (how could not love a movie that has a song about being a muppet or a man)

    And the Hunger Games is first on my list to see in 2012 with the last Batman movie coming in 2nd.

  25. W00t Harry Potter! I also totally thought I was going to hate Thor, but I ended up really liking it. What the heck, right? Haha. I guess I shouldn't have doubted Kenneth Brannagh (I <3 him). I'm actually now all excited for The Avengers in 2012.

  26. I felt the same way about Thor. Yum. And I'm dying to see The Help, just haven't gotten around to it! And The Hunger Games, oh yeah, definitely the most anticipated movie of 2012!

  27. I'm waiting for the Muppets to come out on DVD before I watch it. But I did enjoy watching X-Men First Class & of course - Harry Potter this year.

    As for next year - the movie I'm most looking forward to is 'The Hobbit'.

  28. I still have to read and see the Help. I've heard all good!
    I loved Harry Potter, too. I actually saw more movies than usual at the theater. Bridesmaids had my hubby and I giggling. I liked The CHange up too. We like inappropriate potty humor.
    And I can't wait to see the hunger games movie!!

  29. Is it sad that I can't even think what movies I saw this year? There needs to be an equivalent of Goodreads for movies. Then you can keep track of which ones you saw, and have a to-watch category. Seriously! Then I could just go back and look at my list and think, "Oh, yeah! I LOVED that movie!" Instead, I'm sitting here scratching my head, thinking, Is Contagion really the only movie I can think of that I watched? But I didn't even like Contagion! Sigh.

  30. Harry Potter 7.2 for me. Also really enjoyed the new Ghibli "From up on Poppy Hill" but there was a twist that freaked me out.

    My movie life is weird. Movies come out really late in Japan. (Except Harry Potter which seems to debut the same day everywhere in the world. I saw it before all the rest of you. mwahahah!)

    Also, i watch almost all my movies in Japanese. So the English ones always sound funny in English after. And you won't know most of the Japanese titles.

  31. THOR totally rocked my world.
    Can't wait to see Snow White now. And I saw a trailer for the new Underworld movie while shopping today. HUGE UNDERWORLD FAN, but failed to know about this.
    (Must have been writing when the announcement came out!)

    Aaaaand HUNGER GAMES! I feel like we all live in Panem and we're waiting for the real games to start. Is that weird or what?
