Friday, December 16, 2011

Good News Friday!

Dude, not my good news. I suppose I could bore you with my weight loss, or the fact that today is the last day of school until 2012, or that I have ALL my Christmas shopping done.

But that would be boring.

And this is Good News Friday!

I'll go first.

My friend, Christine Fonseca, will be a published fiction author very soon! (Her non-fiction has been out for a little over a year now and is FABU.)

First, she has a prequel novella, DIES IRAE that will be out February 22, 2012. Here's what it's about: Some sacrifices should never be made – even for love.

Mikayel lives by one rule – obey the orders of the angelic Council at all costs.That is, until he and his friends, Azza and Demi, are sent to Earth. Assigned as Watchers while they await their decision of which angelic order to serve, the three assume the bodies of teenagers and experience life as human.

The sensations are overwhelming, especially for Azza. Determined to experience everything humans do – rage, terror, love - he tempts Demi to break one of the unbreakable rules – never fall in love. But being human isn’t the only problem facing the three angels. Unbeknownst to the Council, demonic activity is on the rise, threatening to break a tenuous peace that has existed for a millennia; a peace Azza seems bent on destroying.

Caught in a struggle for power with unseen demonic forces and Azza, and fighting against his rising emotional attachment to Demi, Mikayel must now decide how much he is willing to sacrifice for his new found love – a decision that could reignite an ancient war and will threaten the only thing that matters to the angels, the survival of humanity.

I haven't read this yet, but I have no doubt it will be awesome. I've read enough of Christine's other stuff to know.

Including LACRIMOSA. This full-length novel will be out in March 2012, and it is simply amazing. Deep, and heart-wrenching--and you know I like that kind of stuff.

About LACRIMOSA: As if casting out demons isn’t hard enough, five-hundred-year-old Nesy has to masquerade as a teenage girl to do it.

Nesy is the best of an elite group of angels – warriors called Sentinals – charged with the job of vanquishing the fallen. She’s never made a mistake, never gotten emotionally involved. But when she comes face-to-face with Aydan, she freezes.

He is evil incarnate. A fallen angel that feeds off the souls of others. Everything Nesy is supposed to hate. But she can’t, because he’s also the human love of her former life as a teen; a life that ended too soon, tying her to the emotions she was never supposed to feel. Now she must choose between doing her duty – damning Aydan to the fiery depths of hell – or saving him, and condemning herself.

This series is going to KILL. But don't take my word for it. The trailer says it all.

So yay Christine! Visit her on her blog -- go tell her congrats yourself!

And what good news do you have this fine Friday?


  1. It is also my last day of school until 2012 and then massive writing time for me! :)

  2. Oh awesome! Congrats to Christine! :D

  3. Love the premise of this book.

    Have a nice break. Mine doesn't come until January, but I'll be going to Hawaii, so I'm not complaining.

  4. What a great trailer. Congratulations to Christine.

    My good news this Friday is after a very long day yesterday, I think I'm done Christmas shopping.

  5. Angels and demons. Forbidden love. This book series is oozing with everything that makes me eager to devour a book.

    Yay for Christine!

    And the news on my end is that I'm just thankful it is Friday L-)

  6. AWWWWW, good for her!!! Off to visit her now!

  7. So excited for Christine! (And I totally think you're a show off, btw. ALL your Christmas shopping done? Shut. Up.)

  8. Yay for Christine!

    And Donna: I totally hate you for going to Hawaii without me.

  9. Congrats, Christine! I'm so excited for you! :D I'll have to keep an eye out for your book.

    As for my good news - I got a new job that's transitioning perfectly with my old one, and I'm rocking my revisions, which makes me happy.

  10. Thanks guys! I love all the good news everywhere.

  11. I'm so excited to Christine too. Today was my last day of work for 2 weeks. Yay! Have a great time off too.

  12. I'm so thrilled for Christine! Awesome news :)

    I still have another week of school and I'm not done my shopping and I haven't lost any weight. Feeling a little jealous here!!! :)

  13. The title and cover for Dies Irae is beautiful. The story sounds perfect--hopeless and full of romance and dark. Yum!

  14. Oooh nice! Congrats to Christine!!
    And congrats to you on your weight loss (btw stuff like that doesn't bore me it excites me. Love it!)
    and your Christmas shopping.

    Have a fantastic weekend! And yay for kids vacation ( I think :)

  15. I'm on break too -woot! But I've only just started Christmas shopping...

    Christine's book sounds like fun!

  16. I'm SUPER excited for Christine and her upcoming releases! These novels are amazing and will definitely blow readers away. Christine is so talented!

  17. And yay for your weight loss!!! That is GREAT news hun! You go girl. What a wonderful accomplishment. On that note, I'd better get off the computer and off my bum. ;)

  18. Wow! I freaking loved that trailer! Must. Read. Now.

  19. Thanks Kimberly. I can't wait to see what readers think. But for now...I'd better finish the edits! LOL!!!

    And thank you Heather - for everything!
