Friday, December 9, 2011

Query Letter Giveaway!

Okay, so that sounds weird, I know. Like, why would you want to give away your query letter? That's so lame. (Although at times, I wished I could slice my query letter into tiny bits...)

Anyway, since I am feeling all thankful and grateful for a great many things, I've decided to do a pay-it-forward query letter critique giveaway.

Meaning, I have very few things to offer, but I know how to critique a query letter. So if you'd like to have a chance to have me critique yours before this new year starts and you send it out, enter to win!

All you have to do is fill out the form. I will contact you tomorrow. That's right, people! This contest is open for one day only! And there will be 10 winners. (ETA: You can redeem your critique at any time. Now. Later. Whatever.)

So enter away!


How awesome this is and/or birthday wishes (that's right! I will be older on Sunday) in the comments. *wink*


  1. What a sweet contest. I suck at critting queries. I dread it when people ask me to read theirs. I'm afraid I'll make a good query not so good. The only time I'm okay with it is if I've read the book.

  2. You rock, Elana, as always :D Also, Happy Birthday!!!

  3. What an awesome contest. Even though you've critiqued mine before (and maybe are as sick of it as me), I'm entering again because from agent critiques I decided it's just not quite right and have been tweeking it. Sigh. I want to get it right.

  4. I despise query letters, so this would be an awesome prize.

    Also, and most important, happy birthday.


  5. Thank you for offering us the gift on your birthday, hope it’s a great one!

  6. You rock! Thanks for the chance. Hope you have a great weekend and get lots of YOU time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Happy Birthday!!

    I wish I was ready to jump into the submission fray. But that's probably a month or two off. Good luck to the winners. =o)

  8. a crit from the Query Queen?! I am so in. thanks!

  9. Wha wha WHAT????

    My current query is just about dead, but I'm gonna be working on a new one for a new MS in a month or so here. Can we use it later?

    (And happy birthday, you fabulous lady!!!)

  10. This is a great contest! Happy Birthday!

  11. That's awesome. I really appreciate the contest!
    Happy birthday to you! I hope you celebrate all weekend. :)

  12. Happy birthday!

    Now I'm off to make sure my query letter is decent, since it's been sitting around for some time with no action yet.

  13. Happy birthday! And you are awesome! :)

  14. You're awesome! Thank you! I have to go write a query now...

  15. Wow, thank you! I've been using your PDF guidelines this past month to try and get mine down, but worried it's still not quite there * crossing fingers*

  16. You ROCK!

    Seriously, query letters are my nemesis. I hates them. :) Thanks so much for the contest!

  17. I'd love to win this contest! You're awesome. I'll plug this on my blog.

  18. How awesome!! Happy birthday to you, Elana! Hope this year is the best yet.

    My fingers are crossed. I'm only just writing my first query now - way more intimidating than writing a book, somehow!! thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  19. Oh, and Happy Birthday! *throws confetti* :)

  20. Ooh thank you for the opportunity! Hope you have a fabulous birthday!!!!

  21. Happy birthday! Oh, and thanks for doing this--my query could use some serious help. :)

  22. Thanks for the opportunity! Wish I had a gift for your birthday, but all I have to give you is my praise: you are a wonderful, special, kind and thoughtful person. Happy Birthday!!!

  23. LOL. It really IS totally awesome! And happy birthday, friend!!! :-)

  24. Happy birthday! This is wonderfully thoughtful.

  25. Did I read that right? Birthday cometh from round yon bend?

    LOL! Happy (early) Birthday!!!

    One year younger and wiser and nice enough to offer a giveaway. Aren't you just the bees knees? :-)

    Thanks and have a wonderful weekend.

  26. Awesome giveaway Elana! AWESOME! Glad that we can use it "whenever" too! That works for me! :) Excited to see who wins!

  27. I so could use this since I plan to start querying early next year! *crosses fingers* Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    And happy early birthday!

  28. This is an awesome give away! I'm a long way off from the big Q but I have a friend that could use it ;)And Happy birthday!

  29. crossing fingers, I just read through your query posts last night...again. I use them as my check off every time I write a new one ;)

  30. Yea! The queen of query and all things awesome! I've been immersed in fantasy novels of late. Can you tell? Thanks, Elana!

  31. Happy Birthday on Sunday. December is a great month to be born.

  32. Thanks for the awesome contest! And I hope you having a rockin' birthday on Sunday!!

  33. You're such a sweetie to be doing this! :) Hope you have a fabulous birthday with lots of bacony cupcakes :)

  34. Happy Happy Birthday! I'm getting ready to write my query, and since my previous queries have (have to go to my thesaurus for help)*no words to describe how bad they've been* Anyway, I could definitely use the help, but I am somewhat conflicted by adding to your burdens :o)

  35. Although a bit early, I hope you have a fabulous day on Sunday. Happy birthday!!


  36. Thanks for the query critique giveaway, Elana! And happy birthday!

  37. This is a pretty sweet contest! And an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! to you! :)

  38. Happy Birthday! It was awesome talking to you at your library presentation! I learned a lot about pitching. You rock my socks!

  39. Happy (early) Birthday, Elana! Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway! :)

  40. Probably wouldn't be fair for me to enter, so I'm going to tweet it to the world instead.

  41. Birthday Wishes! Bow chickie bow bow!

  42. Happy early birthday! And thank you for this contest. It's really quite generous!

  43. You ARE awesome! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We never get to celebrate them the way we should when we're adults ... :)

  44. WE are supposed to be giving you presents for YOUR birthday! Not the other way around!

    But THANK YOU!!!!

    (pickminepickminepickmine) This is a subliminal message. You don't really see it...

  45. This is so awesome, Elana! Nothing like a query critique from the Query Queen!

    Happy birthday Sunday! I hope your day rocks as much as you do.

  46. Oh my gosh I'm so excited about this. I pray and hope and dream and pray some more that I'll be chosen. You are great for doing this. Luv, erin

  47. OK, So I just posted above, but I realized I was posting from another account. This is me for real and I really really really want to win.

  48. Happy Birthday on Sunday!! Hope it's super fabulous and includes bacon. :)
    Awesome give away! My fingers are crossed!

  49. Thank you! I know what you mean about wanting to slice it into bits. Heh-heh.

  50. This is so awesome!!!!! Thanks for the opportunity. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Love you!

  51. Amazing giveaway - I'm so glad I saw this in time to enter!

  52. Happy Birthday! And super generous of you. :)

  53. Happy birthday and what a fun idea!!!

  54. Happy birthday, Elana!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  55. It's so nice how much you try to give back, totally love that about you! And yes, Happy (early) Birthday! I hope it rocks.

  56. Awesome contest! :)

    I was just in awe over reading Marissa Meyer's blog post where her query letter was so good that it's the summary of her flap jacket!

  57. So kind of you. Merry Christmas and (apparently) happy birthday!

  58. Happy Birthday, Elana! :)

  59. Happy early birthday! And what a great prize. Whoever the winner is - totally lucky!

  60. Happy Birthday today! I hope it's an awesome one!
