Thursday, December 1, 2011

YA Scavenger Hunt!

Squee! I'm so excited for today'S YA Scavenger Hunt! Not only for the amazing author I'm hosting, but for the secret content that I'm releasing SOMEWHERE OUT THERE. (Go find it! Go find it!) (Also, this is the brain child of Colleen Houck, and she's awesome, so you should go check out her website too.)

Every author will have some exclusive content AND a link to the next person on the hunt. Give yourself a couple of hours to make the circuit, collect the words in red, and enter all the contests!

Today, I'm featuring Angela Corbett! (Which is especially awesome, because I have met her in person!) So let's dive in!

About Angela: As a child, Angela Corbett’s most prized possession was a set of read-along books. She used to follow along with the narrator on the stereo and dream of when she would be able to read by herself. Her childhood reading habit led her to consider her future career. However, after consulting with her parents, she realized she had already exceeded hobbit height and since fairies and dragonslayers were tricky jobs to get, she decided she wanted to create worlds of her own. She started writing poetry in elementary school and worked as a journalist in high school and college, but could never leave her love for writing fiction behind.

She is a graduate of Westminster College where she double majored in communication and sociology. She has worked as a journalist, freelance writer, and director of communications and marketing. She loves classic cars, traveling, and escaping in a good book. She lives in Utah with her incredibly supportive husband and their five-pound Pomeranian, Pippin, whose following of fangirls could rival Justin Bieber's.

Eternal Starling is her debut novel and the first book in the Emblem of Eternity trilogy.

Click here to go to Angela's blog.

About ETERNAL STARLING: Evie Starling has lived a relatively uneventful life hanging out with friends, gossiping about boys, and driving her 1966 Mustang. All of that changes when she moves to Gunnison, Colorado, to start college and meets two mysterious men.

For centuries, Alex Night and Emil Stone have yearned for Evie—but they each have their own reasons for wanting to be with her. When both men claim to be her soul mate and tell her about an unbelievable past, Evie learns that she’s not the person she thought she was. Soon, Evie finds herself in the middle of an age-old battle between the Amaranthine Society—the soul protectors, and the Daevos Resistance—the soul destroyers. With a past she doesn’t understand, and a future rife with danger, Evie has to decide who she can trust. But Alex and Emil aren’t the only ones who want Evie, and her soul is about to become the rope in an eternal tug-of-war.

You know you want a copy of that! Click here to get it.

As Angela's BONUS MATERIAL today, she's giving you a sneak peek at an excerpt from the book (because ETERNAL STARLING does not come out until next Tuesday)! Lucky ducks!

Jas and Zach were waiting for us in the lobby of the restaurant.
“Hey guys!” Jas’s face lit up when she saw us.
“Hi Jas. Hi Zach,” I said.
“Hello,” Alex’s deep voice was seductive even to me. I couldn’t imagine the effect it was having on Jasmine.
Zach exchanged a head-nod with Alex and Jasmine smiled shyly. “Hi Alex. I’m glad you guys could come with us tonight.” Jas was being overly cordial and chewing her bubble gum like she was in a race. I hadn’t seen her so antsy since we were almost caught toilet papering the yard of our high school math teacher.
“Me too,” Alex said.
The hostess took some menus from her stand and we followed her to a table in the corner of the pizzeria. The smell of garlic, bread, and cheese permeated the air as we scanned the menus and placed our order. Zach immediately asked the server for a Pepsi; it was the only thing he ever drank and he was fanatical about it. Even though he wasn’t at our house much, we always kept a twenty-four pack of Pepsi chilling in the fridge for him.
While we waited for our food, Zach asked Alex all the general getting-to-know-you questions that I’d asked him when we first met. Alex reciprocated with questions for Jasmine and Zach.
The server brought our food and we talked as we ate. Alex asked Jasmine and Zach how they met. That conversation eventually led to Jasmine’s observations about my dating life.
“You’re definitely an improvement,” Jas said to Alex. His expression was curious, inviting her to go on. “Evie doesn’t have the best luck with guys,” she explained.
“Hey!” I said, trying to defend myself. “They haven’t all been bad.”
“Oh, really? Let’s see,” she raised her eyes as she thought. “There was the guy obsessed with jerky. Remember the theme card he made you for Valentine’s Day? When you opened it, it mooed.” She shuddered as she thought about it. “Or the one who asked you to prom with the stipulation that he be allowed to drive you there in your own car.” Jas leaned forward on the table looking straight at me, “And let’s not forget the holy grail of asshats: Luke,” she said, turning her attention back to Alex. “I could tell you stories about that idiot for hours. One of my favorites was when he told her he didn’t have time to deal with her feelings so she should think through her emotions and journal it, then get back to him when she wasn’t so pissy.”
A muscle under Alex’s eye pulsed as he smiled in a way that said he wasn’t at all amused. “Guys like that don’t deserve someone like Evie. In fact,” he paused, as if considering whether or not to continue, “if I’d been there, I would have dumped a glass of lemonade on his head.”
My mouth fell open a little. I looked at Jasmine to see her wearing the same shocked expression as me. After a few seconds, Jasmine regained her composure. “Actually, that’s exactly what Evie did,” Jasmine said. “Only she was drinking Sprite at the time.” Jasmine assessed Alex warily. “How did you know that?”
Alex’s mouth slid into a sly smile. “Lucky guess,” he said, picking up his glass and taking a drink. When he finished, he put the glass on the table and continued his explanation, “Throwing your drink on a guy isn’t a new concept. Girls do it all the time in movies and TV shows.”
Still stunned, I flicked my eyes back and forth between Jasmine and Alex. Jasmine clearly wasn’t convinced. Alex leaned on the table and laughed, “Or maybe I’m psychic,” he said, waving his fingers to lighten the mood.
Zach snorted. “If so, I need your help with my Fantasy Football team roster.”
Alex put his fingertips to his temples like he was divining the answer. “Can’t go wrong with Drew Brees,” Alex said. He grabbed the check the waiter had left and went up to the counter to pay for our food. Zach started to follow him but Alex told him not to worry about it, he was buying everyone’s dinner.
As soon as Alex was out of earshot, Zach said, “I like him, Evie.” He nodded to indicate Alex had passed some sort of man test. “He’s a good guy.” Zach leaned back in his chair. “I’ve never heard that story. Did you really dump Sprite on Luke’s head?”
“Of course she did! He deserved every drop,” Jasmine answered for me, waving Zach off. She put her elbows on the table, directing her attention back to me like Zach wasn’t even there. “Don’t you think it’s weird Alex mentioned that?” she asked.
I shrugged, still trying to make sense of it myself.
Jas kept talking, “I mean, it’s strange he’d say something so close to what actually happened.”
Before I could answer, Alex was back. “Are you ready to go?”
“Sure.” I got up from the table. Jas and Zach followed me. Alex held my hand and we walked in silence to the parking lot.
“Thanks, for going to dinner with us,” I said to Jas and Zach. “I had a lot of fun.”
“Yeah, we’ll have to do it again soon,” Alex suggested.
“That sounds great,” Jas answered as she opened the door to Zach’s Grand Cherokee.
“I’m adding Brees to my team as soon as I get home,” Zach said. He waved and hopped into the driver’s seat.
Alex once again opened my door for me, and I got in the Audi. Alex made his way to the driver’s side, started the car, and we drove in silence for a few minutes until I couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “It was lemonade, not Sprite.”
Alex slid a glance toward me, his expression giving nothing away. “What are you talking about?”
“I dumped lemonade on Luke’s head, not Sprite. Jasmine was wrong. But you weren’t.”
Alex gave a short laugh. “Really?” he asked, paying more attention than usual to his blinker as he pushed it down. “That’s a funny coincidence.”
I widened my eyes. “A coincidence? That’s your explanation?”
As we rolled to a stoplight, he draped his hand over the steering wheel and pegged me with a hard stare. “What else could it be, Evie?”
I put my hands out in front of me, palms up. “You tell me.”
Alex shifted his eyes away from mine. “Maybe you told me about it and forgot.”
I knew I hadn’t. Unless I was mocking him with Jasmine, Luke wasn’t a subject I cared to talk about. “I have an excellent memory. And I never told you that story.”
Alex snorted. “It’s not like you remember every second of every conversation we’ve ever had.”
I lifted my shoulders, looking at him in challenge. He watched me and gave a humorless laugh. “Memory is a complicated thing. You’d be surprised at the things you forget.”
“Try me,” I dared.
Alex clenched his jaw and seemed to be thinking, but didn’t say anything. We pulled into the driveway of my house. Alex opened the car door for me—again.
We walked up to the front door and, like always, he held out his hand for my keys. Alex opened the door and flipped the living room light on. I stepped into the house; he followed me, still silent. He sat on the couch as I went to the phone to check the voicemail. I put my purse down, my back toward Alex, and played the messages. There was a call from my mom, of course—she must have gotten my email—and another from someone looking for Jasmine. I wrote the message on a pad of paper next to the phone and hit the erase button.
I stood in front of the phone, wondering if Alex would continue our conversation. I took a deep breath, then turned around and gasped. Alex was inches from me, waiting. I hadn’t even heard him walk over. I should have at least felt that he was behind me. I was generally so good about knowing when someone was in my personal space.
I looked into his eyes—they seemed to be on fire, not with anger, but something else. Suddenly our lemonade / memory discussion seemed a lot less important. Alex grabbed me around my waist, slowly guiding me until my back was pressed against the living room wall. He placed his hands palms down on the wall next to both of my shoulders. Even if I had wanted to move, and I didn’t, it would have been impossible. I could smell his rustic cedar scent as he shifted his head toward mine and moved his right hand to the back of my neck. As he leaned into me, he whispered something that sounded like, “Let’s see if you remember this.” Before I knew it, his lips, the lips I had dreamed about every day since we sat together at the mountain lake, were on mine, pressing hard against my mouth, merging with his. The kiss was aggressive, but still gentle, his lips soft and warm, and my back tingled with a familiar heat that was quickly getting a lot hotter.


As an extra bonus we’ve put together a puzzle with one keyword found on each website. Complete it and you will be eligible for a fantastic GRAND PRIZE which will include signed editions of books, signed bookmarks, jewelry, and many more exclusive gifts with at least one gift from EVERY AUTHOR!

Scavenger Hunt Puzzle
Directions: Copy and paste the words below onto a document or print it out and unscramble the words as you proceed through the Scavenger Hunt. Search for keywords, one on each website that will be highlighted in RED. When you are finished, fill out the Google form here.


Rules: To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the unscrambled words before noon on Dec 4th Pacific Time. All the keywords must be in the correct place and you must include your full name and address. Entries sent in without name and address will not be considered!

As if that wasn't cool enough, you can also win a personalized, signed copy of POSSESSION right here, right now on my blog! Give it as a gift, whatever. I'll sign and personalize to whoever you want, and ship it anywhere.

To enter to win, you need to subscribe to my newsletter. It's easy and fast and I don't send out too much stuff too often. Click here to do that.

Ready to go to the next website on the Scavenger Hunt? Click HERE!


  1. So fun. I already subscribe to your newsletter and have a copy of Possession, but wouldn't mind giving one to someone else. Thanks for the heads up about Eternal Starling.

  2. Bonus material - just like the deleted scenes on a special edition DVD.
    And of course her book is cool. One of her characters is an Alex!

  3. new subscriber AND I liked Possession while I was on FB
    Thanks Elana :)

  4. Isn't this fun?!? Oh, and I'm excited to do a signing with you on Friday (I'll have wood stain soaked into my fingers, I'm sure. Sexiness in action, right there).

  5. Thanks so much! I subscribed to your newsletter!!

  6. This is rad, Elana. I'd totally go on the hunt if I wasn't bogged with crazy to-dos. Best of luck to those who are. Thanks for introducing Angela! :)

  7. I subscribe to your newsletter. My daughter would LOVE a signed copy of your book. And I also downloaded your short story today.

  8. I subscribed! Hope to win this!

  9. I subscribed! Hope to win this!

  10. This is too much fun! Love the excerpt by the way.

  11. Very cool idea! :)

    Sounds like a terrific story - I enjoyed the bonus material!!

  12. Thanks for the giveaway and for being part of the Scavenger Hunt :D


  13. Thanks! I already subscribe to your newsletter! ;-)

  14. thanks so much for the awesome prize giveaway i have subscribed :)

  15. Awesome blog! I love it and Angela is an amazing author!! thanks:)


  16. Subscribed to your newsletter! ;3

  17. Thanks for the giveaway! I signed up for you newsletter!!

  18. Thanks for the giveaway! I signed up for your newsletter.

  19. LOVE THIS SCAVENGER HUNT!!! Win anything or not, There are going to be ALOT of new books in my collection!! Haven't read any bonus material yet that I did want to read the whole thing!! Whooo Hoooo!! Thanks also for the giveaway!!! Have a very blessed Christmas season!!1

  20. Give it as a gift? I'm afraid I'm not that good of a person ... ;)
    I subscribed!

  21. Thanks for the chance to win! I subscribed. I am learning about some really amazing books, which of course is awesome.

  22. Subscribed already! I've heard good things about Eternal Starling and I've added it to my TBR! :D

  23. I'm already on your mailing list so I hope I'm in the running for your book already! And I know i already have a copy, but I LOVE it! And I want to give it away!

  24. I subscribed!Thanks for the giveaway!This hunt is fun!

    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  25. Subscribed to your newsletter ! *fingers crossed* :)

  26. I'm subscribed. Hoping for the best.

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  28. ohhh this seems like fun. and seen as im in bed with a throat infection i do have some spare time. im of hunting! good luck every one

  29. Thank you so much for the giveaway!!!

  30. Great post! Thank you for the scavanger hunt and the giveaway.
    I am already subscribe to your newsletter.

  31. subscribed:) be awesome to have a signed book! although im selfish its be all for me me me. :)

  32. I've subscribed :) Awesome post & giveaway! The scavenger hunt rocks!

  33. I just suscribed, I would love to win Possession.

  34. I subscribed! Thank you for the giveaway!

  35. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! I just subscribed to your news letter!! I'm loving the hunt!!

    Emma Lueckler

  36. I signed up for ur newsletter! Thanks so much for praticapating in the hunt! XD

  37. I've subscribed! Thanks so much for participating in the hunt! :)

  38. i am a follower and subscriber.

  39. Thanks for this chance at your giveaway!! =)
    Subscribed under: bayayrea_munkie @

    Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!
    Happy Holidays!!

    GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
    Bayayrea_munkie AT hotmail DOT com

  40. Thank you for participating in the fun. I have subscribed and look forward to receiving your newsletter updates.

  41. Thanks !!! I subscribed to the email as well ! thanks

  42. I just subbed to your newsletter! Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. I am a new subscriber; and I would LOVE to win your book :D *Seems so awesome*
    Love, Carina ~

  44. i just subscribed yay!

  45. Thank you so much. Newsletter subscription sent. :)


  46. Already subscribed to your newsletter :)

    book.splot [at] gmail [dot] com

  47. Subscribed to your newsletter! :)
    Thanks for participating in the hunt!


  48. when will the winner be posted? :)
