Monday, January 23, 2012

Talking To Teens -- And To You!

Okay, so I'm speaking to a group of junior high kids tomorrow. I'm pretty stoked about it, because I love talking to teens. They *get* me and my book--and they laugh at my jokes, even when they're not funny.

I'm taking copies of POSSESSION to sell for $10 (an ultra low price for a shiny hardcover. Hey, it's all about getting books in the hands of teens). I'll be signing them if the teens want.

So there's that. Dunno why I was impressed to tell you, but I was.

In addition to that, I am participating in NiNoCon, which is a Ninja Novel Con, a one-day awesome conference run by the awesome Ali Cross. I am doing a live query letter chat from 10 - 11 AM Mountain time on February 4. And you can submit your query for my shreddage... er, help. Yeah, help. Go here for details and to submit.

Go here to learn more about NiNoCon.

I don't really have a question for this post. Dangitall. Wait. What joke should I open with tomorrow?


  1. You won't want to use my jokes. They'd scream and run.

    Good luck speaking. I'll be there at Ali's event.

  2. You don't need an opening joke - you'll knock them dead anyway.

  3. Sounds like tomorrow will be fun for you. Maybe sometime do a post on how to do a school visit for middle grade and high school kids. Sorry, I have no jokes. Maybe your post could suggest some for your un-funny friends like me.

  4. I've heard about NiNoCon but have no idea what it is.

    I'm with Miranda. My 12 yo might find my jokes funny, but he's probably the only one. Sorry, can't help with the opening joke, but I'm sure whatever you say will rock!

  5. It's okay there's no question to end with. If you wouldn't mind sharing your experience, what you chatted with the teens about, that would be great! (I've been asked to speak and do a workshop at a junior high next week. I'm a bit nervous. Love to hear your insight!)

  6. Well, there's this preacher, a nun, and a group of writers who enter a bar...

    Oh, no... nevermind... that one's probably not that funny or appropriate.

  7. Good luck with both events! I wonder if you're like me -- nervous beforehand, but once you get started, the "teacher" thing kicks in and takes over and you can't *stop* talking ...

  8. Dude~ LOVE that you are talking to teens. Have a blast with Ninocon. And a dunno. I DO know that seeing the widget say a mere 8 days until my launch...yea...FREAK!

  9. I'm speaking to junior high kids next month. I used to teach that age level, so I have a special fondness for them. Good luck, Elana!

  10. *flails* Ohhhhh, I'm so excited for the conference. I mean, I was before, but I didn't know you were doing a query crit! *fingers crossed*

    (Thank you - that's so generous - whether I'm one of the lucky ones or not!)

  11. Sounds like a lot of fun! Hope you have a great time talking to them (seems like you will).

  12. The conference does sound great! Will def. check it out!

    And have fun with the jr high kids. I'm sure you will!

  13. I've always avoided Ali's Ninja Group, not because I don't love Ali - I think she's awesome - but I just worry I don't have time for One More Thing. Now I may have to reconsider.

  14. I'm excited for NiNoCon! I'm so glad it's at the beginning of the month since I'm due the 20th. It'll probably one of the last big writerly things I do before I have to focus on getting the house ready for baby #3.

    As for a joke... I got nothing. Sorry!

  15. Ali's group seems so awesome, I just feel overwhelmed as is. Have fun with the teens tomorrow!!! :-)

  16. Awesome Elana! That is so exciting! I know the "teens" will love having you there, and that is an awesome bargain for your book! Looking forward to NiNo too. :)

  17. Good on you for takin' it to the teens! They'll love you and hang on every word.

  18. Oh my gosh! You are so busy! That's so awesome. Good luck!

  19. I'm so glad you will be at NiNoCon. I totally told my husband that he has mom duty that day because I'm going to be glued to my computer :)

  20. I submitted my query for NiNoCon. Now I just need to rearrange my schedule. As for a joke. I'd start with a why the chicken crossed the road one. Those are always good.

  21. ooooh, Ninocon looks awesome. (Though, then again, Ali is quite awesome herself.) Have fun with the middle-schoolers!

    <3 Gina Blechman

  22. You're going to have a blast! I'm the world's worst joke teller, so I won't hurt your chances with a suggestion! :)

  23. I'm no good with jokes, so you're probably going to do great without my help. Have fun tomorrow! :)

  24. That is AWESOME! I wish I was a teen at that school...but that is really cool, be proud! If I WAS a teen I would be stupid excited.

  25. Let's see, maybe you can start with the cat in the hat and the dog in the bog, or was that a log. No, the log was for Pete and Repeat. Er, just don't go with the blonde jokes. There will be blondes there and they won't find them funny. Mayhaps you can just plug them for who they think should star in your "movie version" of Possession. Yeah, that would get the conversation rolling.

    Hoping your talk is very fun and I look forward to learning more about query writing at NiNoCon. You so rock for doing this.

  26. Have fun with your talk Elana. Now you must tell us one of your jokes.

  27. I can't think of a good joke for you to tell but am curious to know what joke you end up telling them. NinoCon sounds great. I'd love to submit a query for you to shred!

  28. Sounds like fun. You'll knock em dead at the signing I have no doubt. And unfortunately no jokes, so I'm no help there. Sorry! That's awesome that you're participating in Ali's con. I'll have to drop in.

  29. Have fun with the teens. $10 is an amazing price for the hardcover!

    What lucky people to get a query critique from you. I enjoyed it last time.
