Monday, January 2, 2012

Top Ten Moments of Christmas Break

Dude, I think every new year should be spent in reflection, but honestly, I'm tired of reflecting. I think it's all I've done for the past four months and it's EXHAUSTING.

I seriously can't take any more reflection right now, unless we're talking mirrors, which I don't really like either because my hair needs to be re-dyed.

Anyway. Today, I thought a fun post about the awesomeness that was the end of 2011 would be fun. Here we go.

10. Christmas treat a day. (Okay, I might have missed a few days, mostly because I may have said, "I never want to eat again" a couple of times.) I made a treat each day. Ghetto toffee. Apricot kielbasa. Chips and queso. Cookies. Corn and bacon dip. (Bacon!) Bacon-wrapped smokies. Pork on pork. HOLY COW. (Or PIG.)

9. My daughter's handwritten notes. I love her invented spellings and her cute first-grader handwriting. My favorite: Hi mom I am not feling good today cuse my nose is stufe and my throt is clogd. and my tume isit feling good. P.S. I stil wont to go to Arethr Chrismas.

I mean, seriously. (Yes, I took her to the movie.)

8. My new ring.

I've had the butterfly for 6 months. The hummingbird is new. 

7. Time to read. I think I read 4-5 books over the two week period. There's nothing I like more than lying in bed late at night, reading. *bliss*

6. Sleeping in. Fine, there's nothing I like more than staying up late at night reading and then sleeping in late the next morning.

5. Showering in the afternoon. FINE. There's nothing I like more than staying up late at night reading and then sleeping in late the next morning and then sort of getting a few things done and writing and whatever and then taking a shower at 4 PM.

My husband thinks I'm weird. Whatever. I love showering in the afternoon.

4. Not driving my kids around. I have loved looking at the Google cal these past few weeks. I haven't even cried or tried to smother the crushing load of drop offs and pick ups under a mountain of false cheery thoughts like, "Well, at least I'll be home by 7:30." Like that's early or something.

3. My new sound-canceling headphones. You think you don't need them. You do.

2. Sitting on the couch watching movies. There is nothing I like more than... Oh crap. But seriously, we had a romantic comedy day and watched You've Got Mail, Two Weeks Notice, and Notting Hill back-to-back-to-back. What an incredible #win of a day.

1. Being with those I love most. Because my husband and I both teach, we've been home together as a family for 16 days. And no one died!

What would be on your list for best moments of 2011?


  1. For me too, it's been incredible to all be home together as a family with nowhere to go, no sports, or ballet, or anything. It's been awesome!

  2. Oh, with the reading and the headphones and....ahhhh. Sounds amazing.

    Mine happened over break. I finally got WiP #2 out to the first round of crit partners. They have a lot of revision suggestions, but they LOVE it. *bliss*

  3. I was able to read 3 books during my 2 week break. That's like a marathon or something for me. And I can so relate to your #4. I've whispered that same truth "At least I'll be home by 7 or 8 or 9." Of course, spending time with my family has been the best part (my hubby was home for one week).

    Thanks for sharing your list, Elana. And may 2012 bring you much happiness and success!

  4. School breaks are awesome except they make me more selfish for one more day.

    Great--reflective list.


  5. Your hummingbird is beautiful - and romcom day sounds like bliss! Glad you had an amazing break after all your hard work last year!
    Happy 2012
    Laura x

  6. Seriously, showers in the afternoon should be law!

    And you've just inspired me to watch Love Actually, which I've somehow not watched all season.

  7. There are so many awesome things on that list! I also love, love, love afternoon showers. That's a good day.

    And I will second the need for everyone to own a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. They're invaluable.

  8. My best moment of 2011 was signing a two-book deal with Spencer Hill Press for my debut YA, TOUCH OF DEATH, which releases January 2013! I signed right before Christmas and it was the best present ever.

    Happy New Year!

  9. This past week of sleeping and bumming around has been great. Hours and hours of playing Skyrim...
    I've also been reading. And writing! Need to complete just one more book...

  10. Those are all great moments that you shared. So glad you had a wonderful 2011 and a great Christmas break. I look forward to all 2012 holds.

  11. I had a great vacation visiting with family and yes, reading. Sounds like you had a great break. Many on your list are my favorites too. Happy New Year!

  12. Happy New Year!

    The rings are so pretty. :)

    I enjoyed sleeping in and reading.

  13. Ooh, the rings are pretty!

    There's nothing I like more than number 6 either. Even if the other people in my household think I'm lazy.

  14. It was awesome to have some family time and some lazy time. Ahhh - the joys of sleeping in. :)

    And... I love your rings!

  15. I love it that you're sick and tired of reflecting. I often tell people that I don't go out to bars or parties or whatnot for New Year's because I prefer to stay home and reflect. That's total crap, actually, because I usually just fall asleep at 9 or 10 after watching a few movies. :)

  16. Cute ring! My top moment of 2011 is when my husband, who was laid off 18 months ago, got offered a job! Best Christmas present EVER. Here's hoping 2012 kicks ass!

  17. I love number 6! My family has definitely been the highlight of my 2011 and starting my writing journey. I wish you a wonderful 2012!

  18. That sounds like a very familiar Christmas break! Particularly the reading late, sleeping in, afternoon shower bit. Ahh...last week...I miss you already...Happy New Year! Look ahead now, not behind!

  19. Although I complain about the massive amounts of chocolate hanging around, it is so much easier getting up these mornings when I know I can nibble on a Christmas Chocolate treat! And I agree that showers in the afteroon are the best!

  20. How about running into famous people like you?

    Something fun was seeing all my family that I don't usually get to see, and not having to put kids to bed, my husband finished his classes and spent time with the kids, pure bliss!

  21. That's a great list, Elana. It always feels so decadent to shower in the afternoon after hanging out in my jammies and reading for the morning.

    Happy New Year!

  22. That ring looks downright dangerous! I love those vacation days that don't involve showering at all. :)

  23. Sixteen days off? We only got a week...but I did slip in some sleeping in, some movies and a little reading...even with travel. Most important, I hit my favorite used bookstore sale.

  24. Sound cancelling earphones. I'm so jealous and corn/bacon dip sounds amazing.

    Happy New Year.

  25. What great moments. Happy New Year! :) I was happy my husband got to stay home for over a week and we slept in... as much as the boy allowed us to!

  26. Awesome list! :) We've all had the time off since the 23rd too. Hubby & son are back to work tomorrow - but it's been a great break!

  27. Amen to not driving the kids around.
    I'm glad you're back. I missed your posts. Happy New Year, BTW!

  28. Ditto all that. I stayed in my pajamas all day and read and generally let my house fall to pieces all around me. It's been awesome.

  29. I LOVE the rings and adore your daughter's note. Too cute.

    I thoroughly enjoyed getting into the blogosphere in 2011, but my favorite thing was personalizing Christmas ornaments with my daughter. I was fun...SOOO much fun.

  30. I think we have the same idea of bliss. Reading late into the night/early morning, sleeping in, and showering ... whenever. Congratulations on your relaxing holidays.

  31. Hehehe, I love showering in the afternoon. And I need to get some of those headphones! Glad you've had a great time. :)

  32. I got to spend almost my whole break with my husband too and I told him he was lucky because we had spent that much time together and I wanted to spend more, which means we like each other still. Considering some of the relationships around me, that's quite an accomplishment.

    Still love the rings.

  33. I love, love, love this list. I love hearing the happy in your voice.

    Happy New YEAR E!

  34. Love showering in the afternoon. Glad you had a great break. Happy New Year Elana! :)

  35. I LOVED this list!

    My husband isn't a teacher, but he took off work the same days we were off. It felt like we were on vacation! I really, really loved it. I could certainly do it for another week or two. Or seven. You're right-- it's not just the lack of work and school, it's also been the lack of running kids around everywhere. Of me doing scouts. Of doing homework. Sigh. It's a shame we have to go back to life tomorrow.

    My daughter has creative spelling, too! Sometimes I read her notes with fascination. It's like I'm looking at a piece of abstract art, and I just can't stop staring at how unbelievably creative it is.

  36. Finishing my edits. Then collapsing. :)

  37. Finishing my edits. Then collapsing. :)

  38. I got sound cancelling headphones for Christmas too! And they didn't work!?!

  39. It's so nice to know there is someone out there like me. My husband also thinks I'm crazy when I stay up late reading, sleep in late, and take a shower after lunch. (Waaay after lunch.)

    I love your list of romantic comedies. I watched You've Got Mail too--along with While You Were Sleeping and An Affair To Remember. All three movies have Christmas in them and the last one makes me cry. But that's a good thing.

    Great post, Elana.

  40. I love your best moments! I think I'll just borrow them. :) If I had to pick a best moment though I'd have to say planning for my sister's visit, going with my hubby to Seattle so he could finally meet my critique sisters, and holding my very first book~by me!~in my hands. Now that you mention it, it was a pretty great year. :)

  41. Break has been fabulous - no stress, no worries. Just getting to live life and being productive. As for best moments of 2011 in general - hanging in Utah with you, right up there ;)

  42. My post was similiar today:) There is nothing like counting your blessings.
    Sounds like you had a terrific holiday and I think your my twin with the things you did/are grateful for...right down to the needing your hair done:)

    Happy New Year!!!!

  43. My post was similiar today:) There is nothing like counting your blessings.
    Sounds like you had a terrific holiday and I think your my twin with the things you did/are grateful for...right down to the needing your hair done:)

    Happy New Year!!!!

  44. I certainly agree with 1-10. Although I did not get a new ring for Christmas (a necklace instead). I contently enjoyed staying up late to watch a movie and read. Let the truth be known there is nothing wrong with showering in the afternoon!

  45. Your Christmas break sounded awesome! Happy 2012. :)

  46. Those rings are too awesome for words! My Christmas break was wonderful, too--staying up late watching LOST, sleeping in late, showering late afternoon...oh, wait, you already said that. DANG! But it's still true for me, too. AND my husband is also a teacher (we really should be sisters, Elana) so I got quality family time and loved it. :-)

  47. Nice Christmas, Elana! Reading, eating and hanging with fam is. The. Best.
    (PS Bought hubby those headphones!)

  48. Such a great list. I love staying up late and reading and then sleeping in too! I did that last night in fact *yawns* *pads off to take an afternoon shower*

  49. Oh wow. I have no idea what pork on pork is, but I want one! Happy New Year, Elana!

  50. Love these! I think my best moments in 2011 were really just a lot of small ones - like a full request or a contest win or laughing with my kids or hearing them say/do cute, sweet things or hanging out with my husband.

  51. What a great post! You had me cracking up! But like you, I don't feel like reflecting right now. I'll say this though - the surprise snuggles from the little one. That's #1. She's like a cat and only gives attention when she wants to. Which is rarely. So when she takes my hand or curls up against me...I'm in pure heaven.

  52. I know this is kind of sad, but I so enjoyed having Christmas only with my kids and husband in the mountains. Not having to drive to 5 different houses was wonderful.
    Oh and spending several nights in the hot tub.

  53. Your #1 is my #1. And I totally agree about sound-canceling headphones :)

  54. Fab ring! Love the butterfly as well. As a fellow teacher I'm totally into the staying up late reading, sleeping in, showering late scenario. It's Nirvana. I'm going to be a grumpasaurus that first week back in the classroom.

  55. I totally agree with the sleeping in. I think I only got up at the earliest...9? It was great!

  56. What a great list! You make me laugh, smile, and nod my head - sometimes all at once! Savoring stuff like this is SO nice. Glad you enjoyed your time together.

  57. Is it wrong that I still invent spellings????

    I need some sound-canceling headphones right now. Only five more days and my kids are back to school. I'm not sure I'm going to survive that long. :P

  58. ooh yeah, #6 is a huge plus, in my book.
    Best 2011 moment for me was selling my short story. But in general it was a pretty good year. Here's hoping 2012 is just as great for us!

  59. Elana, your mention of Bacon-wrapped Smokies reminded me of the yummiest thing ever to do with bacon. I don't know why I didn't share it with you long ago...Bacon-wrapped Tator Tots. Favorite thing on earth! If you need more details I will be happy to share.
