Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What Does One Blog About for Post #850?

Dude. This is my 850th post. I wish I was kidding. It makes me happy and a little depressed at the same time.

I mean, eight HUNDRED and FIFTY freaking posts? What could I have possibly said that was worth it? How much time have I spent in blogger? And the real kicker: What do I have left to say?

I wish I knew. And I've never done this before, so hopefully you won't start throwing tomatoes or anything (although I do love tomatoes. Especially with ranch).

But what do you wish I'd blog about? I feel like I open veins here and you get to see the good, the bad, the messy. I'll give you fair warning on those posts.

But here I am. I've been blogging for going on 4 years now. I have one book out and another on the way. I teach classes on query letters, (NiNoCon is coming up!) and building your blog, and pitching agents, and quasi-outlining at conferences.

What do you want to know?


  1. As a celebration, you could post some of your "favorite" posts. Perhaps a couple of week's (or month's) worth of flashbacks interspersed with new posts.

  2. How you can give me a ninja kick to stand up again and continue submitting to agents because rejections have brought me to my knees.

  3. You always have something interesting to say. But I know what you mean about it being hard to think of what you can continue saying.

    I always like when you tell us about books you've read and interview the authors.

  4. Sometimes, I freak out about what I should post about, and I've only posted 215 times on my blog! Congrats on 850!!! That's awesome! And, of course, congrats on the books. I'll have to check into this NiNoCon thing...

  5. Weekly (Every-four-day-ly) question for me, too. But my favorite posts of yours are the ones where you give us a peek at your life and then encourage us to be better in whatever way it happens to be that week. You've probably said approximately the same thing each time, but it's always inspiring.

    Best of luck with it all!

  6. Wow! 850 posts is amazing! I've only got 90 something...

    But really, I don't feel like you have to blog about any particular thing. Write what you feel like writing, and we'll listen!

  7. I hope I can get to 850! When I run out of thing to say, my kids or friends do something crazy and I'm inspired again. :)

  8. Congrats on 850 posts! That's awesome!

    And I think you'll find something to say, either that or find people to guest post/interview. :)

    I do like Anthony's suggestion of a flashback of favorite posts. That could be fun.

  9. Congratulations, Elana! What a 4 years it's been! Woo-hoo!

  10. Congrats on the 850 Elana. I am almost to 700--I better get busy to catch up with you.

  11. I don't always comment, but I do always read.

    To be honest, I find anything you write a great read. If it's about your day, something you've read, your publishing perseverance.

    You should make a happy happy joy joy post about how you have some freaking awesome cover art. I never get tired of that. I love your cover art.

    On a side note - I ordered Jodi Meadow's Incarnate along with the Possession hardback. Silly me. Now I have to wait until Jan 31st for both *headdesk*

    And congrats on 850 :D

  12. I love this blog - truly has influenced my life.

    I think it would be interesting to see a day in the life - time at work, time with kids, etc.

  13. Congratulations! Your story is truly inspirational, love your blog, etc. etc.

    I still actually love to read the writing process posts you put up here and there. I know that publisheds still struggle with the nuts and bolts of writing, but I feel like by and large they don't blog about it too often. I think that would be especially encouraging.

    But, hey - between you, me, and your kajillion followers? It's just awesome that you asked.

  14. I love your blog so I'd read about anything. Maybe you could talk about the dark side of writing - promoting.

  15. Wow. First of all, congrats on quite a milestone! You're such a blogger to look up to, but I can totally understand the feeling you're expressing.

    I have no idea what to tell you to blog about. I can't even figure out what to blog about myself anymore, and I've only been doing it half as long as you.

  16. That's a lot of posts. I don't know if I have any new ideas you haven't already written about. I've learned a lot from you about queries and posting and blogging and pitching. Thanks for sharing all your insight!

  17. Congrats! That's an amazing accomplishment.

  18. That's twice what I've done! But I've only been blogging for two years now. Guess I know what's coming for me in two years.
    Is blogging still your favorite? Or do you enjoy another social platform more now?

  19. I've been reading your blog for a couple of years now and you've done a wonderful job at keeping things fresh.

    I would like to know the answer to Alex's question. What's your favorite social platform?

  20. You write about the most inspiring things. You're honest and straight forward, and you keep us all going at times when many of us feel alone or like giving up. That's what you blog about my dear. :)

  21. You rock, Elana! Hey, you mentioned you teach classes on query letters. Do you still do that? Where could I find out more?

  22. Making us do all the work?

    I'd like to know your editing/critique method. How many drafts do you write before it's ready for other eyes? How many other eyes critique your draft? What types of critiques do you look for (line editing or overall impressions or both)? Do these eyes look at it at once or one at a time?

    Happy 850 posts!

  23. Oh, congratulations on post 850!! :) I guess I'll maybe get there someday too - what an intimidating thought! Hopefully by then I'll have made it half as far as you have. :)

  24. I always love the posts where you honestly share what's going on with you. Also, as you gear up to market book number two, what lessons have you learned about marketing? What did you do to market book number one that didn't work? What do you wish you would've done to market #1 that you'll do to market book #2?

  25. Congrats on post 850! You must be doing something right:)

    So you know what I'd love to know about? All these pitch contests of late ask for general pitches of your book. Not a query. Not a logline. Is there a formula for a general pitch and how long should one be? I'm just miffed on this subject and can't seem to find an answer...unless of course it's a logline.

  26. 850 posts is a big deal. Not a lot of people can make that claim. But it goes to show that you never know what you have to say until it comes out.

    You've shared a lot and I am very honored to have learned of this blog, your book and your love of bacon. Something that I must admit I'm confused about is some of the terminology when it comes to the pitch, logline, summary, hook. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. Clarification would help...I hope :-)

  27. Four years? I didn't realize you'd been here for that long. So awesome.

    I just like to hear about what's happening with you. It's all fun. And you're awesome. ;)

  28. I think you do a great job with mixing it up - some about you, some about writing, some about life, some about the reality of publishing. It's all good!

  29. You are always so generous with your advice and, like it's been said before, you are always fresh. I never feel like I'm reading a re-run.

    So, basically, just keep doing what you're doing!

  30. Congrats on four years! (sorry I don't have suggestions for you! ;)

  31. 850 is a lot! I know in turn, you've inspired me, informed me and entertained me. Keep on being you :)

  32. I want to know everything....

    The creepy, the horrible, the wonderful, the magical unicorns that eat my left socks at night.

    850 is really amazing Elana, Great job. Every post, that I have read, is worth the read.

  33. Thanks for commenting on my query over at Matt's blog! Nice to meet you :)

    850 posts is impressive! Congrats!

  34. Yeah, I'm with EM... I could use a good kick too.

    I'd like some advice on what to REALLY do at a conference. I am going to the SCBWI conference in NYC. in less that two weeks.

    I would LOVE some advice Elana, please. I could use all the help I can get.


  35. 850. That is crazy. But cool too. What would our world be like without blogging. I can almost remember... :-)

  36. 850? Wow! I'm only at 150, and often wonder what the heck I've talked about.

    Since you're the reigning marketing / social media queen, I would love to know what you've done that was totally worth it, and what ate a lot of time that ended up not being worth it for the time you spent.

  37. 850 posts. Amazing.

    I agree with the person who suggested reposting some of your favorites...maybe with brief updates on how you feel about the issue/topic now compared to then.

  38. The blog posts of yours that I really love are about you, your feelings about your journey (yes, the vein-slicing ones), what's going on with you and your career, and the honest ones about what can and can't help another author. I guess that's just me saying that I pretty much love all of your posts. =P
