Monday, March 5, 2012

Can You Believe It's March??

I mean, seriously. March, where did you come from? I feel like time is moving simultaneously warpish and sluggish. It makes no sense, and my brain is getting all swirled up.

Anyway, SURRENDER will be in out in exactly three months. THREE MONTHS. Can you believe that? It feels like POSSESSION just hit shelves. {{{Just one example of the warp-speed movement of time.

I had some goals last month to finish some books, and it didn't happen. So I'm going to go public here and say that I will finish the two books this month. I'm (almost) sure I can do it. I have about 20K to go in one, and about 20K in another. That's less than NaNo wordcounts, so yeah. I *think* I can.

March is always a good month for X-Men. Yesterday, I watched the first three. When I type that, I feel sort of nauseous, but it's true. Gotta love downtime on the weekend.

So, can you believe it's March? What are your writing goals this month? Seen any good movies lately?


  1. I can't believe it's March either and that we've got things budding and blooming in our yard that shouldn't be out until next month!

    Congratulations on Surrender. (I haven't seen any X-Men films...)

  2. I can't believe it's already March. My birthday is at the end of the month, we close on a house, we start the adoption process, AND I hope to finish a new YA I started. So much going on it's hard to keep on these days.

    Looking forward to Surrender, and those other two novels you're hoping to finish by the end of this month!

  3. No I can't believe it's March. That means winter is already gone - and we didn't even get a winter this year!

  4. You read my mind when it comes to March. Were is the year going????

    Good luck with your goals, Elana!

  5. I know. The year is speeding by. You've got some awesome goals this month.

    Now that swim season is done for awhile, I'm hoping to get some more regular writing time in.

  6. I'll be 35 next week. Seems like yesterday I turned 30. I think that's the funny thing about publishing, too. Looking forward, it's like looking through a telescope backwards, everything is so far away. But looking back, it must be the opposite, years flying by in mere moments.

  7. Yeah, I can't believe it's already March and I've gotten so little accomplished. Time to get cracking on those goals! I hope you accomplish what you want to this month.

  8. Two books. WOW! I am just hoping to finish the short and start book 2. With the launch, I figure that is still optimistic, yes?!?

  9. March surprised me too. I missed my February goal of finishing revisions on a novel and re-submitting to an agent, but I'm so close! Good luck to you!

  10. I'm getting my second round of edits back from my editor this week (for Touch of Death). I'm crossing my fingers that this round isn't too painful. The last one wasn't bad and that was content based, so the pesky grammar edit shouldn't be too bad. I hope.

  11. No, I can't believe it's March, but I'm so glad it is--one step closer to spring! My goals- write at least three more chapters in my new wip. However, I began a chapter last night (literally one sentence long) and I'm already staring at my screen saying to myself, "Now what? What happens next?" Good luck to you and finishing your books!

  12. Oh, I love the X-men movies! It doesn't get much better than Hugh Jackman in tight leather ;)

    I plan to start writing the sequel and do the final edits on the first book so I can query!

  13. My March is INSANE so I'm now in the hold on for dear life mode, trying to finish writing and revising and wondering what Utah weather will do to me this year.

  14. It is interesting how time is flying. It seems to slow down during the work week when we're all rushing to get to the weekend then the time whizzes away before we can get a good hold on it and squeeze it for all it's worth.

    Then back to Monday lol!!

    SURRENDER's launch is getting closer and closer. Will be here very soon. YAY!!!

    I decided to list my March goals at my blog so that I can keep myself accountable for making progress. I've got MINGLED still in the revision stage then I want to get it out to betas. Le sigh.

  15. I'm with Alex on this one. What the heck happened to winter in these parts. I feel ripped off. Time is a crazy thing. It comes at goes at its own pace.

  16. Love it! It's like we skipped winter all together! March I just want to be finished with my edits completely. I want my MS to be bright and shiny come March end. But, the way time is passing, I better get on it...

  17. I LOVE X-Men. Love. We watched Captain America last night. I loved it! It was even better the second time! :) And I can't wait for The Avengers! Yes, I'm a nerd. ;)

  18. My writing goal is to finish the last four chapters of my WIP and send it off to the publisher who is waiting to read it.

  19. My husband and I really got into the Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series (they broke them out in 6 movies...or 3 if you rent from the library).

    March isn't my fav. month but I'm hoping to finish one WIP and potentially dive into another.
    ~ Wendy

  20. I still can't believe it's March. I'm planning on doing my last edits and getting my query out! Whoop!

  21. Gotta love X-Men! I spent most of the weekend watching movies, too! Saw the Artist, which was VERY inspirational and sweet.

    My goal for March is to write a first draft without stopping to edit *cringes thinking about it*

  22. I'm so glad it's March. That means we're even closer to spring. Today is beautiful. The next couple aren't looking too good in the forecast tho. *sigh*

    I haven't even watched X-Men! Pathetic, I know! I have watched Wolverine, because I am infatuated with Hugh. I really need to watch the others tho.

  23. Yep. Tempus fugit. That's why the Lord tells us to number our days. Life is passing by much faster than people realize--often they don't have a clue until it's too late.

  24. Nope. I cannot believe March is here. No good movies I'd recommend, but Once Upon a Time is a rockin show.

    And hey, if you commit to finishing your two books this month, I will also commit to drafting one. *gulps*

    I should get to work on that.

  25. Good luck with finishing your books. I can't believe it's March either.

  26. Yay for March! I'm so glad it's here. Now if only the snow would stay away for good.

    You can finish your books, I know you can. : )

    Me? I'm getting ready for the April A to Z Blog Challenge, reading some e-books, and working on some reviews. I'm also writing daily!


  27. Good luck, Elana! Get your books done. It's all down here to summer vaca from here.
    I need to finish my MS before Storymakers so I can pitch it.
    Movies? HUGO was intriguing.

  28. It is a bit nuts that it's already March. Time definitely does go faster and faster. This is probably because our brain synapses stop regenerating after our early 20s.

    Whatever. I live in Minneapolis, so the sooner winter is over with, the better.

  29. The first X-Men movie always makes me excited to write. Something about it just sparks the impossible in my head and I say, "Oh, hell yes!"
