Friday, March 23, 2012

The Great Preorder Adventure

Okay, people! Today is wonderful and exciting for many reasons.

1. The Hunger Games comes out in theaters today. I am so excited to go! Now, I just need to find a free weekend...

2. Today begins the great pre-order giveaway for SURRENDER -- which comes out on June 5! I've never done anything like this before, so it's going to be a grand adventure, on which I hope you'll join me! It should be very simple, really.

I've been working behind the scenes to put together "The Insider's Case Files" which is a booklet of 10 characters you'll see in SURRENDER -- including some of your favorites from POSSESSION.

The Prize: 50 people will get this exclusive file, with never-to-be-released-online character content and some of the most amazing exclusive character artwork (by the genius that is Dustin Hansen), and a SURRENDER swag package in their mailbox in May.

One spectacular character illustration will be released during next week's YA Scavenger Hunt (on March 29) and will give you an example of the type of amazing prize this is! And I can't help myself... These are Vi's eyes, and only the smallest taste of the beautiful art you'll get in The Insider's Case Files.

The What: Pre-order SURRENDER from your favorite retailer, or spread the word about this contest.
Order SURRENDER here: (*No purchase necessary. See Official Rules.)

The When: From now until May 8, when the paperback of POSSESSION hits shelves. (Previous pre-orders will be accepted. Just email the confirmation email/screen shot. See below.)

Please see the Official Rules here.

The How: Four Ways to Enter!
1. Pre-order Surrender.

Email possessionbook(at)gmail(dot)com with a forward of your order confirmation. (If this includes confidential financial information, please take a screen shot of your order confirmation. Screen shot instructions for Mac and PC are here.)

2. Tweet or Facebook about your purchase. (If you need additional help knowing how to do this, click here.)

3. Like SURRENDER on Amazon. Two clicks: Click this link and then click the "LIKE" button on the Surrender page.

4. Tweet about this giveaway. It only takes two clicks: CLICK HERE and then click TWEET.

You must send an email to enter. Please say which items (1-4 above) you've done in the entry email you send to possessionbook(at)gmail(dot)com.

And that's it! I hope you'll take a few minutes today to pre-order SURRENDER or help spread the word -- and if you're super-excited to read the book, you don't have to wait much longer. The first two chapters have been released into the wild! Go here to read them!

Happy Friday!


  1. So exciting! I can't wait to see the artwork! =D

  2. Awesome. I'd already pre-ordered it. Still hoping I'm getting an ARC too.

  3. Ooh, this is great and obviously a lot of work! Will spread the word for you.

  4. Wow! This is impressive. I thought you were going to take it easier this time around...?

  5. You're so brilliant and organized. I have to wait until I get paid to pre-order, but I liked and tweeted for now.

  6. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Woohoo! This is so exciting (and I already twitted it before I knew I had to, sweet!)

  8. That's a generous deal! Barely two months away now, Elana.

  9. I'm working on my pre-order right now... Awesome contest, love this!

  10. I've preordered my copy. Can't wait to read it!

  11. This is an awesome contest! Will be doing this! <3

    You rock!

  12. pre-ordered, liked and tweeted.

    xoxo, my friend!

  13. AAAHHHH! So excited. Yay for book releases and bonuses and other fun stuff.

  14. Congratulations on the upcoming release! I'm going to click "like" and tweet :-)

  15. SO EXCITED!!! Secret content and only 50 TOTAL?!?! I'm sooo in!!
