Friday, March 9, 2012

This, That, And Some More

Okay, so lots going on in my neck of the woods recently.

This: I moved my free short story, Insider Information, to my Facebook page only. In fact, my Facebook page is going to be the hub for all exciting book-related things--and there are some EXCITING things coming up! So you should be over there, liking that, if you haven't already.

That: Possession is a bargain book on Amazon right now. With the new paperback launching the new look of the series very soon, this is going to be the last time you can get a sparkly white cover. I would seriously love you forever if you bought it.

It's only $7.18 right now, and you can't even really go to McDonald's for that much. (Don't be a hater. You know I love the Bic Mac.)

If you already own Possession, maybe you'd consider buying it as a gift. No one has to know you got it for 60% off...

Some More: I have an ARC of STARTERS by Lissa Price! This is an amazing dystopian novel that comes out on Tuesday, March 13.

A quick synop: In the future, teens rent their bodies to seniors who want to be young again. One girl discovers her renter plans to do more than party--her body will commit murder, if her mind can't stop it.

If you'd like to win the ARC, just leave me a comment on this post.

So there you go! This, That, and Some More. What have you been up to lately? If there are exciting things, I better be getting an email!


  1. I just welcomed my brother home from a mission, won the chance to sit at the VIP table at Storymakers, had a breakthrough with my characters in my WIP and made it through my hell week!

  2. I have to read your short stories. I'm not a big fan of short stories, except for those related to characters from novels I've read (or will be reading). Christine Lee told me your new one is awesome. The only problem is I hate reading stories on the computer. It feels too much like beta reading. :(

  3. Oh, I'll hop over to your fb for the nitty gritty details. I like short stories and purchase them on my ereader to zip through for my lunch.

  4. I HEART your FB page!

    Nothing email worthy to share, just yet. Just yet.

    Hold please...

  5. Ooh, this book sounds awesome and the cover is eerily gorgeous!


  6. I'd love an ARC! My sister loves them too! Thanks!

  7. Arg... I haven't bought possession yet, so this is perfect. I just need to bug my dad to steal his credit card. :p

    And that new book looks really cool, like a dystopian version of the Meg cabot airhead novels. I'd love to win an arc!

    elanor_gamgee at yahoo dot ca

  8. I'd love to review the ARC on my blog and will check out your FB. Lived Posession and will be bligging my review next week during Spring Break.

    sloanl29 (at )

  9. 60% off? Wow.
    I'm on the last leg of my tour. Tomorrow, I sleep.

  10. Fabulousity all the way around. WOOT!!! Me? I am talking tour today...

  11. That is a bargain!

    The arc sounds truly interesting.

  12. Ooh, I've been reading about STARTERS and would love to win an ARC - thanks Elana.

    Off to purchase POSSESSION - again! You go, girl - and what great news about a new look for the series - congrats!!!

    My news: I'm headed off today to the Tucson Book Festival. A panel and a workshop presentation and I got invited so Scholastic is paying my way, which still blows my mind! Got a *Starred* review in SLJ for CIRCLE OF SECRETS!!! Another stunner. At least for me. Finishing up production work on the next MG for Scholastic and about to head into editorial revisions for my YA trilogy with Harpercollins.

    Oh, and I'm signed up for Storymakers - hope you are too!

    xo, Kimberley

  13. This: Writing like a mad person for the Great Word Count Challenge on a blog. That: Chatting with my professor who helped me reach a break through for my WIP. Some More: I would love to win that ARC!!


  14. I haven't had anything good happen this week. I did win Starters so let someone else win.

  15. I'm starting my first round of revisions on my current WIP. And working at the school book fair. And hurrying over to amazon to get Possession at 60% off.

  16. I love the cover of Insiders, the way you combined the two iced butterflies--so gorgeous! I'm so "into" your world right now that I'm going to go back and re-read Possession. :-)

    I have an eGalley of Starters, so don't enter me for this one.

  17. Got my sparkly white cover :) It's cool to have the first version.

  18. I'd love to win that Arc of Starters... and yay!!! I didn't know you had a free short story! off to read...

  19. I just reached the end of the 1st trimester. My brain is starting to come back and my tummy is finally cooperating a bit again. Maybe writing will start to happen again.

  20. Loving the This, That and Some More awesomness you have going on here. Jetting over to FB to make sure I liked you. I think I already liked you before but just want to be sure, you know, cuz, that's what you do when you're paranoid like me lol!!!

    I've seen Starters's trailer and man did I enjoy it.

  21. Um, WOW! STARTERS sounds amazing. Intriguing story.
    Ready to get my hands on your next book, missy!

  22. Starter's sounds fascinating! Hi Elana!

  23. This book sounds amazing with a unique take on dystopia. Going to be a great read!

  24. I am going to bug you to teach me how to do stuff like that on my FB page. My book is going to press this afternoon! Is that exciting enough? =)

  25. I'd love a shot at winning Starters--thanks for the giveaway, Elana!

  26. Starters has a unique concept! Sounds great :) Have a great weekend - we're on our March break for a week - do you get one?

  27. I may have to get a couple extra copies of "white" Possession, just because. Might be fun for giveaways in, I don't know, say, June? Yeah, I might have to do that.

    And Starters sounds way creepy. Awesome creepy, I mean. *shivers in anticipation*

  28. I want that book! It sounds so amazing! <3

  29. Wow, starters sounds amazing.

    And your facebook page is definitely liked. :)

  30. Nothing exciting-- just edits. :)

    So cool about Possession! And Fascinating synop on Starters.

  31. Starters - blue eye - wow premise. Sweet. I love the trapped in a cube/jar look on your covers.

  32. I love my shiny POSSESSION. And I'm looking forward to my trapped hummingbird. ;)

    That books sounds VERY interesting. Wow. Freaky.
