Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Introducing Awesomeness

Okay, so it's Wednesday, and I think that means that many of you are here to win an ARC of SURRENDER. That will happen! For realz. But first I have a couple of things... 

It's the Insecure Writer's Group today, and dude. If there's one thing I'm insecure about it's having contests and giveaways that people don't enter. 

It's so hard to know what people want. Or what they'll do to get it. Or what bugs them that they don't want to do. No one tells you, so you're left wringing your hands going, "Someone enter my giveaway!" 

It's awful. So today, I've decided to up the giveaway a little. 2 SURRENDER ARCs. And 5 copies of REGRET--my short story that came out last week.

Before the giveaway, I wanted to let everyone know about some upcoming things that will be happening for SURRENDER--and where you will have many chances to win more of those ARCs. It's called the YA Book Blogger pre-release tour, and it's going to blow your mind.

I will be giving stuff away. ARCs will be prizes. You will get super-sekrit information, insider scoops, the works. And it's all happening for three weeks starting on Monday, May 7. The whole schedule--including the giveaway widgets--is here.

One of the ways you can enter to win is to take this badge and put it on your blog sidebar. It's super easy, because all you have to do is copy the HTML code in that box there. Bam! Done.
Pre-release blog tour badge

Here's the schedule for next week, and you can check my blog each day for directions, and hey, who knows? Maybe I'll do some extra giveaways too...

Week 1:
Monday, May 7: Books Complete Me
Tuesday, May 8: I Read Banned Books
Wednesday, May 9: Eve's Fan Garden
Thursday, May 10: Teens Read and Write
Friday, May 11: Hypable

AND ONTO today's giveaway! If you haven't had a chance to read my short story, REGRET, yet, today is your lucky day! I will be giving away five (5) copies. All you have to do is comment on this post to win (and fill out the Rafflecopter widget).

This contest is only open TODAY. I will draw winners tonight at 10 PM Mountain time, so comment away! 

You know you don't want to be the cause of my insecurity, right? Um... Please enter? And you can enter to win the Insider's Case Files here, too. That ends next Tuesday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Some discussion topics:

  • Bacon -- it's awesomeness
  • Why is Big League Chew the best gum ever?
  • Favorite time of year
  • Why yard work should be eliminated
  • Who might win Survivor? 
  • Why oh why is Phillip Phillips still on AI?
  • Vacuuming -- overrated or necessary? 


  1. Vaccuuming is cruel to dust bunnies! Should definitely be eliminated! :)

  2. Awesome giveaway. I think giving away the ARCS and REGRET are sure ways to get people's interest.

    I'm not entering because I have an ARC and am reading it now. Love it! So does my daughter. We're sharing reading time to read it. I stayed up too late reading it but it was worth it. It's so awesome!

  3. As a teacher, I love book giveaways! It's one more way I can add to my classroom library without breaking my own bank account! Thank you--and all the other writers who are so generous-=for sharing your books.

  4. I get nervous about that every time I do a giveaway on my blog, so I imagine that it's even more stressful if you're a writer and its your book!

  5. Congrats on the release. I'm sure you'll get lots of entries.

  6. What if I hold a contest and nobody comes? Yeah, I can relate to that. Especially when it involves one's books. What if nobody wants them?
    Thanks for participating in the IWSG!

  7. I'm not entering giveaways anymore (unless I really want the book). I'm too lazy and my TBR pile is out of control. Plus I find unless I really want to win the book, it doesn't get read. I still have a bunch I won that I've still got to read.

    Of course I've entered with win Surrender. :D

  8. Yup, bacon is awesome! I will add it to just about anything for its flavor. Despite the high fat content, I've decided that it's an excellent diet food. As long as you eat it in moderation (no one-pound BLTs) the fat content isn't too bad, and as far as I'm concerned, it's a great way to add protein, not to mention taste. (Wait, I already did, didn't I?)

  9. I probably shouldn't enter to win Surrender, since, well, you know, but I would love to win Regret. Can I enter for just that?

  10. My favorite time of the year is summer. There is no schoolwork during summer...or at least I don't have any this summer (though I really should). And vacuuming is completely and utterly overrated, I say this because for as long as I can remember it has been my chore. and will likely be my chore all summer. Le sigh.

  11. My son loves bacon. He wishes everything were wrapped in bacon. The other day, he was eating breakfast, and said he wished he could have cereal wrapped in bacon. When I gave him a weird look, he said, "Well then you can just chuck the cereal, and eat the bacon." Wise boy.

  12. Congrats on your short story release, Elana!! Can't wait to read it!!

    Vacuuming is definitely necessary. It's gross when you sit down on the carpet or put your purse down and there are crumbs and dog or cat hair stuck on everything!

    Mmm, bacon!

  13. If you look at out backyard, you so know we think yard work should be eliminated. *sigh*

    Now I'm starving for bacon!

    Oh and vacuuming is a necessary evil. Emphasis on the evil.

  14. So excited for the contest! Hope I can win!

  15. Big League Chew...because the name alone makes you feel like you're doing something taboo. Plus there's no predetermined serving size, you just take what you like.

  16. Bacon is the king of meats and grape big league chew is the BEST!!!!! You can chew it without worries of nicotine stains.

  17. Bacon is the king of meats and grape big league chew is the BEST!!!!! You can chew it without worries of nicotine stains.

  18. Bacon is the king of meats and grape big league chew is the BEST!!!!! You can chew it without worries of nicotine stains.

  19. Bacon is the king of meats and grape big league chew is the BEST!!!!! You can chew it without worries of nicotine stains.

  20. you are more popular than you think

  21. Bacon does rule, but why would you watch AI with PP... just watch the voice...:)

  22. I'm in. Can't wait for Surrender.

  23. I love summer but not vacuuming. But I have a little boy, so it's sort of necessary around my house. Maybe some day we'll get a dog so we can vacuum less! :)
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. Thanks elana for the giveaway & put the button on the blog & hopefully I will have a chance to win!

  25. I hate that crunchy feeling under my feet when my kids have been in the cereal and spread it all over the house. I try to avoid it, but vacuuming becomes a necessity. A little bacon helps, though. Or chocolate. Things like vacuuming need rewards.

  26. Thank you so much for this EPIC giveaway! Looking forward to the book!!!!!! XD

  27. So I found out I am allergic to Bacon. My life is over. =(

  28. P.S. I should get extra points because I put it on my daughters elementary school blog. =)

  29. I know you're running a contest, and I'mma let you finish, but Orbit gum is the best gum of all time. :)

    Bacon is pretty awesome though.

  30. I couldn't imagine not vacuuming anymore. I love the sound it makes when you pick up something good.

  31. Well. I think vacuuming is HIGHLY necessary. Who wants all that dust floating around on the carpet, floors, rugs, etc? Ew! And how about all of the dirt, plastic, paper bits, crumbs, and whatnot? Ew, ew, ew.

    Thanks so much!!!!

    Alyssa Susanna

  32. My family has discovered bacon bits and I can't hide it well enough in the fridge before the package is empty.
    I don't need an ARC but would love to help with your blog tour.

  33. My cats won't stop being obsessed with my keyboard so forgive any misspellings. Haha I love how you call us 'Splashes of Life' that's awesome.
    Um, I'm pretty boring. I mean I'm a ballerina/ book obbsessed dork/ writer. Im not all that awesome.
    THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THIS GIVEAWAY. I absolutely love your blog and books. I love your writing style on both accounts. So yeah I will get out of your hair now...

  34. Great prizes, Elana. This marketing stuff intimidates the crap out of me.

  35. Bite sized pieces of chicken, wrapped in bacon and dipped into brown sugar and chili powder = YUM!!!!

  36. I love Winter. I'm one of those people who hates hot places, so winter is the perfect time for me, especially here in Seattle, where winter isn't usually as harsh as it is in other places.

    Grace R. <3

  37. Elana, I'll all ways support you, and Bacon is friggen awesomesauce in meat form.

  38. I'm sorry, E. I already have REGRET because I couldn't wait for it. :( I'm such a disappointment, I know. ;)

    Vacuuming is only overrated until you do it and realize that it's kind of an important thing. Especially if you own a pet.

    Bacon? Well, I met someone recently who gave up bacon for life. I was speechless. Why? Why would you do that to yourself?

  39. Very cool giveaway! And I happen to think maple bacon is awesomesauce!
