Monday, July 23, 2012

Blogging Break

Okay, so I'm going to be taking a blogging break for a little while, at least through WriteOnCon, which is August 14-15 if you don't already have your calendars marked. (Have you seen that you could star in the introductory video?! Well, you can. Go find out how, I'd love to see your face in my inbox!)

I will try to get around to blogs as I can, and I hope everyone has an enjoyable summer.


  1. Yay for WriteOnCon! Always a good time. You deserve a break, though I suspect you'll be extremely busy. ;)

  2. WriteOnCon is an incredible event. The amount of time you ladies spend on organizing is HUGE! Take care of yourself & make sure you squeeze in some fun too! :)

  3. WriteOnCon is a lot of work - you'll need a little time off!

  4. I would say enjoy your break, but I know that WriteOnCon and school are coming up so I'll see ya when I see ya :)

  5. Good luck with your break and WriteOnCon. I'm looking forward to it.

  6. I gotta participate this year! It sounds terrific. Have a great break :)

  7. Enjoy your break! Between launching SURRENDER and preparing for Write On Con, you must be exhausted!

  8. Looking forward to WriteOnCon! Have a nice break, I just got back from mine.

  9. I'll miss you. See you at WriteOnCon!

  10. You guys do such an amazing job with WriteOnCon, can't wait for it! Enjoy your "break." ;)

  11. Cool! I'm SOOOO looking forward to this!

  12. We'll miss you. Can't wait for Write OnCon!!! VIVA WOC

  13. Enjoy your break, Elana! :) I can't wait for WriteOnCon!

  14. Have a good break. Doubt it will really be one with WriteOnCon. Have family visiting then but will try to sneak in some.

  15. With all the things you do, this break is more than deserved. Enjoy it to the fullest :-)

    And WriteOn Con! WOOT!!!!

  16. Yay for blogging breaks ~ they're good for the soul!

    Good luck and HAVE FUN with WriteOnCon!

  17. Hopefully I can get this revision done so I can fully enjoy WriteOnCon. If not, I will have to sit out this year with the Cone of Shame. Have a good one! :)

  18. Have a good blogging break. I've been a slacker-blogger lately. Maybe I should take a break?

  19. Amen! Blogging breaks are a much needed tool. I am just returning from my own and I feel so recharged. I just stopped by to visit . I am visiting bloggers and authors that I have missed. Enjoy your break and we will hear from you when you get back. Enjoy!
