Tuesday, July 10, 2012

NEVER ENOUGH by Denise Jaden

Dude, so today I have a special post for you all about Denise Jaden's new book, NEVER ENOUGH.

First a bit about the book:
The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less: Betrayal, cute boys, and the story of two sisters and the eating disorder that threatens to destroy their family.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?
No, actually I grew up doing everything I could to avoid writing and reading. I only came into my love of literature in my thirties and now try to make up for it by devouring several books a week. (Finally! A kindred spirit!) 

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication?
At first it was for fun. My critique partner was as serious writer, seriously researching agents and publishers, and I thought, why not? Couldn’t hurt to try. I know, all the people who have been working at this since they could hold a pencil really hate me now…but the truth is, once I got serious about it, I learned everything I could about publishing and making my work publishable.

Quick! You’ve been chosen to go on Survivor. What luxury item do you take?
My iPhone. They can do EVERYTHING now! (So true! I get anxiety if I leave my phone somewhere.)

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate?
Do I have to choose? Okay, chocolate. No, bacon. Would chocolate covered bacon be gross? (Nope, I've eaten it and it is highly desirable.)

One more thing! Denise is holding a contest on her blog for four boxes of great books! Anyone who comments here, now on my blog will automatically be eligible to win. GO HERE to find out more and to enter.

Be sure to get your copy of NEVER ENOUGH today, on release day!


  1. Happy release day to Denise! Never Enough sounds awesome.

  2. I love compromise (i.e. choco covered bacon). The book sounds wonderful!

  3. I hope I NEVER have to choose between bacon and chocolate. It would be like chosing between my children. :)


  4. Never Enough sounds really great! Still not sure about the chocolate covered bacon, but I'll try anything once! :D

  5. Happy Release Day, Denise! Congrats on seeing your baby venture out into the world!

  6. Congrats, Denise! Great advice. I'm querying right now and trying to learn everything about the publishing process as I possibly can.

  7. Congratulations on the release! I don't let any writers that resent you for your success get you down. If you did the work and the research, you deserve the publication. No buts about it! Good for you! :D

  8. Hey, whenever you start loving words is a good time, no matter the age! :) Also, the more I consider chocolate-covered-bacon, the better it sounds.

  9. Sounds like a great read, Denise!

    I love hearing about writers who haven't loved writing since they could hold pencils or tap on keyboards! I was forty before I figured out I loved writing.

  10. Nice interview. I don't think it's ever too late to start writing (or reading). Congrats on the release!

  11. Denise, Your book sounds fantastic! It's on my list of "To Read."

    Thanks Elana for stopping by my blog...reading yours is like finding a writer's/reader's treasure! Hope you don't mind that I linked it in my sidebar, I suspect I'll want to come back and read lots of your archive!

  12. Oooh Denise came out with another. Happy release day, Denise!! Sounds awesome. putting it on my TBR list.

  13. Denise, your books sounds amazing!

  14. Nice to meet you, Denise. The book sounds cool.

  15. Happy Release day! This book sounds really good! :D

  16. Happy release day! I'm definitely getting a copy :)

  17. Already ordered a copy! Can't wait until it gets here :D

  18. Congrats to Denise! I've seen her book on several blogs today. And I love the cover. :)

  19. I love the new cover. I didn't realize Desolate came out last week. I still have to read the first one, which I have. I'm still doing some mega catch up on my TBR pile. Maybe I should skip on the writing this summer and focus on reading.

    There are soooo many covers I love. I can't list them all. But one of my favorites is Sanctum by Sarah Fine (plus I love the book). Maybe because it's not the same old same old one in which the girl is standing somewhere with the wind blowing through her ball gown. :D
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