Monday, August 13, 2012

WriteOnCon is Tomorrow!

WriteOnCon officially starts tomorrow! The full schedule is here. The submission schedule for the forum is here.

And we've got you all here in this amazing Welcome Back video. A huge thank you to all the agents, editors, authors, and participants who sent in pictures!

Ahhh! It's here! It's really here! Hope you'll join me at WriteOnCon this year!


  1. This is so exciting. I'm getting my snacks ready so I can be extra ready for the festivities.

  2. Can I say woot?! I'm so excited. WriteCon is just the kick in the pants I need to get back on track.

  3. This turned out very cute, Elana! I just shared on Facebook.

    (Just an aside, there is no hyphen in my name . . . ;-))

    Thank you!!!

  4. Can't wait!
    And congrats on book three in your series! <3

  5. For me it's not a back thing, first year, but I'm really excited about it. Already got some good feed back from other writers. Thanks again for all the work you've put into this. And I loved the welcome back song. Great fit! It's going to be in my head all day now.

  6. Yeah! I've been stopping in on and off all day.
