Friday, September 7, 2012


Okay, holy brown cows. I'm back in school and doing a million+one things, and it seems like the pace of life is streaming, screaming, bolting by. I feel like everything has to be done now (whether that's true or not), and I can't keep up.

It's the speed of life.

And sometimes it's really nice to leave it behind. Close the front door of my house, draw all the curtains (as if they aren't already closed! Ha! I'm like a vampire), and ignore the Internet. 

Sometimes I crave that quiet. That release from the Words With Friends games, and constant status updates, and ultra-fast stream of tweets, and even my inbox (which I usually adore).

Sometimes I sit in my house with the TV off, the lights off, and the laptop closed.

Sometimes I crawl into bed with a good book -- printing on real pages -- and escape between the covers.

Sometimes I think about what my life was like before I started writing and publishing.


What would you put in that pause? How do you keep up with the pace of life? 


  1. We all need to shut out the chaos sometimes. It's hard to keep up with the pace of work, writing, blogging, parenting, cleaning, being a spouse, and other. Sometimes I take a nap.

  2. I think about that last one and realize that my life is much richer now than it was before writing and publishing.

  3. I do many of the same things, Elana. Sometimes, I just turn everything off, then lay down and read.

    Sometimes I sit down, enjoy watching the ocean or people.

    And sometimes I have to remind myself to be a participant in life rather than just an observer.

  4. Read a book. :D

    I'm not sure I keep up. I just do the best I can and try not to get stressed out about things. Yep, easier said than done some days.

  5. Sometimes...I take a nice long walk in the woods. It really helps clear my head.

  6. Ooh, I do that too...sit in the dark and just be. It's therapeutic.

  7. Sometimes I decide to take off and leave the children behind. Lol That helps me tremendously.

  8. My sometimes would be your last sometimes. :-)


  9. Sometimes...I wish I never picked up that pen to start writing. I love it, but life would be SO much easier. Sigh.

  10. I love days like that to hide away. They keep me sane :)

  11. Play with the grandkids who live close. Although sleeping with an 8 month old last night brought back some memories I'd really rather not live through again. lol

  12. This makes me think of this beautiful song:

  13. Sometimes I hold my baby and just stare at him in complete awe.

  14. Sometimes I rent a few movies and watch them back to back! It's awesome.

  15. I know the pace you speak of, it's grinding me into the ground as we speak. And it feels the ground is made of bedrock instead of dirt. *sigh* Ah what I wouldn't do for a pause. To it I would add sunsets and beautiful beaches...

  16. Sometimes...

    I'm not sure I'm keeping up, more like going with the flow, banging against the occasional debris and hoping for the best.


    But boy is this a crazy-insane-fun time.

  17. I usually like to escape to the mountains where I can't be reached at all. Hope you are having a great day!

  18. Sometimes I play Yatzy Addict on my phone just to give my brain a break.

    Sometimes I sneak away and get a pedicure in a place where the people don't speak English so I can sit in silence and let strangers play with my feet.

    Sometimes I make my husband skip work so we can launch our boat and lie in the sun, chillin at the lake.

    Sometimes I put the top down on my car and crank the music and totally waste my gas going nowhere in particular.

  19. Have you read THE SHALLOWS? It's about the Internet and has inspired me to spend less time online...(she says while reading blogs. ;)

  20. Sometimes I think about what life would be like too. Definitely not so busy. And like you, when I can't handle the craziness, I curl up in bed with a good book. And then I plod on.

  21. Sometimes......
    Oh, yeah. I hear ya. I think meditation is very beneficial and sometimes we all don't take the time needed to quiet the mind. Just even if it is for ten minutes a day. Just sitting there and allowing each thought to come and go and just listening to the beat of our heart.
    Thank you for the reminder! Life can get a little crazy.

  22. sometimes I want a vacation where there is no internet and it's far away and there's nothing to do but walk along a sandy beach and swim in blue waters and close my eyes while a tropical breeze blow through my hair *sigh*

  23. I know exactly what you mean. In fact, a couple weeks ago, I did just this. I went offline for a few days and just took care of my family, tried to re-balance myself, and made some promises about how much to involve myself and how not to compare myself when I dove back in. It's been much better since then.

  24. I'm going to have to try doing nothing sometimes. I always have to keep busy but it's hard for me just to sit still and think.

  25. Sometimes I like to sit around a bonfire in the back yard with my hubby & kids and totally relax :)

  26. I never seem to keep up with what is going on. Just like I'm a couple of days behind on my blog reading. : (

  27. Sometimes I like to go off the grid, watch the stars and just dream... :)
