Friday, September 14, 2012

Upcoming Awesomeness You Won't Want to Miss

... For real this time. Yeah, last week blogger decided it knew when to schedule my post, and it didn't. I swear there was NO user error there...

Anyway, a couple of things!

1. The cover for ABANDON is coming out next week! Yes, I've seen it, and yes, it's pretty fantastic. YOU can sign up to help reveal the cover on YOUR blog! It's an easy post, and you'll get to see the cover a bit earlier than everyone else, and yeah.

Sign up here. Cover goes live on Thursday, September 20.

I'm going to run a Pinterest contest with the cover. (I've recently discovered the amazingness of Pinterest. Watch for a blog post on that to come soon!) So even if you don't sign up to help reveal the cover, be sure to come here on Thursday and pin it to your board for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!

2. October is coming! Which means there's going to be a Review Drive for Possession and Surrender. What is a Review Drive, you ask?

Well, it's quite simple. Leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads for either Possession or Surrender (or both!) and enter to win amazing books all month long! You can leave the reviews now, could've left them a year ago, or do it any time before October 26*.

The Review Drive will be run through my Facebook fanpage, so be sure to click over there to keep up with everything. You can see the official rules right now, and get ready to participate to win amazing signed copies of books all month long in October!

3. You can enter to win an amazing dystopian prize package from Simon Pulse -- which includes POSSESSION!! My book is situated right next to Scott Westerfeld's PRETTIES, which makes me insanely happy. Some of you may remember that his Uglies series inspired me to write my own dystopian novel.  GO HERE to enter -- by Sept. 17!

What awesome things do you have coming up? Are you excited to see the cover of ABANDON?

*Positive reviews are not required for contest entrance.


  1. I don't post on Thursdays, so hope Friday is all right for the reveal.

  2. What a cool idea for contest. I have Surrender, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. I've been on a YA contemporary kick for a while. It's time for a different genre, which puts Surrender next.

  3. Already a part of the cover reveal! Excited.

    I love your idea for review drive. I'll have to remember this.

  4. *too many shiny things* I'm so in for the reveal. Congrats.

  5. Sounds like it will be an exciting week next week. Can't wait to see the new cover.

  6. I'm not excited about the cover of Abandon. At all. I just can't flipp'n wait to read it! :)

  7. Elana!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!! I drop off the edge of the blog world for a few months and I almost miss your cover reveal?!!! O-M-G! So glad I made it back in time. :-)

  8. Whoo hoo! How exciting!! Lots of awesomeness!

  9. Going to make sure I can be a part of the cover reveal for ABANDON :-)

    The exciting things going on in my world are two-fold. I'm self-publishing NEVERLOVE, my YA paranormal, along with another blogging buddy in our Partners in ParanormYA venture. We had a wonderful cover reveal for both our books and were so touched by all the bloggers who participated. Now it's on to setting things up for the blogtown tour. So stoked!

    I'm also participating in Gearing Up to Get and Agent over at Deana Barnhart's blog. She's so wonderful to do it. She has an agent but is doing something wonderful to help those of us without agents to get better prepared to get our query happening :-)

    So glad about ABANDON!!

  10. Tons of awesome in your world! Congrats on ABANDON!

  11. Awesome Elana. I'll see if Casey has anything scheduled and sign up for the reveal if not.

  12. Definitely excited to see the cover! :)

  13. Looking forward to seeing your cover. I'm so enjoying watching your writing career shoot skyward!

  14. Ooh, yes, I am excited to see the cover for ABANDON! Would love to help reveal it :-)

  15. Can't wait for all the fun! (And I'm super excited to see what you have to say about Pinterest. I've yet to really try it out/figure out why it's important.)

  16. Yay for all this awesomeness! Can't wait to see the newest cover.
