Thursday, November 1, 2012

You Know What November Means...

Right? Or maybe not, since I'm not actually participating in National Novel Writing Month this month. I just don't have it in me to pen another novel right now.

That said, I have pretty much done nothing but put words to paper for most of 2012. Nearly everything I've written this year is in first draft form, thus...

I'm going to be participating with a fabulous group of people in a National Novel REVISION month.

That's right. And today, we're posting our goals for the next 30 days. Now *gulp* these are probably super-lofty, and I reserve the right to bail, er, change this as the month rolls by.

But for now, as of November 1, here's what I'm planning to revise into perfection:
1. ABANDON. Uhhh, that's right. That novel that's coming out in just 8 short months? Haven't edited it yet -- but I will! It is going to be SO AWESOME you guys (*cries*), and I'm totally going to win all the prizes in the virtual prize bucket.

2. YA contemporary in verse. Yes, I've finished the book, and I've actually run it through my critique group. But for some reason, I'm just not feeling like it's quite there yet. So I'm going to work on this bad boy as part of NaNoRevMo.

3. YA fantasy. Oh, boy. This one is a doozy. I have some major notes on this book, and I've made an initial pass through this monster (let's just say the word count on this mother is ginormous), but it still needs some TLC.

And the scary part? My husband is reading the beginning. It's the first thing he's reading with the purpose of critiquing. Saying I'm scared wouldn't even be in the same ballpark of what I actually feel (and he reads my blog regularly, so I'm sure we'll have a convo about it at some point today).

So there you go! My revision goals for NaNoRevMo.

Are you participating in NaNo? Have other goals? Want to revise with us? Let's do this thing!


  1. Good luck on the revisions. I'm participating in a mini NaNo of sorts. Trying to feed off the energy to kick me into high gear while still continuing to query my finished novel. Should be an interesting month.

  2. Woohoo! Love seeing everyone's goals! This was sooo helpful for me last year. Good luck and I can't wait to see your progress!

  3. Not this year. Need to complete edits on my third book in the next two weeks.

  4. I'm not participating, either. I'm editing my WIP, but once I finish this draft (maybe in another week or so), I'll be taking time to plan my next project. So I'm kind of doing NaNoRevPlaMon. :D

    Good luck with your edits, E.

  5. Good luck with NaNo this month. Wishing you happy, non-decapitating edits and fun revisions :-)

  6. Not participating either. I am researching agents, working on my query, and my new manuscript this month. I'm going to try to be more productive with writing and hope that the blogging is a little quieter.

  7. I'll be revising this month too! Good luck, Elana!!

  8. Good luck Elana! I'm in a weird place at the start of this month, finishing a rewrite that will need revision. So I'm half 'first'-drafting (more like 10th-drafting) and half revising!

  9. I'm participating and letting my other one *sit in a drawer* for a month before I go back with fresh eyes and fix. Good luck with all your projects - so impressed.

  10. I am unofficially writing for the NaNoWriMo. When I wrote a little story for a blogfest thingy a couple of weeks ago, the characters stayed with me and will not leave me alone. So we'll see what I end up with. :)

  11. I'm on the fence with all of it, though I will be keeping up for sure with the ReviMo group.

  12. Oh that's funny. I just commented in another blog that I'm going to pull from all the energy and excitement for NaNo and use it to really focus on my revision for my WIP. I've been hiccuping and stalling with the effort, but yes, 30 days, let's get this done.

    Goals: initial revision, organization, focus on writing-- smarter, sharper, more in-depth, make sure each scene has a "moment", tension and forward movement. Oh I can do that in 30 days... right? RIGHT?

  13. Woo Hoo! I'm glad you're participating in NaNoReviMo! Having your hubby read your book is such a scary thing! Scarier than having your editor read it. Weird how that works.

    Best of luck with all of your goals!

  14. Aw what a hubby! He even reads your blog? That is so sweet!

    Here's to revisions and writing.

  15. Um, your goals make my goals look downright Pathetic (that's with a capital P)! But I know my limits, I can only handle one beast at a time. But I am so glad your with us.

  16. Wish you the best with your revisions. I'm in Nano this month and writing a fairytale fantasy retelling titled Gold.

  17. I'm ever so tempted to join in the revision fun, but I'm not in the right place right now. Bad timing and all that. I love, by the way that you "reserve the right to bail." That should be a bumper sticker on my car. ; )

  18. You have awesome goals! Mine won't be as lofty (like, not even close), but still way excited for NaNoReviMo. :D Glad you joined us!

  19. Great goals!! Gah, just thinking that you'll be working on Abandon has me all giddy. So glad you are joining us.

  20. I hadn't heard of NaNoRevMo-great idea. I'm doing NaNo year-totally flying by the seat of my pants so I'll be in need of NaNoRevMo-I guess I'll have my own in December:)

    Good luck with your impressive goals!

  21. I had actually considered doing a revision month too (not realizing it was a thing), but I've decided to try to knock out the shiny idea that's been banging around my skull. I have 2 wips marinating for the month - waiting for another revision pass in the new year :)

  22. This is a great idea. Someone should make January official NaNoRevMo. I'll be NaNoing the old fashioned way this month, but it will probably take me a year to repair all the damage.

  23. YA Contemporary IN VERSE?1?
    You are a better woman than I am, Elana! Wow.

    I am hoping to spend November revising THE EIGHTH DAY, although editorial notes have been delayed by Sandy. Still, I know some of what my editor wants changed and I'm itching to get started.

    So, yeah. I might crack open the manuscript and get started.

  24. You have a lot of big goals, Elana, even if you're not drafting a new WIP! I'm sorta in the same boat. I have plans to finish drafting my new MG for Scholastic (only 1/3 done) and doing some research/plotting/revising on another WIP I put aside a year ago. And I'll be gone 9 days for Thanksgiving, too, so it's a short month!

    Good luck to you!

  25. Hmm, Elana, that was *me*, Kimberley, not Milly just above! My family took over my computer when I wasn't looking!

    I feel "possessed"! :-)

  26. I'm doing NaNo for the first time this year. But I love your idea and wish I could do both! Wow girl you have a lot of irons in the fire. Can't wait to read them!

  27. I'm doing a hybrid! LOL! Final Edits on The Girl Guide (due 11/9) followed by drafting Dominus. Yes, I AM insane. ((but you knew that))

  28. NaNoRevMo, what a GREAT idea. Count me onboard! My goal is to complete the revision of my YA supernatural mystery. Good luck on meeting your Goals, Elana!

  29. Hi, Elana! I'm doing NaNo. Best wishes with your revisions.
    **\Rah Rah/**
