Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bookanista Feature: THE IMMORTALITY EXPERIMENT by Miriam Conde

Man, I haven't done a Bookanista feature for like, ever. But today, I'm featuring Miriam Conde's THE IMMORTALITY EXPERIMENT, and Miriam was kind enough to answer some questions for me!


The Twitter version: tell us about your book in 140 characters or less:
Alex doesn't know about the experiment’s victims. He wants to be a good friend, but helping Dr. Carr ensnares Alex in a perilous situation.

Why e-publishing? Why now?
E-publishing is basically free and I wanted to get my material out there as fast as possible. I would like to publish my books traditionally when I find the right agent.

What’s the one thing you learned about publishing this way that you didn’t anticipate?
I did not realize that marketing would be like a complex puzzle. Each day I try new techniques to reach more people. I am constantly learning which methods work best for me. Solving the puzzle of success is an exciting task.

What else are you working on? Secrets? Inside scoops? Give us the juicy stuff!
I’m working on two different projects. A sequel to The Immortality Experiment will take the characters from the first novel to a new level. I’m writing another sci-fi series starting with “Adessa’s Sphere.” I’ve been posting the story a chapter at a time on my blog, What my readers don’t know yet is that Adessa will lead her people, not just to other planets, but to explore glorious parallel universes. (They know now!) Among the group is an unexpected danger to be revealed at the end of “Adessa’s Sphere.”



Have you always wanted to be a writer?
No. I wanted to be about a million different things before I finally decided that writing suited me best. I always liked writing in school. I even wrote a book nine years ago that collected dust for a long time. That book eventually evolved into “Adessa’s Sphere.”

What made you decide to go that “extra step” and seek publication?
I had told myself I would never self-publish. Then I read about Amanda Hocking, author of the Trylle Trilogy. Apparently she had posted excerpts from her stories on her blog, kind of the way I’m posting my stories. Reading about her success inspired me to put myself out there in the e-book world.

Quick! You’ve been chosen to be a contestant on Survivor. What luxury item do you take?
A blank notebook with a pen/pencil attached.

Tell us something about yourself we don’t know.
I want to be an astronaut! (Wow, this freaks me the heck out. You know there's NO AIR in space, right??)

And the most important of all: bacon or chocolate?
CHOCOLATE! :-D (Boo! But we still like you.)


I hope you'll check out THE IMMORTALITY EXPERIMENT. I read it, and it was a great blend of thriller and science fiction that even the science-phobic (me) can understand. Miriam did a great job with it!

Oh, and be sure to check out what books the other Bookanistas are talking about this week:

What's on your holiday reading list?


  1. I love when you feature books Elana.

    Interesting how we sometimes say never like Miriam did but then go on to do it. Me too. I agree with Miriam that self publishing sounds like a puzzle but luckily there are so many willing to share their experiences with us. Good luck with your book Miriam.

  2. Thanks for the Bookanista feature today. Will have to check it out :-)

    I have Souled by Diana Murdock up right now and am enjoying it. I'm also readying Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews. I have a few more books by several YA authors I'm tagged with as we work to promo each other.

    And Miriam is right. The marketing can be a beast when traditionally published so imagine the animal it is when you self-publish lol!!

  3. Congrats to Miriam and her now book. Very exciting!

  4. Thank you Elana for this great feature. And thanks everyone for your comments! :-)

  5. Love reading about authors and their new books. Thanks for sharing this book and best to you Miriam.

  6. Ack, a title so similar to mine! Mine is The Immortality Game. At least the stories look different!

  7. This story has quite a concept. Maybe I'll buy it over the holidays.

  8. Love this! Love how you went out there and went for it. May you be blessed with a ton of success!

    Congrats, Mariam!

  9. Thank you all for your well wishes. Ted Cross, I know what you mean. As I was finishing my story I was worried that someone else would come out with a similar idea first, but you have your vision for a reason, so just stick with it. (PS I looked for The Immortality Game on amazon, but didn't see it. Is it available somewhere else?)

  10. Miriam, I'm a very slow writer. I'm about halfway done, but it's sitting at number 17 overall on the Authonomy rankings.
