Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Release Day!

Dude, it's the book birthday of TRANSPARENT! I'm so excited for this book! Good thing I get to go to Natalie's launch party tonight.

About TRANSPARENT: Sixteen-year-old Fiona O'Connell is the world's first invisible girl, which makes her the ideal weapon for her crime-lord father. But now, she and her mother have escaped and are hiding out in a small town where they're determined to start a normal life.

Follow Natalie's blog -- and buy TRANSPARENT today!
AmazonB&N IndieBoundBook Depository

What book are you excited about?


  1. So lucky you get to go to Natalie's release party. I wish I could come and sit with you in the crowd. So excited for Natalie. I read an ARC of this and it's fantastic.

  2. Very exciting! I'm eagerly awaiting Chandra Hahn's next fairy tale story. Transparent sounds like a great read.Simply Sarah

  3. I'm really happy for Natalie! There's this other book I'm excited to come out. It's called Abashed...or Alarmed...no, I think maybe Abandon? ;)

  4. I read the first few pages of Natalie's book on Amazon and wow! I would've sat there and read the whole thing if I could!

  5. Hurray for Natalie! I have my eye on this book -- it's on my TBR list, which I can hopefully tackle with gusto once school lets out next month.

    Currently, I am devouring The 5th Wave.

  6. So happy for Natalie! I saw her book for the first time just yesterday! The premise makes my brain go off in all sorts of directions. The story has so many possibilities!

  7. I hope you share pictures. I so wanted to go.
