Tuesday, May 7, 2013

SURRENDER Paperback Release!

I swear SURRENDER has been out for ten years. This past year feels really long, doesn't it? At the same time I can hardly believe that there's only three weeks of school left. It feels like it's gone so fast!

So yeah. Time is warped.

And the SURRENDER paperback is out today! Not only that, but the third and final book in the Possession series is out in under a month, so now would be a great time to read or re-read the books to be ready for that conclusion... 

There are a coupe of giveaways on Goodreads to help you with this. Possession is here, and Surrender is embedded below. Go forth and enter!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Surrender by Elana Johnson


by Elana Johnson

Giveaway ends May 31, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

You can order the paperback from a retailer of your choice on my Simon & Schuster page.


  1. Awesome! I'd love to win another copy for my class :)

    Hope you're doing well! 3 weeks to go is awesome - I think we have 8 still. Enjoy :)

  2. Can't wait for the new book. So fun that you get to have a new release for a book that's already out there. Congrats.

  3. AWESOME! I just read both Possession and Surrender and loved them both! I wrote a review on my blog: http://mightyknittingchick.wordpress.com/

    And I just entered to win a paperback copy.
