Monday, May 20, 2013

The Essential Thing

Okay, so a week or so ago, I was fortunate enough to listen to a keynote address by Anne Perry. She's a big mystery author, which admittedly, I hadn't read. But she hails from Scotland, so if her delightful accent hadn't already won me over, the fact that she spoke on several things that hit close to my heart did.

1. The power of words. I believe in the power of words, especially those things we say and those we read. She talked about how the words we use can comfort someone in the middle of the night, when they reach for our story for comfort. I really liked that, because writing is more than the commercial aspect to me. It's about the power of words.

2. Finding that essential thing that provides you with inspiration. Well, she may not have said those words in that exact order, but that's what I got out of it. For Anne Perry, she said she loves light on water. That inspires her, shows her the beauty of the world.

I've long had this thing where I watch for and experience a "nature moment" every day. Something that reminds me that this world is big, and wonderful, and filled with glorious things I cannot even comprehend. Something that takes me beyond myself, and my worries and cares.

And as Anne Perry was speaking, I realized that I too have something that inspires me. Something that always makes me feel at peace, evokes in me a sense of wonder. And that's the moon. I've always loved looking at the moon and the stars, of staring into the night sky with a sense of its incomprehensible vastness.

So what's your essential thing? What's something that inspires you, that takes you beyond yourself, that brings you a sense of wonder and joy?


Leigh Caron said...

Tomorrows. When a new day dawns, no matter how awful yesterday was, I'm in awe that there's another new beginning.

Matthew MacNish said...

Me? Oh mountains. And stars. And trees. And ... I could go on.

JeffO said...

I don't know that I could limit it to one thing. I do know I keep finding ways to work water--specifically, the ocean--into my work, however.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Nature is surely one of my inspirations, essentials to my writing. I've always been fascinated by the rain: its sounds, fluency, and after effects. I'm also inspired by the mere truth that my written words can move another human being; that's pretty cool.

ilima said...

Yeah...I totally have a girl crush on Anne Perry now. I think my essential thing is being in/around water. Waterfalls, ocean, hot-springs, pools, etc. My books are filled with them.

Margo Berendsen said...

Sunsets, and rainbows. During a really particularly hard time in my life, I saw a quadruple rainbow. I felt it was sent by God to assure me good things lay in store! Quadrupled good things!

Mart Ramirez said...

There are so many things that inspire me. Nature-music-
I especially writing to the sound of birds singing and rain. So beautiful!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I love nature too and wish I lived somewhere with amazing scenery out by back window. Right now my newly planted flowers are inspiring me.

amberargyle said...

Being surrounded by trees. The sound of the wind through the leaves.

Jemi Fraser said...

Nature is chock full of inspiration, joy and peace - from individual snowflakes to flower petals to grasshoppers. Love them all!

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Anne Perry's talk was VERY inspiring. I loved it. Nature is definitely inspirational in SO many ways. Books are also inspirational to me. Books feed my heart and soul!

Leslie S. Rose said...

I'm a total moonie too. I love doing my exercise walks at night so I can stare at the moon and listen to songs about the moon on my iPod. I feel lonely when it's not up in the sky.

See Elana's recent blog posts

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