Monday, June 10, 2013

On Quitting

Okay, so I'm sure I've talked about quitting before. Probably something about how you shouldn't do it. You should stick with it. Work hard. All that jazz.

But today, I'm actually quitting. I'm quitting it all! Social media, blogging, and writing. I've taken a "break" before, sure. But today, I'm quitting.

Sometimes I just think a person's brain can get overloaded with All The Things, and it needs a break. If you don't give it one, it'll simply take one on it's own. And since I prefer to decide when I get to check out, I'm going to quit.

I might un-quit tomorrow, but I'm going to enjoy the freedom of quitting today.

There is still the ABANDON scavenger hunt going on! This week only. So be sure to check out today's stops.

And if you were gone last week, you can get to all the stops from last week here.

You can ENTER today's CITY OF THE DAY here, and be sure to enter for a chance to win a daily swag package in the Rafflecopter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you ever quit something before? Did you un-quit later?


  1. It definitely feels good to quit. As Mark Twain said about smoking, he's done it hundreds of times.

    Enjoy yourself!

  2. Totally understandable. Take it easy!

  3. Freedom!!! You're kind of my hero right now. Have an awesome day/week/month/lifetime away from the crazy. Whether it sticks or not, you rule for doing what's best for you right now.

  4. Aww...your posts will be missed but there comes a time in life when something has to be sacrificed as it's all just too much. Good luck with everything :)

  5. I can certainly understand if you feel the need to quit as I've taken my fair share of breaks, both long and short. They are healthful.

    Remember to breathe.

  6. I quit once. It was the most glorious thing ever. And dang it felt good! It made un-quitting it all later so much sweeter. Sometimes, it's downright necessary. I hope you love every second of being quit! (And every second of un-quitting when the time comes.)

    Love your guts, Elana!

  7. Yep, for five whole years at one point. I was happy to come back again. Do hope this means I'll still see you places, though. *hugs*

  8. Enjoy your day of quitting. I do think of quitting writing all the time, but have never done it. Sometimes I take a break though. I suppose that's the same as what you do.

  9. You better unquitt by the time I get up to PG next week for some epic writing days! But have fun until then, by all means :)

  10. This sounds so dangerous. I like it. Good luck!

  11. Social media is so hard to keep up with! We all need a break from it. Hope you have a good one (and that you "un-quit" eventually, as we would all miss you too much!).

  12. Quitting something that isn't working out isn't always a bad thing. Enjoy your down time Elana and best of luck with your book and the scavenger hunt.

  13. On quitting:

    Enjoy the hell out of it :-)

  14. I pretty much quit blogging and some other social media stuff. I was having a hard time with life. I found that by quitting some thing and refocusing, I am able to do the things that keep me happy. Good luck Elana!

  15. Enjoy your quitting:) I've tried it a few times, but I never can stay away for long.

  16. I'm just coming back from a two-week quit from writing and a super long blogging quit. It does feel nice, and makes coming back even better.

  17. Hope you don't quit for too long...we'll miss you. :) But I totally get it. Electronics can wear you down.

  18. Everyone's said it all. All I have to offer is another cyber hug. But it's a squishy one! *smoosh*

  19. I hope you enjoy your quit - but (selfishly) I hope you don't stay quit forever. I remember stumbling upon your blog in my early "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING" phase. Without knowing it, you gave me confidence that one day I would know what I was doing (and I might get there one day... :)). You're an awesome person Elana and I hope you do what is best for you and your family. You've given so very much of yourself and your time to so many people. Thanks & big hugs. :)

  20. I know the feeling. Enjoy it. I hope it doesn't last long because I love your posts. You'll be missed for sure!

  21. There's a certain power that comes from making a decision like this. I've super sized my weekends before and made sure I didn't do anything I didn't absolutely want to do. When I finally returned to work I was so energized and revitalized. It was great. Enjoy being a quitter for once.

  22. Sometimes I think I need to quit being lazy, but there are some days where I just need to quit everything. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  23. Think of it as a recess. Even boxers need that bell to go to their corner to rally their forces.

    Farmers let their over-toiled fields lie fallow for a season. And if even dirt needs a rest, how much more does the human mind and spirit? :-)

  24. Oh yeah. I quit something, go recharge and later come back to it all refreshed. Usually. Then there are some things I quit repeatedly and the universe keeps handing back to me.

    But yes, quit for a day, a week, a month. Do what you need to do because burning out is so not worth it. (Been there because I didn't quit.)

    Enjoy the freedom in being off. :)

  25. I'm on a blog break myself! It's been nice and I've spent more time reading among other things (like spending time with those needy peeps who live in my house.ha).

    Everyone needs to quit once in a long as they un-quit eventually.

  26. Everyone has the right to quit, at least for a little while. Let your hair blow in the wind and enjoy that feeling of freedom!

  27. Hey Elana! Yep. I quit blogging. For two years! Now I'm back. I've also quit reading and drinking soda. Briefly :P

    Btw, I came over via Roland :)

  28. Yup, sometimes quitting is the only way to get that clean break (rest, sanity, etc.) that you need. Enjoy it!
