Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Story With No Words (Okay, Some Words)

Okay, so there's a couple of things going on today, and I thought about writing them all out. I am an author, sometimes. However, I think sometimes pictures speak louder than words, so I'm opting for an image-fest today.

Now I'm not very good at this kind of stuff, so it'll probably be lame. Judge me if you want.

First, there's this:
That's right! I survived 2013! It feels goooood, too. 

And then this:
Yes, that is my school shirt. Vikings, FTW! Don't judge.
And yes, that looks like me signing something, right?
I AM signing something -- a new agency contract!

This is where I sent the signed agency contract.
I am now represented by Victoria Marini at Gelfman Schneider!

I feel like I could do this:
Because, seriously. 

Or this:

And strong!

And I definitely want to go here:
The adventure of a lifetime! 

And if that weren't enough, this girl and I are meeting today:
This is the world-famous photographer, Erin Summerill.
We're meeting to SHOOT THE COVER OF ELEVATED (my next book, coming February 2014).
I could not be more excited.

So what do you think of my image-fest? Pretty awesome, no? It's okay if you hated it. I'll like you anyway. 


  1. Congratulations, Elana -- that is one terrific birthday present!!

  2. Woohoooooo!!! That is SO AWESOME!!!! Congrats - sending hugs and cupcakes! :)

  3. Happy Birthday! What awesome news! So excited for you, Elana!

  4. Wow, what a birthday present! Congrats, Elana!

  5. I liked your image fest! =) Congrats on the good news!

  6. Happy Birthday!! Great present, too. I wish you continued success!!

    I loved your image fest. I don't think I would have the patience to create those kinds of fun pictures!! (You know, posing AND assembling!)

  7. Ha! I love it!!

    You are a Superhero Author (and awesome) and Victoria is a Superstar Agent (and awesome), so you two make the perfect fit! Congrats!!

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Girl! I hope it's amazing!! And I hope you have a blast at your shooting. :) :) :)

  8. Happy birthday and BIG congrats on the new agent!!!

  9. Awwww SUPER CONGRATS!! I am so happy for you!!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Wow what a beautiful birthday!!!

    LOL Absolutely love your pics! They made me laugh.

    Wishing you many more years of happiness and blessings!!!


  10. You got a new agent - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is FABULOUS news - congrats, Elana! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Love the pics! And Erin is gonna give you an amazing book cover! Can't wait to see it!

  11. YAY!!! How exciting, Elana!! What a wonderful birthday gift! Have fun at the book cover shoot!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  12. Yay! Congratulations!! Now it's official, and we are agent sisters. Woo hoo!!

    And happy, happy birthday! Presents don't get much better than that. :D

  13. Woo hoo!!!! Seriously. So excited for you. Congrats!!

  14. Congrats on the new agent and contract! :-) Hope your bday continues to be amazing!!

  15. Happy birthday and congratulations on the new agent! :)

  16. Woo hoo! Congratulations, Elana. Good things do happen to good people!

    And Happy Birthday!

  17. Loved the images. Happy B'day and congrats on your new book and agent.

  18. Wow, so many congrats to go go around! What a fabulous b-day present.

  19. So many reasons for Congrats!!!

    YAY for your new agent (what is your secret, tell please lol!!!)

    Woot for getting to meet Erin b/c she ROCKS!

    And I loved the photo fest :-)

  20. I loved Image Fest!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! <3

    CONGRATS on your SNA (shiny new agent)! :D


  21. I love the imagefest!
    SO happy for you Elana!!!

  22. What a great birthday! Congratulations!

  23. Yay, Elana!! So excited for all your fabulous news! I got a glimpse of your cover, and it looks awesome. Glad you've had such a lovely birthday!

  24. Woohoo, Elana! That is awesome news! :) Yay :) Also, super jealous that you can fly, super author!

  25. Love the images and congratulations! Can't wait for new ones, with Erin involved. :D

  26. CONGRATS, Elana! Yes, pretty awesome. : )

  27. Congratulations, Elana! I'm so, so, so, SO SO SO happy for you! And of course, I wish you the happiest of birthdays! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

  28. Congratulations on so many good things coming. I wish you so much luck with your new agent and new book.
