Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Updated ELEVATED cover!

Okay, so a few weeks ago, I released the cover to my forthcoming novel, ELEVATED. It was a fabulous cover! But based on some feedback, my designer and I decided to do a little updating with the fonts, sizes, colors, and images.

Since this is a digital-release only, there are different things to think about than with a print title. I am new to navigating the Indie publishing waters, so everything has been a learning curve. Creating a cover has been one of the most rewarding and also one of the steepest curves.

The new cover for ELEVATED is below. I think it's close enough to the first one that it is still recognizable. What do you think?

I am so excited to unleash this book on the world! Less than a week now!!


  1. Hee-hee! Don't think I've ever been the first one to comment, before. YAY me!

    And major WOOT! for the new cover. Love it. Excited for you, E.

  2. Very, very nice. I like that you can't see the characters' (complete) faces as you could on the first (I scrolled down to peek). It allows readers to fill in the faces with their imaginations. And the

  3. I like it. At first I really wanted to see the characters faces, but I like that it leaves a kind of mystery as to who she is with and makes you want to read more to find out. The fonts look great as well. When will this be released? I can't wait to read it! :)

  4. It's interesting how the changes really make both the title and the image pop. Very cool. The cover looks great. :)

  5. I love it! I've never been a big fan of whole faces on covers, so this is perfect. Makes the book look more exciting because the cover has movement.

  6. CONGRATS on the new cover!

  7. LOVE. Those shoes are fab. But they make my feet hurt. lol

  8. I am in love with that cover! And I canNOT wait for the world to get to read this book!

  9. Just out of curiosity, can you explain the psychology behind the changes? I can see by the comments above mine that everybody is happy to no longer have the faces ... and I get that.

    But why the change in angle? Why put the title and author at bottom?

    I'm just wondering, intellectually ... how do the changes speak to the reader?

  10. I like the new position for the title, and how the image is more crooked. It makes it more interesting, I think.

  11. I love the new cover! The anonymity I think works really well!! :)

    Morgan @Remembered Deservedly

  12. I love that you cut off the heads. Very sadistic. JK. I also love the arrows, they are hot like Ansel right now (Zoolander quote).

  13. Love, love, love! I agree that the cover like this (heads cut off and more off-kilter, yes?), it adds another level of mystery. And I love the title on the bottom with this design. It's a total win for me. Very professional looking and compelling.

  14. Oh I like this one much better, it really pops now!

  15. LOVE it. And it so fits the story. Great job ladies!

  16. I love how the elevator is tilted diagonally somewhat! Gives it a feeling of "motion". (Can't remember if it was like that in the first cover..?)

  17. Woohoo! I love the cover Elana!
    I can't wait to read it!!! :)
