Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Spectacular Sides: Broccoli Slaw

Okay, remember how I said I take all the help I can get from the grocery store? Well, it's really true. Some of my favorite sides require little more than opening things and mixing them together. Since I'm not eating many potatoes, rice, or other grains during meal times, I need my sides to be flavorful and fresh.

But that doesn't mean you can't take the help from some prepared products.

One of my favorite vegetables is broccoli. But not the heads. The stems. When I was growing up, my mom would peel them like you'd peel a carrot. And then she'd cut them like sticks, and we'd eat the broccoli stems with ranch dressing.

I don't do that. I don't know why. Probably because anything that requires peeling takes too much time! Ha!

But I've discovered that my local grocer carries broccoli slaw. It's all broccoli stems, carrots and red cabbage. Mmm. Some of my favorite things.

And there's nothing I like more than Lighthouse dressings. We've had most of them, and they make a coleslaw dressing that has celery seeds in it. I *love* me some celery seeds! So I take two products from the grocery store, mix them, and viola! A spectacular side.

Broccoli Slaw:
1 bag broccoli slaw mix
1 jar Lighthouse coleslaw mix

1. Open the bag. 

2.Spoon in about 1/3 of the jar of Lighthouse coleslaw mix. 

See? This makes 3 batches! That's good for the palate and the wallet. 

3. Mix well, and refrigerate about 20 minutes. 

Since my philosophy is dinner on the table in less than 30 minutes, I make this up front and then continue cooking my main dish while this marinates. And it doesn't need to. Only if you have time.



  1. My husband doesn't eat mayo which is in the Lighthouse dressing. So if you ever want to make your own (non-mayo)coleslaw dressing, on the cheap and easy peasy, try this.

    1/4 cup red wine vinegar
    1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard
    1 tsp. sugar
    1/2 cup Extra virgin olive oil.
    Put everything in a lidded jar, and shake. Pour on your slaw. You can use white vinegar with this too.

  2. I'm usually not high on broccoli...but this actually looks appetizing! :)

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