Monday, April 6, 2015

Seven Years Ago

Okay, so it's Spring Break where I am. Yay! I don't work in the summer either, but for some reason, I am so much more productive during Spring Break. I get a lot of cleaning done, and I try to get a lot of words on the page.

Seven years ago this week, I began my third novel. It was titled Control Issues all the way until it was sold and renamed to Possession.

I can't always remember when I wrote certain sections or sometimes even whole books. But with Possession, I remember that Spring Break vividly. I'm pretty sure I ate cold cereal for every meal, sitting on the couch as I wrote, and wrote, and wrote.

I don't know how much I wrote during the week of Spring Break, but I know I started Possession on Monday, and 17 days later, I finished the rough draft. It was 90,000 words. (Take that NaNo!)

I didn't start querying it until 13 months later, because hey, I'm a "dirty drafter." I need lots of time to clean up my books before they're fit for anyone to see.

Anyway, my publishing journey over the past seven years has been twisty. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the right path and things are going in the direction I want. Other times, I feel like I've taken a lesser traveled path, and it's sort of dark on this side street.

Each trail, whether well-worn or choked with brambles, has been an adventure. I've tried different genres, I've tried collaborations, I've tried lots of things. And I'm excited to keep trying!

Where were you in the journey seven years ago?


  1. I think life in general can be twisty. Glad you're still excited for your journey.

  2. 90k works in 17 days is a pretty big accomplishment!

    I'm trying to think. Seven years ago I was in the process of continuing to act like life was a forward moving object while my personal life was a shambling, barely-ambling, half-hearted living thing. Things have improved since then and I have the fodder of that time seven/eight years ago to help me with writing some pretty tender moments in books.

  3. Seven years ago? That was about a year after I'd self-published High Spirits (which would later be picked up by Sourcebooks as We Hear the Dead). I'd taken the book as far as I could on my own in the age before e-books became popular, and self-publishing was still a dirty word back then. I wasn't sure I would ever publish any more books. It was kind of a low point. :( I had no idea that I was only just beginning.

  4. I was querying for a new agent. In August it will be 7 years when I signed and my career finally started moving forward again - after a 7-8 year total stall. It's HARD to get published, but JUST AS HARD to keep the career going . . .

  5. Seven years ago, I had just met my future husband :)

    I'm awfully glad you wrote Possession, as I've loved it and everything you've written since.

  6. Expect the unexpected is what I say. Good luck with your journey from here.

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