Tuesday, October 18, 2016

RIFT is out!

Okay, so my newest addition to the YA science fiction genre came out yesterday! I, uh, thought I'd written a blog post about it a couple of weeks ago, but well, I didn't. Ha!

RIFT has had a rough road to publication. It's had highs and lows. Been on submission in New York, been through countless revisions, and got picked up by a publisher (which announced yesterday that they're closing. RIFT would've been out with them in February 2017. Ironic that I released it on the same day they announced their closure, right?!), and then I got my rights back.

I submitted it to Kindle Scout, and they didn't take it. For a few days, I thought I'd just move on my merry way. And then I thought, No, I'll put this book out. I do love the book, and I hope readers will too!

You can get RIFT on Amazon.

Monday, October 10, 2016

A Productivity Schedule

Okay, so I've been on a pretty crazy productivity schedule for several months now. The reason is because I'm releasing a new inspirational western romance every 11 weeks. And there was one point in April, where I'd just put up a pre-order and I'd only written ONE CHAPTER of the book.

One chapter.

And the book was coming out in 11 weeks. And I'd only written that chapter so I could put it in the back of the book coming out.

I started panicking a little. I mean, I write fast, but I need time to edit, let the book sit, format, etc.

And I never wanted to be that far behind again. My goal for the summer was to write enough so I could be working 6-7 months ahead of a book's publication date.

I wrote 240,000 words from the last day of school in June to the first day of school in August. And since school started, I've written 2 more books, one at 50K and one at 53K. And I just started another that I'm 20K into.

I have to do this if I want to continue publishing according to my schedule -- and in fact, I've decided to roll out my new series (starting in January) every 6 weeks. SIX WEEKS. But I'm happy to say that the book I'm writing right now doesn't come out until April. So I've achieved that 6 month cushion I wanted for myself.

I'm using Google calendar to keep track of what I should be working on. I give myself 3 weeks to write a 50K book. If I can get 3K/day for the 18 days, I can get really close. I take Sundays off, and I don't work Mondays so I can usually get closer to 5K to make up for any days I don't meet my word count goal.

I draft 2 books back-to-back. Then I take a break for formatting, marketing stuff, relaxation, releases, outlining the next 2 books, etc. That's usually 2 weeks. Then I'm back to drafting.

I feel like I'm doing pretty well at sticking to my schedule, but I also re-evaluate everything every month to prioritize things I may have overlooked, or move a book I'm not feeling like writing. But I have a productivity schedule, and I use it!

Do you do anything like that? How's it going for you?

Monday, October 3, 2016

New #YA #scifi coming to an eReader near you!

Okay, so it's been a while since I've released any YA novels. I'm still plugging away on them. I still like writing them. I just think they require so much more brain power than I sometimes have!

 But I have a duology coming: The Rift Walkers duology will be published very soon! And they got new covers!

You can get RIFT, the first installment in the series, on October 17. That's my mom's birthday, so I was pretty stoked to release a book that day.

And the second and final book in the series, MEND, will be out on December 11. That's MY birthday, and I've always wanted to release a book on my birthday! So I am going to! It's going to be epic.

 I love the covers the fabulous and award-winning Steven Novak did for me. Don't you think they're amazing? (Lie to me!)

Anyway, here's a bit more about the books, with buy links if you're so inclined to pick up a copy.

About RIFT: Seventeen-year-old Saige Phillips can’t help holding on to the hope that she’ll find Chloe, her twin who went missing five years ago. After all, Saige sees echoes of Chloe sitting in the window and skipping down the stairs. Though there’s never been any sound associated with Saige’s “hallucinations,” she’s freaked out by the breathing she hears in her bedroom.

The breathing is definitely real, and it’s definitely not coming from Saige. It’s echoing through a time rift that originates in Saige’s bedroom. Then a grayed-out guy shows up, saying his name is Price and he’s from the future. He has the same blue film clinging to him that Saige has seen on Chloe, and she seizes onto the idea that her twin went through the rift.

As Saige searches for answers in her time, she’s met with secret after secret, all coming back to one source: her physicist mother.

Price lives in the year 2073 with his Time Keeper father and a whole slew of global initiatives that regulate time travel. He knows time shouldn’t be played with. What he doesn’t know is why the rift opened now, or how he can stop it.

The deeper Price digs, the harder the truth is to swallow. His father willfully violating the global time travel initiative is one thing. Stealing the rift site from Saige’s mother is quite another. And kidnapping—or worse—to cover everything up takes things too far.

When the rift begins to show signs of overuse and instability, Price is desperate to close it before it explodes while Saige will do anything to keep it open long enough to find Chloe.

 In this dangerous game with time, someone’s bound to lose.

BUY for only $2.99 on Amazon.

About MEND: The high-octane conclusion to the time travel thriller, RIFT.

With Cascade gone through the rift, Price is determined to fix everything and find her. It doesn't matter if there's somebody that could become him--steal his life--on the other side of the rift. What does matter is that he figure out how to mend it.

But he doesn't even have access to it anymore. When he wakes up to a new, different existence than what he's used to, he realizes that everything about time is fluid. And anyone with the power to walk through time can change his entire future.

Cascade knows this all too well, having lived in dozens of realities over the years. And the one she lives in now, she doesn't want. Because it still harbors secrets about her father, who her sister Saige is determined to find.

Find him they do, but no one--not Price, not Saige, not Cascade--is prepared for what they'll find on the other side of the rift...

BUY for only $2.99 on Amazon.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Get 15 #clean #romance #novels for #free!

Okay, so this week only, you can get 15 clean romance novels for FREE. That's right! I've read several of these romance novels, and they're fantastic. Yes, two of them are mine. But it's the perfect time to read some romance if you haven't for a while!

GO HERE to check out the novels, download as many as you'd like, and then enter to win a $60 gift card!

Monday, September 12, 2016

ECHOES OF SILENCE is on sale this month!

Okay, so my Amazon book, Echoes of Silence, is on sale this month for only $1.99! That's a pretty great deal for this book, as it's over 100,000 words!

This is an adult fantasy that won Kindle Scout. I have really enjoyed my publishing process with them, and I'm thrilled that it's one of Amazon's featured books this month.

And hey, if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you can read Echoes of Silence for free, along with a bunch of other Kindle Scout-winning books. I've organized a KU Swap Meet that you can check out here.

It's organized by genre, so you can pick up other fantasies, romance novels, science fiction books, and more. Be sure to go look at all the books that are on sale for $1.99 or 99-cents -- or FREE if you have a KU subscription.

While you're there, be sure to enter to win a $100 gift card from the 22 authors that are participating in this month's swap meet!

One book I've got my eye on is THE SPIRIT TREE by Kathryn M. Hearst. I mean: "Lifetimes of family secrets. Threats from every direction. A young woman forced to discover the truth." That sounds amazing, right? And it's a fantasy too, so if you like fantasy novels, be sure to get this one during the Swap Meet too!

What have you been reading this month?

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

UNTIL SUMMER ENDS #newrelease celebration!

Okay, so it's release day for UNTIL SUMMER ENDS! I am thrilled to have this book out in the world before summer ends! It was postponed for a while, until my publisher was able to partner with Simon & Schuster Digital to distribute their books. Yay for summer romance!

So UNTIL SUMMER ENDS is a clean, contemporary romance. It is not inspirational, like my Liz Isaacson books. But again, it is clean. There's no swearing, the innuendo is mild, and there is one closed-door fade-to-black love scene. That's it.

If you like food trucks, you'll like Until Summer Ends.

If you like a beach romance, you'll like Until Summer Ends.

If you like your heroes to be tall, blonde, and an aspiring actor, you'll like Until Summer Ends.

If you like clean, feel-good romances, you'll like Until Summer Ends.

There is a month-long blog tour going on to celebrate the release of my debut contemporary romance. You can enter through any of the blog tour stops, or go here to enter to win a Kindle Paperwhite. You will need to sign up for my romance-only newsletter, where you'll only get news and notifications about my contemporary romance titles under the name Elana Johnson. (If you want news and notifications, which include special sales, about my Liz Isaacson titles, GO HERE.)

Blog tour stops today:

Wishful Endings
One Day at a Time


(Available in ebook only; paperback comes out January 17, 2017.)

Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes

Monday, August 8, 2016

Fall "Under Your Spell" with a haunted romance anthology

Dude, so I've enjoyed writing shorter works and combining with other authors to make novella anthologies. I've done two in the past year, and I have another haunting, Halloween anthology coming out on September 1.

The UNDER YOUR SPELL romance anthology features 10 wickedly romantic romance novellas, including my historical paranormal romance titled THE KILLING TOUCH.

I don't normally subscribe to research, but at my back-to-school professional development last year, I read an article in Scholastic for Kids about the Peshtigo Fire. It happened on the same night as the Great Chicago Fire in 1871, but was actually much more damaging. And I instantly wanted to write a story in that era, at that place.

THE KILLING TOUCH is that story. I hope you'll pre-order the anthology, because it's only 99-cents and there are a lot of amazing stories in the collection.

Order it here!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Only a few days left to nominate RIFT!

Okay, so the Kindle Scout campaign for RIFT, my YA time travel thriller, ends this Thursday, August 4! Only 4 more days to nominate!

If you have already, thank you! You'll get a free copy of the book if it is selected for publication. If you haven't nominated yet, please consider doing so. It takes about 30 seconds and again, you'll get a free copy of the book.

Win / win!

You need an Amazon account, and it'll prompt you to login if you aren't. (I happen to be perpetually logged in, but you know. I'm in therapy for my issues. *wink*) Then all you do is CLICK THIS LINK and then click the blue "nominate me" button.

Easy as pie!

Mmm, pie. I'd like some of that. :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Until Summer Ends will be out in two weeks!

Okay, so my next release, UNTIL SUMMER ENDS, a contemporary romance novel, finally has a release date!

And it's in only TWO WEEKS.

Yes, my jaw hit the floor too. But I am super-excited about this book. I loved writing it, and I hope others will love reading it.

It's my full-length contemporary romance debut, and I hope you'll order it and tell me how I did in a new genre!

A few fun facts about UNTIL SUMMER ENDS:
  • It's the first in a new series, the Redwood Bay Romance series, which will have at least 3 books.
  • It takes place in a small fictional beachside town called Redwood Bay in northern California.
  • It features a taco stand owner as the heroine. Food trucks, FTW!
  • The hero is a down-on-his-luck actor.
  • This is a clean romance -- there is no swearing and mild sexual content.
  • This is a contemporary romance -- no paranormal, no historical, nada. Just a girl, the beach, and her taco stand. Oh yeah, and that actor...
  • Until Summer Ends is the perfect beach read! I hope you'll take it on your vacation with you.

You can order UNTIL SUMMER ENDS from these retailers:

If you're interested in joining my romance newsletter, I've recently split it from my speculative fiction list. You can join the romance newsletter here, and get my beach-themed novella, OPEN FOR LOVE, for free. Then you'll get news and deals about my romances in your inbox.

UNTIL SUMMER ENDS will be released on August 9! I'm pretty stoked this book is coming out -- it's been a long three months of waiting past the original release date!    

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Nominate RIFT for publication with #KindleScout

Okay, so this post is a bit of a doozy. Some of you may remember back in the fall when I announced the sale of my YA time travel thriller, RIFT.

It literally was one of the funnest posts I've written. I was so happy. Things were going so well. I finally felt like I was producing and publishing again, after a long period of stagnation, of going nowhere, of wondering if I was a "real writer" or just someone playing the writing game.

Fast forward to now. I won't go into all the details, not only because I don't think it's necessary, but because there are multiple sides to this story, and you'd only be getting mine.

The bottom line is, I own the rights to RIFT again. It will not be published by Jolly Fish Press, much as I would've liked it to be.

So. I stewed and stewed. What should I do with this book?

I still believe it's a good book. I was able to secure a literary agent with the manuscript. I was able to secure 3 offers of publication from small presses with it.

Should I just throw it away? Let it sit? Forget about it?

Well, I'm a little bit of a pit bull, and I finally decided I couldn't do that.

After a couple of months of thought--and seeing how well my adult fantasy has done with Amazon/Kindle Press--I've decided to go ahead and run a Kindle Scout campaign for RIFT. After all, the sequel is already drafted. I decided I couldn't just throw away two books.

So! If you would take a few seconds to nominate RIFT for publication with Kindle Press, I would really appreciate it! It's live today for the next 30 days, and if you nominate the book, you'll get a free copy should it get selected for publication.

You have to have an Amazon account and be logged in. Then it's just a matter of a single click on the blue "nominate me" button. That's it.

Thank you so much!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Dedicated Website

Okay, so I haven't had a dedicated website for myself in years. If you typed in elanajohnson.com, the magic monkeys behind the Interwebz would redirect you to...this blog!

But, over the past couple of weeks, I've decided to buy web hosting and make some websites. This is mostly because I have two personas now, and I'm publishing a lot of books, and I feel like I need a more permanent landing page for my fans.

While I was doing all that (which is actually kind of fun for my right and left brains!), I contemplated what to do with this blog.

See, I've been here for years. Eight to be exact. I've loved interacting with all of you. I have scads and scads of (I think) helpful articles about publishing, marketing, querying, and yes, losing weight. Ha!

At first, I thought I'd migrate them all over to WordPress, one post at a time. I was actually getting on today to redirect people over to the new blog site!

But I just can't do it. I've loved this little corner of blogdom, and I don't want to leave it. I have neglected it for a few months, but hey, writing and publishing a new book every 11 weeks can cause some virtual neglect.

I am determined to get back to blogging. I love doing it, and I've been learning lots of new things. And I'm going to do it here. I'm just going to link from my new website back to this blog. I think that will actually make things easier, and things won't get lost.

But, if you want to check out my new website, please do! And if you're interested in my adult romances, you'll have to check out Liz Isaacson's website. She's me. But with a different name. :)

What have you been doing this summer? I hope it's been better than building websites while your kids swim with their friends. Just sayin'. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Writing

Okay, so I've heard some people say they don't get any writing done during the summer. But it's my most productive time of the year! I know, I know. I don't have little children at home, and the one I do dances 16 hours a week. Even if I wrote 1000 words per hour of her dance, I could write 16,000 words per week.

And still have all her free time to spend with her.

So I get it. Everyone is in a different stage of life. But I do work during the other times of the year, serve on my community's library board, and hold a demanding job in my church. I have times where I feel like I can't write too.

So how do we do it?

Some tips, garnered from the last 9 years since I started writing.

1. Make those 15 minutes count. Sometimes I literally have 15 minutes in my schedule. I tell myself I'm going to write one scene in that 15 minutes. It could be 400 - 500 words, and that's more than I had before.

Don't let those little windows of time get away from you. If you have four of them spaced throughout the day, you've written 2000 words.

2. Micromanage. Yes! Finally a way to satisfy my micromanaging tendencies. If I'm having a particularly busy day of teaching, running errands, taxi-ing people everywhere, meetings at night, etc. I learn to micromanage my time. I tell myself, "You'll have one hour from 9:00 - 10:00 pm tonight. Write 1000 words then."

Then I don't have to think about writing all day. I don't have to have this well of anxiety in my stomach that "I haven't written yet!" I don't have to be impatient with the people and situations I'm in and how they're cutting into my writing time.

Trust me, I've had all of that over the years. And it doesn't help the creative process to be under stress about trying to be creative.

3. Outline. I used to be a complete pantser. The thought of outlining gave me hives, and I thought I'd never do it. But now that I'm trying to produce more as a way of promoting my work, I find that I can't just keep pantsing my way through a book. The revision process is just too hard. And sometimes, if I can't think of anything, I'm not productive during writing time either.

But if I outline -- at least a little bit -- I find that I don't have long stretches of staring at the blank screen. My revision process is much smoother, allowing me to get to publication or submission faster -- and onto the next project faster too.

4. Schedule days off. When I first started writing, I thought I had to write everyday or I wasn't a real author. That is totally false. Some people are full-time writers, and they "go to work" everyday and write. That's great for them. Works for them. Some people are binge writers and purge all their words in a weekend or a few days each month. They're real writers too.

If you write words on a page, you're a real writer. Everyone will give you advice on how to be a real writer, but the only person who can determine that is you. Even if you don't write everyday.

I schedule my writing time by project and week. So I look at my week and I see what days I have what activities, and sometimes I just say, "I will not be writing on Thursday." And that's okay. And it's freeing. And I still make my writing goals without feeling like a failure. And the last part of that sentence is key.

Anyway, I know these tips have worked for me during my busy times (hello September, October, April and May). Using them, I've managed to keep my productivity up and still live a balanced life.

What helps you stay productive, even when you've got kids at home or other distractions? 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Release Day for ECHOES OF SILENCE!

Dude, I have another book in the wild! ECHOES OF SILENCE, my adult fantasy, hits virtual shelves today! It's my debut in adult fantasy, and I'm excited to finally get this book out into the wild. It's been a long journey for this little fantasy, and I'm excited to be publishing with Kindle Press/Amazon.

ECHOES starts a new series -- the Songs of Life series -- and I'm currently plotting and scheduling the production of the second book.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Mother's Day Book Bash Sale!

Okay, you guys, you like books, right? You know you do! Well, for the next several days, from May 2 - May 9, there are a bunch of books sale-priced at 99-cents!

And my inspirational western romance which I write under my pen name, SECOND CHANCE RANCH, is the first book in my bestselling and highly reviewed Three Rivers Ranch Romance series, and its only 99 cents for the next 7 days!

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope you'll pick up a copy for yourself, your mother, sister, or grandmother. An aunt. Whoever! And check out the other books on sale during this Mother's Day Book Bash, because there are amazing deals right now. (Hover on "Book Genres" at the top and find your deals!)

ALSO -- you can enter to win a $50 gift card by sharing and visiting our page. Enter in the widget.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Okay, so I'm here today to talk about an amazing book by an amazing author! LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION by Danyelle Ferguson. This type of sweet, comedic romance is right up my alley!

A bit about LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Charlee was angry . . .

What do you do when your boss makes someone else the lead on a big renovation project that should rightfully be yours? You quit. On second thought, that might not be the best idea, but Charlee Jackson has never been one for second thoughts. Instead, she lands a big contract of her own. She’s jumping into her new life—work boots, tool belt and all. Now she just needs to form a company and hire contractors and buy supplies and get an office . . . and not fall in love with her former boss's son. Yeah. Definitely not that last one.

Peter was torn . . .

You can’t date someone who works for you, but now that his dad let Charlee walk out the door, Peter Elliot is considering his options. Charlee was their top renovation expert, his best friend’s sister, and the only thing that made the drudgery of running a large construction business bearable. But how do you date a competitor, especially one your father is trying to drive out of business? It would be stupid to make your dad angry right before he retires and hands the company over to you. Right?

When Charlee and Peter are scheduled to work on the same Indulgence Row house, their feelings and priorities are put to the test. They need to make a choice, and they better be quick about it, because the whole mixture is curing fast and threatening to crumble to pieces.


This book is a clever blend of construction, comedy, and romance. Be sure to pick up your copy today! You won't regret it.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | Goodreads

My review: I haven't read Book 1 in the Indulgence Row series (yet!), but I bought it and it's waiting for me on my Kindle for when I need a perfect escape. (You can get it here too -- it's free!) Because that's what LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION is. The perfect escape for anyone who enjoys a happy ending. And kissing. :)

The thing I loved most about LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION is the characterization. Danyelle is a master at this, putting in little things that do so much to build a character into a real person. I was actually taking notes, because Charlee and Peter felt so real to me!

I loved Charlee's dedication to getting every detail just right. I enjoyed that something as simple as her cell phone notification was so detailed. And that it said something about Charlee. I liked Peter's strength in standing up to his father and her brother, but also his softer side when it came to specific conflicts.

The setting is masterfully done--I want a shop on Indulgence Row so I can write and sell books! And I don't know if Danyelle is a carpenter (I'm guessing she's not!), but I loved the handy aspect of this novel. I do love men that work with their hands, and carpenters are no different.

LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION has a heroine worth cheering for. One who's strong, business-minded, and willing to work hard to get what she wants. And the hero is equally likeable. Throw in a great plot, and a killer setting, and you've got a romance worth cheering for.

I give it 5 stars!

About Danyelle: Danyelle Ferguson discovered her love for the written word in elementary school. Her first article was published when she was in 6th grade. Since then, she’s won several awards and her work has been published world-wide in newspapers, magazines and books.

Danyelle grew up surrounded by Pennsylvania’s beautiful Allegheny Mountains. Then she lived for ten years among the majestic Wasatch Mountains. She is currently experiencing mountain-withdrawal while living in Kansas with her husband and family. She enjoys reading, writing, dancing and singing in the kitchen, and the occasional long bubble bath to relax from the everyday stress of being “Mommy.”

Find her on her website, Facebook, or twitter.

Oh, and before you go, be sure to enter the giveaway of sweet romance reads! I believe it goes for a couple more days, so be sure to enter -- my clean western romances are part of the giveaway!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Three Things

Okay, so remember that highs and lows post? Well, it only got more volatile from there!

First, you can now pre-order my fantasy, ECHOES OF SILENCE, from Kindle Press! Yay! It comes out on May 3, and I have to say I'm a little weepy about this book. As I was editing it over the past couple of months, I recognized lines I remembered writing...in 2011.

Five years, you guys. It's taken me FIVE YEARS to get this book published. I feel a movie quote coming on. "Never give up! Never surrender!"

Pre-order ECHOES OF SILENCE here!!

Second, the Timeless Anthology I contributed to last fall is up for a Rone Award! Woot! It's the first week of voting, and I'd love it if you'd take a couple of seconds to pop over to the InD'Tale website and vote for ALL HALLOWS' EVE in the Anthology category. You do have to register and login to the site to vote.

Third, remember how excited I was about my debut contemporary romance to come out on May 10? Well, that's the dip in this roller coaster ride. The release date has been postponed due to some distributor issues. I'm still super-psyched about the book -- because it's another story I absolutely love and can't wait to share with the world -- but I'll have to wait a little longer to release that excitement.

So yeah. Still riding. And writing. Ha!

What are you up to? 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Highs and Lows

Okay, so man, does this business of publishing have some really high highs, and some really low lows. I don't think I'm a stranger to this at all, and I've lived through it before, but I'm on the roller coaster again.

I'm not querying or anything, but I'm constantly refreshing my email to see if "the one" has come. My adult fantasy, ECHOES OF SILENCE, was selected by Kindle Scout, and I've completed and submitted the final edits. So what am I doing? Hanging on by my white knuckles, checking that email every five freaking seconds to see if I've gotten the email to let me know when my book will be released.

Yeah, it's a sickness.

In addition to that, I'm less than 30 days away from the release of my debut contemporary romance, UNTIL SUMMER ENDS. I'm ridiculously excited about this book, and not just because it takes place on the beach--one of my favorite places on the planet.

This is my first published contemporary romance, but it's my fifth attempt, and I really love the book. I want it to get a good send-off into the world, and I'm nervous about it. Talk about a low! I feel like I've gone back in time 5 years, and I'm anticipating the release of Possession all over again! (BTW, you can pre-order the book if you want! I would love you forever.)

Back then, I randomly started crying at lyrics to songs, and wouldn't you know it, I'm doing the same thing again! The cycles in this business are crazy!

In addition to that, I had another book deal on the table, and it fell through. It was a hard week while that was all going down, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm disappointed. I don't quite know what to do with the book now, and it's just sitting. I think it's a good book, but my confidence in it has been shaken.

Another valley. Another reason to just sit on the couch and watch Food Network. But am I doing that?


I have another Three Rivers Ranch Romance novel to write. After all, I put it up for pre-order and it's not quite finished yet... But my self-published western romances have seen success like I've never experienced before. It's a high I don't quite know how to ride. I find myself falling off all the time, and trying to get a grip on things, and trying to keep up with the insane production schedule I put myself on for the series.

It's definitely been a wild ride these past few months! What's your ride looking like lately? Highs? Lows? Some of both? 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Huge Sale of YA Speculative Fiction Books!

Okay, guys, I'm super excited to be participating with a bunch of other authors with free or 99-cent YA speculative fiction titles!
THIS SALE BEGINS ON FEBRUARY 17, 2016 and goes until FEBRUARY 21, 2016. (I would check prices before downloading though. All these books should be free or 99-cents.)

Below, you'll find amazing books by amazing authors. They're all MG/YA specualtive fiction titles. You can find my complete boxed set of Elemental novellas and novels (3 titles -- Elemental Rush, Elemental Hunger, and Elemental Release) for FREE here. I hope you'll go download a copy and enjoy!

There is an adult side to this too. If you want to check out the adult books, click here.

Disclaimer: I haven't read most of the books on this list. Authors assigned their own movie ratings.

From $7.99 to $0.99

Kindle * Nook Kobo iTunes

Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Fantasy

Nicole has been chosen to lead an anti-magic organization in a revolution which will destroy all Aretes, including herself. But if she doesn't do it, a curse placed long ago will lead to everyone's destruction.
From $3.99 to $0.99


Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Fantasy

In a land of magic users, one boy is born without magic. In a realm of angry dragons, one dragon befriends a human boy. Together, they follow their hearts in order to save their land.

From $2.99 to $0.99


Movie Rating: PG

Genre: YA Fantasy

Shanice has never felt like she belongs. Then she learns why—she is the last known princess from another world, their last chance to stop the one who is bent on destroying it.
From $2.99 to $0.99


Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Christina is a demon, but she doesn't want to be. Only one person stands in the way of her transformation, and he will stop at nothing to keep her the way she is.
From $2.99 to $0.99

Kindle * Nook

Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Megan's been known for her luck her whole life. But when a leprechaun shows up at her door, Everything changes. Her friends must help her get it back before it ruins her high school career forever.

From $3.99 to $0.99

Kindle * Nook * Kobo * iTunes 

Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Gothic Paranormal Romance

Amelia meant to help a ghost, not unleash a curse. As her classmate's bodies pile up, she must exonerate the boy next door...or end up the next victim.
From $2.99 to $0.99

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Magical Realism

When the royal family is brutally murdered, Princess Kazia is left to rule. But how can she rule when her home has burned to the ground and at any moment the assassin may return?
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Movie Rating: R

Genre: Paranormal

If Lord of the Flies and The Thing had a baby, and then that baby was raised by Evil Dead, it would grow up to be this toe-curling camp scare speckled with black humor and nasty stuff.

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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Time Travel Romance

Cassie is going to heaven—if she can get amnesty from hell in the next twenty days. Her assignment is to change the eternal destination of a girl in Albuquerque to earn admittance into heaven.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Dystopian

Arcene, Awoken and trapped in her own body as a perpetual fifteen-year-old, gets a lot more than she bargained for when she finally finds herself behind the walls of the blue castle.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Science Fiction

When the Hubble Telescope disappears, the FBI calls Jake Corby. Corby has promised his wife to cut down on the hero stuff, but when the ISS is targeted, his promise gets hard to keep.

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Urban Fantasy

What if the greatest weapon in the age-old war between good and evil was inside of you? Crystal Scott must use her newfound gifts against the tide of evil threatening all of them—or die trying.
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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Fantasy

Born a Naga, Kanvar is hunted, hated, and driven into hiding. Soon the dragon sickness will come upon him, and he will die if he cannot find a dragon to bond with.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy

Winner of the state libraries' Soon to be Famous Illinois Author Project! Three unlikely heroes board a doomed bus. Destination: the afterlife. Their mission: to save forever. But first they have to save themselves.

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Supernatural Suspense

St. Margaret's was an almshouse until its previous occupants burned to death years before. When a bag of bones falls on twelve-year old Julia, she gets thrown into the spirit realm with house's past residents.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Fantasy

Merge with a demon. Fight a traitor trying to destroy both their worlds. And above all don’t kill the people trying to help.
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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Time Travel

When Petra Baron goes into the fortuneteller’s tent at a Renaissance fair, she expects to leave with a date to prom. Instead, she walks out into Elizabethan England.

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Paranormal

When a jagged cut shows up on Kylee's arm, she enlists her neighbor to help her uncover the truth. But Price shows her much more—he shows her what it is to be alive.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Dystopian

Get this bestselling dystopian fantasy series from YA author Elana Johnson in one convenient digital boxed set! Includes 3 volumes: Elemental Rush, Elemental Hunger, and Elemental Release.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Paranormal

Mackenzie Carver accidentally stumbles into a supernatural's plot to frame the school loner for murder, drawing the attention of the plotter and painting a target on her head.

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Paranormal

Can YOU survive the fish-zombie apocalypse? The fate of your friends and family is in your hands, and when the stakes are high, YOU need to decide what you’ll be—a survivor, or fish food.
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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Ghosts

What would you do if you had a camera that could photograph ghosts? When Jenine discovers an abandoned Polaroid, she realises the dead aren’t as peaceful as she’d imagined...
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Spooky Fantasy

Sam dreams he has a friend, but when he wakes, he always forgets him. One day he does not forget, one day he remembers, and on that day, the boy comes to stay...

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Kyle, an extraordinary level magic holder, has a problem. It isn't the pretty girl that has taken an interest in him. It's the organization that is trying to kill him. High school is tough.

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Science Fiction

High school dropout Darius Arthur Heisenberg is recruited to be an agent for the Keepers, whose mission is to maintain and protect the myriad threads of time. What could possibly go wrong?
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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Science Fiction Space Opera

Bob Astor lands himself in the middle of a desperate crisis that could lead to the destruction of all human life. It's up to Bob to stop the dangerous alien force headed to Earth!

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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Dystopian

In futuristic America, ratings are everything. When Treena gets the wrong number, she takes a dangerous mission to prove her true worth. But why is someone trying to kill her?
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Aspen—a skydiving, rock-climbing, bear-cuddling, adrenaline junkie, finds herself in real danger when she unwittingly ensnares the heart of Obsidian, the dragon king.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Paranormal Romance

The bracelet around my wrist is a permanent reminder of my mission. The silver charm attached to the leather cord is stamped with my birth sign. Mission: Unite with my twin flame soulmate.

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Fantasy

Duty versus love is the one battle warrior Kae does not know how to fight.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Paranormal

Mary has always been different. She'd like to be normal, but being able to hear ghosts means she'll never be like everyone else.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Coming of Age Fantasy

As the second son, Micah Brachon is happy to focus on his inventions and experiments. When one of those experiments is sabotaged, he learns about the deadly faction that seeks to rip apart their government.

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Paranormal Romance

When do dreams erupt into reality? After Hannah, vacationing in Arizona, meets handsome Josh from the Navajo reservation, she experiences vivid nightmares about the Navajo nation’s past — a riveting tale blending romance and paranormal mystery.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Science Fiction/Super Here

Power of a villain, heart of a hero.
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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Mia Winterborne is destined to be special. Details are sketchy, though, as her dad disappeared with the answers. As her birthday draws near, long-buried lies are exposed, putting her on a path she never expected.

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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Paranormal Romance

On her sixteenth birthday Emily discovers she is a witch and accidentally causes complete mayhem as her first spells don't exactly go to plan. A young adult paranormal romantic comedy.
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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Fantasy

When a psychotic werewolf comes to town, Xoe’s life is a disaster waiting to happen. Throw a tall, handsome vampire into the mix, and the question of Xoe’s preternatural heritage, and it’s total chaos.
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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Fantasy

When nerdy Rich Witz unwittingly becomes a paladin in training, he is thrust into a world where flunking a test can change history, and a mysterious bully is playing for keeps with his life.

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror

Tamara thought she was a normal girl in a normal world. Wrong. Her new reality is full of ghosts and demons and she's a member of the Choir Invisible, a demon hunter. Join her.
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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Apocalyptic/Dystopian

No one knows why they have to evacuate at first. What they soon find out is it will take a lot of inventiveness with limited resources for the evacuees to survive the Weather Wars.

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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Science Fiction

If your heart rate goes over 140 beats per minute, you die. In a quest for the truth about the Bug and its origin, Nik and his friends work to keep their heart rates low.
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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Science Fiction/Cyberpunk

The world is broken. The powerful machines that once ruled over land and sky fought and died, leaving humanity in a primitive age of swords and monsters and only the Etherwalker can save them.
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Movie Rating: PG

Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy

Above ground an epidemic sweeps the planet. In order to survive, most of the population must slave away in the dark, unforgiving caverns of the Yyinum mines. These self-appointed guardians strive for survival on Minea.

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Movie Rating: PG13

Genre: Science Fiction

After the world was torn apart by the nightmares of myth and legend, a revenge-filled Caleb and a bewitched Eric find themselves on journeys to hunt down the Dragonlords.

Enjoy the books! And come check out Andrea's giveaway here.

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