Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Okay, so I'm here today to talk about an amazing book by an amazing author! LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION by Danyelle Ferguson. This type of sweet, comedic romance is right up my alley!

A bit about LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Charlee was angry . . .

What do you do when your boss makes someone else the lead on a big renovation project that should rightfully be yours? You quit. On second thought, that might not be the best idea, but Charlee Jackson has never been one for second thoughts. Instead, she lands a big contract of her own. She’s jumping into her new life—work boots, tool belt and all. Now she just needs to form a company and hire contractors and buy supplies and get an office . . . and not fall in love with her former boss's son. Yeah. Definitely not that last one.

Peter was torn . . .

You can’t date someone who works for you, but now that his dad let Charlee walk out the door, Peter Elliot is considering his options. Charlee was their top renovation expert, his best friend’s sister, and the only thing that made the drudgery of running a large construction business bearable. But how do you date a competitor, especially one your father is trying to drive out of business? It would be stupid to make your dad angry right before he retires and hands the company over to you. Right?

When Charlee and Peter are scheduled to work on the same Indulgence Row house, their feelings and priorities are put to the test. They need to make a choice, and they better be quick about it, because the whole mixture is curing fast and threatening to crumble to pieces.


This book is a clever blend of construction, comedy, and romance. Be sure to pick up your copy today! You won't regret it.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | Goodreads

My review: I haven't read Book 1 in the Indulgence Row series (yet!), but I bought it and it's waiting for me on my Kindle for when I need a perfect escape. (You can get it here too -- it's free!) Because that's what LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION is. The perfect escape for anyone who enjoys a happy ending. And kissing. :)

The thing I loved most about LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION is the characterization. Danyelle is a master at this, putting in little things that do so much to build a character into a real person. I was actually taking notes, because Charlee and Peter felt so real to me!

I loved Charlee's dedication to getting every detail just right. I enjoyed that something as simple as her cell phone notification was so detailed. And that it said something about Charlee. I liked Peter's strength in standing up to his father and her brother, but also his softer side when it came to specific conflicts.

The setting is masterfully done--I want a shop on Indulgence Row so I can write and sell books! And I don't know if Danyelle is a carpenter (I'm guessing she's not!), but I loved the handy aspect of this novel. I do love men that work with their hands, and carpenters are no different.

LOVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION has a heroine worth cheering for. One who's strong, business-minded, and willing to work hard to get what she wants. And the hero is equally likeable. Throw in a great plot, and a killer setting, and you've got a romance worth cheering for.

I give it 5 stars!

About Danyelle: Danyelle Ferguson discovered her love for the written word in elementary school. Her first article was published when she was in 6th grade. Since then, she’s won several awards and her work has been published world-wide in newspapers, magazines and books.

Danyelle grew up surrounded by Pennsylvania’s beautiful Allegheny Mountains. Then she lived for ten years among the majestic Wasatch Mountains. She is currently experiencing mountain-withdrawal while living in Kansas with her husband and family. She enjoys reading, writing, dancing and singing in the kitchen, and the occasional long bubble bath to relax from the everyday stress of being “Mommy.”

Find her on her website, Facebook, or twitter.

Oh, and before you go, be sure to enter the giveaway of sweet romance reads! I believe it goes for a couple more days, so be sure to enter -- my clean western romances are part of the giveaway!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Three Things

Okay, so remember that highs and lows post? Well, it only got more volatile from there!

First, you can now pre-order my fantasy, ECHOES OF SILENCE, from Kindle Press! Yay! It comes out on May 3, and I have to say I'm a little weepy about this book. As I was editing it over the past couple of months, I recognized lines I remembered writing...in 2011.

Five years, you guys. It's taken me FIVE YEARS to get this book published. I feel a movie quote coming on. "Never give up! Never surrender!"

Pre-order ECHOES OF SILENCE here!!

Second, the Timeless Anthology I contributed to last fall is up for a Rone Award! Woot! It's the first week of voting, and I'd love it if you'd take a couple of seconds to pop over to the InD'Tale website and vote for ALL HALLOWS' EVE in the Anthology category. You do have to register and login to the site to vote.

Third, remember how excited I was about my debut contemporary romance to come out on May 10? Well, that's the dip in this roller coaster ride. The release date has been postponed due to some distributor issues. I'm still super-psyched about the book -- because it's another story I absolutely love and can't wait to share with the world -- but I'll have to wait a little longer to release that excitement.

So yeah. Still riding. And writing. Ha!

What are you up to? 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Highs and Lows

Okay, so man, does this business of publishing have some really high highs, and some really low lows. I don't think I'm a stranger to this at all, and I've lived through it before, but I'm on the roller coaster again.

I'm not querying or anything, but I'm constantly refreshing my email to see if "the one" has come. My adult fantasy, ECHOES OF SILENCE, was selected by Kindle Scout, and I've completed and submitted the final edits. So what am I doing? Hanging on by my white knuckles, checking that email every five freaking seconds to see if I've gotten the email to let me know when my book will be released.

Yeah, it's a sickness.

In addition to that, I'm less than 30 days away from the release of my debut contemporary romance, UNTIL SUMMER ENDS. I'm ridiculously excited about this book, and not just because it takes place on the beach--one of my favorite places on the planet.

This is my first published contemporary romance, but it's my fifth attempt, and I really love the book. I want it to get a good send-off into the world, and I'm nervous about it. Talk about a low! I feel like I've gone back in time 5 years, and I'm anticipating the release of Possession all over again! (BTW, you can pre-order the book if you want! I would love you forever.)

Back then, I randomly started crying at lyrics to songs, and wouldn't you know it, I'm doing the same thing again! The cycles in this business are crazy!

In addition to that, I had another book deal on the table, and it fell through. It was a hard week while that was all going down, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm disappointed. I don't quite know what to do with the book now, and it's just sitting. I think it's a good book, but my confidence in it has been shaken.

Another valley. Another reason to just sit on the couch and watch Food Network. But am I doing that?


I have another Three Rivers Ranch Romance novel to write. After all, I put it up for pre-order and it's not quite finished yet... But my self-published western romances have seen success like I've never experienced before. It's a high I don't quite know how to ride. I find myself falling off all the time, and trying to get a grip on things, and trying to keep up with the insane production schedule I put myself on for the series.

It's definitely been a wild ride these past few months! What's your ride looking like lately? Highs? Lows? Some of both? 

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