Monday, April 18, 2016

Three Things

Okay, so remember that highs and lows post? Well, it only got more volatile from there!

First, you can now pre-order my fantasy, ECHOES OF SILENCE, from Kindle Press! Yay! It comes out on May 3, and I have to say I'm a little weepy about this book. As I was editing it over the past couple of months, I recognized lines I remembered 2011.

Five years, you guys. It's taken me FIVE YEARS to get this book published. I feel a movie quote coming on. "Never give up! Never surrender!"

Pre-order ECHOES OF SILENCE here!!

Second, the Timeless Anthology I contributed to last fall is up for a Rone Award! Woot! It's the first week of voting, and I'd love it if you'd take a couple of seconds to pop over to the InD'Tale website and vote for ALL HALLOWS' EVE in the Anthology category. You do have to register and login to the site to vote.

Third, remember how excited I was about my debut contemporary romance to come out on May 10? Well, that's the dip in this roller coaster ride. The release date has been postponed due to some distributor issues. I'm still super-psyched about the book -- because it's another story I absolutely love and can't wait to share with the world -- but I'll have to wait a little longer to release that excitement.

So yeah. Still riding. And writing. Ha!

What are you up to? 


  1. I'm so excited for ECHOES OF SILENCE! And ohmygosh, that cover just kills me every time. So beautiful!

    Voted. :)

  2. I can't wait to read Echoes again and see how it's evolved. Also, I am bummed about your contemporary romance being delayed. I am trying to load the kindle for the new know. For me. But I will wait.

  3. Beautiful cover, tantalizing summary. Pre-ordered.

  4. Yay for good news, boo for bad. Roller coaster indeed! Voted though, and pre-ordered! Excited!

  5. Great news, great news, and...delayed great news!

  6. Love your cover! Glad you are getting some good news even if the publication date is being moved.

  7. All those poor people that didn't vote for you on Kindle Scout and now have to pre-order. I already have a copy on my Kindle.

    It looks like everybody else thought the same thing I did. That cover is amazing. In fact, I want to go so far as to say that I don't think I've ever seen a better cover. Ever. I'm not sure who you had to that, but they were worth every penny.

  8. Oh, I love the cover for Echoes of Silence! Many, many congrats!! As for the anthology, I'll head over there and vote right now!

    I'm sorry to hear they pushed back your release date for your contemp. romance. I'm sure that must be frustrating!
