Monday, August 1, 2016

Only a few days left to nominate RIFT!

Okay, so the Kindle Scout campaign for RIFT, my YA time travel thriller, ends this Thursday, August 4! Only 4 more days to nominate!

If you have already, thank you! You'll get a free copy of the book if it is selected for publication. If you haven't nominated yet, please consider doing so. It takes about 30 seconds and again, you'll get a free copy of the book.

Win / win!

You need an Amazon account, and it'll prompt you to login if you aren't. (I happen to be perpetually logged in, but you know. I'm in therapy for my issues. *wink*) Then all you do is CLICK THIS LINK and then click the blue "nominate me" button.

Easy as pie!

Mmm, pie. I'd like some of that. :)


  1. Done! What a beautiful cover. Posted to twitter and Facebook too. Good luck!! <3 Christy

  2. This book is full of some rather awesome tech, lots of intrigue, a good amount of mystery, twists and turns, brilliant world building, and a cast of characters that are all fierce and intriguing in different ways. A fascinating read!

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