Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Squee! New Books!

Status of my Life: Have people Beta reading both SHADOWS and FREEBIES. They're ripping me apart! My life essence and blood is spilling out. I grasp at the broken letters and sentences, trying to reform them back into something meaningful. *sigh*

Okay, so the voices in my head have gone silent. I never thought this would happen. It's been months of people in there, screaming at me to write their stories. Now, not so much. I did a brainstorming session last night and came up with a couple of good ideas.

Today I sat at the computer, doing a little outline for one idea. Got a couple MC's on paper. No final setting, but it's urban fantasy, so it could be anywhere, right? Got some good plot points down. Mind you, this is more outlining than I've ever done. EVER. Like I said, the voices are just there, telling me what happens next, who they are, and what should happen. I've never really had to work for it.

And it's hard.

As I was sitting there, I started getting upset that I hadn't written anything in three days and I needed to write! Then it came to me. On the three novels I've finished, I have never started at the beginning. Never. So why should I this time?

So I started writing a scene that will probably be in the first thirty pages, but isn't the beginning of the novel. I felt so much better when I looked down and saw that I'd typed 804 words. Finally, a release. I wrote something new today.

And, as if that wasn't good news, I got a ton of books today! Yea! I'm so excited to read them all, maybe I'll take a break in writing just to read for a while. Maybe then the voices will come back.

Here's what I got. I started FROSTBITE by Richelle Mead since I've been waiting for that one the longest!

NIGHT LIFE by Caitlin Kittredge
PRIME TIME by Hank Phillippi Ryan
SUCCUBUS BLUES by Richelle Mead
GOLDEN by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
GRAFFITI GIRL by Kelly Parra
LEAVING PARADISE by Simone Elkeles
TRUANCY by Isamu Fukui (I'm gonna read this one next - I love a good sci fi and it's about education. Could life get any better? I think not.)
FINDERS KEEPERS by Linnea Sinclair

In Book-heaven,

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