Thursday, August 7, 2008

Querying is Hard

Status of my Life: I started querying agents on July 15. So almost a month in, and I'm on edge every time I check the email or mailbox. So not good for the heart. But I've finished something I was working hard on and started on a new project. Brainstorming is usually fun, and this time is no different.

Querying agents is hard work--almost a full-time job. Since my "real job" is starting again soon (I teach elementary school), I decided to move up my estimated query date of September 15. I started a couple of months early.

I use an excellent tracking system at to find agents, see their stats for requests, other's experiences, and add them to my list. It keeps track of when I sent the query, by what method, notes I have on the agent, when they responded, when I submitted requested material, everything! If you haven't signed up, you so should--it's free! I started with five agents. Researched. Carefully crafted my emails and letters. Affixed postage or hit send. All the while I needed a popscicle I was sweating so bad. Then I got a little braver and sent out some more. Over the past month or so, I've sent 30. And my heart flutters a little more every time. I might need a defibrilator soon.

I've received several rejections, a couple of exciting requests, and even bought a new printer. It's a long road, filled with palpitations, but I'm going to persevere.

I can haz agent? Maybe someday. Maybe someday.

Reading: THE EMISSARY by Kristal Shaff


  1. How many requests for partials/fulls have you gotten total? I sent out 20 queries and have gotten 5 rejections so far. I hate waiting, so I think I might send out some more...just to give myself something to do while I sit on tenterhooks...

  2. heh You're right. Querying is *hard*. But it's also fun. I'm kind of in between books right now, and I'm missing the agent e-mails. Sure, they were almost always rejections, but at least I had a reminder once or twice every other week or so that I really am trying to make this writing thing happen. I hate not having any queries to send out or requests/rejections to receive. I probably have a good two to three months before my current WIP is ready to query.

  3. I have two fulls out. 12 rejections. 18 I'm waiting to hear from. And then I got an excellent book on editing and am really wishing I would have gotten it BEFORE I sent out the fulls... Oh well. Maybe one of the 18 will eventually get back to me and I'll be able to dazzle them with my recently revised masterpiece. *Snort* :)
