Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Comment Contest!

Hello my peeps. Today I'm hosting my first Comment Contest! This is gonna be awesome, so I hope you've donned yourself in the appropriate attire. Bathing suit, seatbelts, battle armor, whatev.

Da Rules:
1. Leave a comment on THIS post.

2. The comment has to be a single sentence. Not two. Not three. Not even a one-word second sentence. One sentence. Em-dashes, commas, hyphens, and semi-colons are welcome at this party.

3. The sentence must use your verification word in it in a unique and interesting way. Oh, and it must make sense. (Side note: NO CHEATING. You get the word you get, and you can't throw a fit. That's what I tell the kids at school. This means no exiting the page because you "don't like" your verification word. I have no way to police this, so police yourselves people.)

4. Post said sentence with said verification word by Friday, January 23 at 12 Noon MST. For those of you slightly math-challenged, that's 2PM Eastern, 11 AM Pacific.

5. Since I am the queen of Mindless Musings, I will choose the one that makes me spray Sprite out my nose the most and meet you back here with the dripping wet winner Friday evening. Or Saturday morning. Or whenever I get through the entries.

6. This contest is open to anyone. Writers, non-writers, boys, girls, band geeks, professional couch potatoes, everyone. Because of this, please make sure your entry is PG. And spread the word! I want to laugh this weekend!

7. The prize? $10 gift card at Barnes and Noble.

Ready? Set...Go!


  1. "Please, child, don't play with your vilso in public - it isn't sanitary!"

  2. "I am not allowed to eat burnt toast, it gives me the RESHIES."

  3. If you are going to march into intergalactic war, at least be sure to wear your resplendant jeweled battle UNISTI.

  4. Gramma wished me Mazel Tov while I was sitting on my tuchus in the SMAZI--oy vey!

  5. "WHALSI," the faery screamed as the mushroom exploded, coloring her with the white goo of hilarity.

  6. CONANTER the Barbarian gazed dolefully at his broadsword as he donned the pale pink tu-tu, regretting the loss of the bet with his older brother, Conan.

  7. LOL! I have spewed several times already! You guys are great!

  8. There are worse things than being invisible,unoticed comes to mind.

  9. nonsc –verb (used with object)
    1. Nonsc is what LOL cats do when their mouths are too sticky with peaunut butter to nom.

  10. "Pass the Flamin' Hot Chytos®, please-- they're my favorite!"

  11. This one doesn't count, but when I came in to read the other comments, I had an irresistible captcha when I entered the comments page.

    If I eat too many of Kestrel's Flamin' Hot Chytos® , I will VOMISPA--or at the very least, nonsc like Cole's LOL cats.

  12. I know sugar helps, but agent rejection or no agent rejection, eating chocolate scraped from the bottom of a trash can will give you a raging case of wormsesv.

  13. "Dude, have you seen those awesome GRASTSHI hedges they used to write Elana's name?"

  14. When I dipped my donoke in milk, it tasted more like okra than a Krispy Kreme, causing me to spew my deep-fried veggie on my laptop.

  15. Would you mind keeping that thing on your face -- your SNOUTOR your nose, whatever you call it -- outta my business?

  16. MENAR at the root of every evil in a woman's life.

  17. ROFL at Mary Lindsey's!!!! That's a definite snorter. :D

  18. The holerbat was released into the former president's home by person or persons unknown, although the use of the holerbat's skin to make shoes at least seems to indicate a motive.

  19. The lessor known Ramesses, little brother to Ramses as he was, nevertheless was responsible for bring aliens to Egypt to build the Great Pyramids and many of the temples that you can still go see today.

  20. I'm an idiot and cannot think of an hillarious way to use the word FIGHTIVE so I giveupive.

  21. As the fleshy, blood-sucking mouth of the PRUCKW wrapped around Tiffany's bare foot, she cried out in fear, "You horrible creature--I don't even know how to pronounce your name!"

  22. Indiana Smith, archaeological hero wannabe, burst into the chamber, startling the bound and blindfolded heroine, who cried, "UNTSTI me, you fool!"

  23. Listen up all you dairy farmers in TV land--put an end to udder cracking and chafing with the amazing new teat salve, SMANOMOO!

    Sorry, Elana. I couldn't resist entering again. This is just too much fun.
