Friday, January 9, 2009

General Randomness

Let's get the serious stuff out there first. The most spectabulous post of the week: Michelle McLean blogs on research. Check it out.

Slightly less serious: I wrote a series on Writing the Query Letter on the QT blog. Check it out if you're getting ready to query. It's starts with a hook...

Way down on the serious scale: It occurred to me that I cycle through things on a fairly regular basis. The most noticeable of this trend is the music I listen to. Often, there is one song I want to set on repeat, all others disregarded. This month's song? I know I have you on the edge of your seats. I'm gonna go all Bob Barker on you and make you wait. I first heard this song on Pandora, which I swore to my principal would change her life. I'm not sure if she actually went to the music site and listened, but if she did, trust me, her life was changed. Yours could be, too. Anyway, I was writing or surfing or editing or something and had the headies on. This song came on. You guessed it. iTunes earned 99 cents in less than five seconds. I loved it. It's my "happy song" now. I listen to it--really loud--because it makes me happy. Love it.

So what song is it? Here (In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye. It's my song of the month. I have others I could name from past months, but I won't. Whenever Here gets recycled to the bottom of the playlist, I'll let you know what replaces it. I'm sure you'll be anxiously awaiting that day. *snarfalicious, baby*


  1. Good song - I can understand why you listen to it!

  2. Oooh, I will have to check that song out when I am on my other computer w/ a working sound card. And I agree Michelle's blog entry on research was truly fantastic.

  3. OK, first I have to say Mean of YOU not to give us a link to the song. I had to google it and well, it's all your fault that I wasted the next twenty minutes listening to other hellogoodbye songs. Meanie. ;)

    It's a very cool song. I approve ;)

  4. Whoa. Wait. *Other* hellogoodbye songs...

    brb (minus some money,I'm sure. iTunes is supported fully by me).
