Saturday, July 11, 2009

Superior Scribblers

Hey, that could be the new title of my blog! I like the alliteration stuff, what can I say?

Ahem, anyway, I was graciously awarded the Superior Scribbler award by Nichole and Ali. Now Ali I know in real life; we get together every couple of weeks to make each other cry. That's called a critique group, in case you didn't know. They're totally different in real life, too. None of this online stuff where you can wipe the tears and no one knows. Oh no. This real-life critique group slashes you open and watches you bleed, then they laugh and feed you yummy treats. Good times.

And Nichole lives right here in my own city and we haven't met. She's married to the brother of one of my good friends from work, though, so it's almost like meeting. And we like to follow each other around to local hotspots without the other knowing, so that's like meeting too. Right?

Yeah, sure, let's go with that.

Anyway, they both gave me the Superior Scribbler award!

This one has rules, and you should know how I feel about Rules, I think. I usually don't follow Rules very well; in fact, I wrote an entire book about a girl who breaks Rules like it's the latest fashion. So yeah.

But this time, I did. So there. Here they are:

1. Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.

2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award. (Nichole and Ali, in case you missed in amidst my rambling about real-life people and bleeding and yummy treats.)

3. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.

4. Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we’ll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!

5. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

Okay, so I did all that. You wanna know who I've chosen for the Superior Scribbler?? Do you? Okay, okay. Remember that I could only pick five. I think you're all fantastic and deserving of an award. I chose the people who have made a huge impact on me as an author.

Suzette Saxton
H.L. Dyer
Carolyn Kaufman
Mary Lindsey
Christine Fonseca

Thanks to everyone who supports me and provides encouragement here on the blog. Have a great weekend!


  1. Ha! LOVE the description of a critique group!

  2. Congrats! I subscribed by email to your blog.

    I'm following from the Mr linky friday follow.

  3. Aw, thanks, babe!

    You are a Superior Scribbler! =)

  4. Congrats, and well deserved all six of you ;)! Thank you all for having awesome blogs!

  5. Aw, thank you. I'm all touched and stuff. ;-) And like the others said, you TOTALLY deserve your award!!

  6. Thanks Elana - you made my day. And you KNOW my day isn't complete w/o a visit to your blog...'cause you ARE a Superior Scribbler!

  7. So... what ARE the hot spots around here? We should meet at one. :)

  8. Fantastic! I can't wait to check out these blogs!

  9. Congratulations. What a neat award.
