Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Work In Progress Wednesday

Okay, so I've taken a few weeks off of reporting on the WiP. So sue me. I think I've voiced my strong feelings about this topic in the past. Um, yeah.

I don't always feel like that, for the record. It just happened to get to me and well, you had to be the sounding box for that. So thanks!

I'm feeling better about the whole WiP thing. It's not haunting me anymore. Thankfully.

So here's the low-down:

1. I finished revisions on Control Issues and sent it out to agents. Bring on the waiting! I actually love waiting. It's one of my favorite things to do. I also like watching Cialis commercials, going to the gym and being annihilated on the tennis court. Oooh! Did you see the Roddick/Federer match on Sunday? Brilliant. Bloody brilliant. Hey, I just turned British!


2. I have been attempting to write on my WiP. I think I've probably done a couple thousand words over the past few weeks. Not stellar, but it's something. And anything is better than nothing, at least that's what I tell myself. Over and over.

3. I finished writing the e-book, From the Query to the Call. And after much research (*shudders*), I have decided to pay someone smarter than me to get it into publishable e-book format. I designed the layout, the colors, the fonts, made my own 3D cover, everything. But even I am not a genius. Shocking, I know. *wink, wink*

I wrote the thing, solicited shamelessly for examples and permission from my query-writing friends, and really did everything I could do. If I wanted to compile the document with HTML codes that would preserve all my bookmarks, links, and clickables, I'd be 95 before it was done. And I can pay $20 and have it done in like, no time at all.

So who's smarter? The girl who is determined to do it herself (and would have to buy a $295 program to do it) or the one who's willing to give some small piece of control to someone else? Well, for a control-freak like me, it might be the determined girl. But I really think I'll be better off in the long run if I just shell out the $20. My kids will thank me, I'm sure.

I did make my own cover. This is the flat one, the one that's on the inside title page of the book. You like? It's okay if you don't. After the number of rejections I've received, I don't have feelings anymore.

How have you been doing on your writing ambitions? Lay it on me. Lay it on thick.


  1. Oh. Hey. Today *is* WiP Wednesday, isn't it? Wow. I feel kind of stupid that I didn't realize that.

    My WiPs are about to come to life and bash me over the head with them if I don't get to work. So I think I'm off to do that now...

    PS, I actually like the cover. Plain, yeah, but still awesome. I'd pick it up if I found it in the bookstore--who says covers have to have sequins, glitter, and neon pictures? Lol. ;)

  2. Oohhh - I love the cover. And you like waiting as much as I do *wink*!

  3. I like the cover, too--good font choice!

    And I think paying $20 is totally a smart move.

  4. Love the color. Simplicty is the name of the game. For Margarita Nights I want a simple white cover with a color picture of a margarita on the front!

    I've noted my own WiP on my blog this morning. Slowly, but surely . . .

    I also need to do a small revision to my query and post it back on The Public Query Slushpile!

    Good luck on the e-book. Do 'followers' get a discount?? : )


  5. Thanks guys! Jenna, you've been gone for so long, I'm totally expecting an update!

    Christine, I might be insane from the waiting. The jury is still out.

    Beth, thanks girl! I'm totally paying the $20.

    Scott, simplicity is fighting to be my middle name. Plus, with e-books, you can't really do anything but simple. Or maybe that's just me and my limited photoshopping abilities. The jury is still out on that one too. And dude, followers will totally get a discount! Way ahead of you! LOL.


  6. I like the cover, too! And I'm a huge believer that a few words is better than zero words.

  7. I sent my MS out to an agent last night....AHHH
    I've been taking it easy on my WIP, we've kinda been fighting. LOL

  8. Thanks Cole!

    And Marybeth! Yay on sending off that full! It feels good, doesn't it? Hope it works out for you!

  9. Oh the waiting. Each time my inbox dings I have a mini heart attack. Really. I jump out of my skin.


  10. I've been writing away. Gave up on the typing part and decided to just keep writing until the end. The typing part ends up being heavily edited and just slows me down. I want to finish the story. Going slowly but surely.

    I live the cover. Very simple.

  11. You're the first person to say they enjoy waiting on agent/editor news. And I need to enjoy the gym, but never do!!!!

  12. ...waiting is the hard part, isn't it? Sometimes, I'm so busy waiting, I forget to write. *head desk*

  13. "After the number of rejections I've received, I don't have feelings anymore." This made me laugh out loud because.... totally.

    I'm so happy that you sent your MS out into the wild :D! Best of luck, and much good juju going your way!

    I really like the e-book, too. Congrats, and I can't wait to read it ;).

  14. Waiting is good times, isn't it? Good luck on the feedback for Control Issues - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    And the cover looks awesome! I can't wait to read the book!

  15. I did a little snort at the line "After the number of rejections I've received, I don't have feelings anymore." Can we start a club with that title, because we'd totally be charter members.

  16. I'm with Rebecca and Lila--thanks for the "no feelings" laugh. I so feel you on that one.

    Best of luck with Control Issues!

  17. Yea for progress, in any form! :)

    And very cool about the e-book. Good for you!

    Best of luck querying!

  18. I tell myself the same thing. Every word counts!

    It makes me feel better when I fail to meet my daily quota three days in a row. Cool e-book! May have to check that out when the time comes.

  19. How cool is this e-book? Good for you for taking that step. I'm sure it's full of fantastic information.

    And, as soon as summer vacations are over, you will have an inbox loaded with offers on your kewl book (just had to spell kewl that way!)

    It was great meeting you. You are just as genuine and delightful in person as you are on this fantastic blog!

  20. Love your profile and your blog. I’m so all about livin’ on potato chips and pushing the speed limit. I like your cover (the Ob-Com side of my personality is rebelling a little against the placement of the word ‘to’) so it’s off center a bit…

  21. Elana! Even more of your awesome personality came out in this post! (as if that were even possible)

    Way to go on your progress, esp. the decisions on the ebook and not being 95 before it comes out. Also, I'm always impressed with querying people (as in people who query). I hope the waiting goes by in a smashing way.

  22. So is having no feelings anymore after the number of rejections you've received the same as having no sense of modesty anymore after giving birth in front of a bunch of strangers? ;)

    Good luck with the wait (I don't mind it either) and the WIP.

  23. Waiting can be fun, so long as you're writing, hehe. Hope you don't have to wait too long though, it sounds like a kewl book (and yes I do spell it that way - I was shocked to see it in another comment- ;) way to be Tess). Goodluck with your querying!!

    Keep working on that WiP! And yes, something is always better than nothing- it's like cake would you rather have a slice or none at all?

    And the cover looks good, but the 'to' is bugging me too.

    Word verification spinges: the offspring of a sponge and a hinge? hehe

  24. Okay, so the "to" needs to move...uh...maybe I should have hired someone to do the covers for me. I so don't have an eye for that kind of stuff. And I saw an ebook cover that had photos on it. *panic face* I'll have to fiddle some more.

    And, dude, guys, I was being totally sarcastic about the waiting. Does anyone like watching Cialis commercials? Le sigh. My humor didn't come off so well in that one...


  25. Personally, I'd be a nervous wreck if I was querying. I caught your lovely sarcasm and followed it up with some of my own. You're just so busy noticing the 'to' you didn't catch it haha.
    And the more I think about it, I don't remember the last time I even saw a Cialis commercial...
