Friday, August 14, 2009

Say It With Me

"Today is Friday, August 14, 2009. It is the first day of school."

Okay, so it really isn't the first day of school. But I have to go back to work on Monday, with the kiddies showing up next Thursday.

Since it usually takes me until about mid-October to manage the madness (see yesterday's post), and since it's unplugged week next week anyway, I'm going to unplug.

I'll see you all on the other side!

EDIT: If you wanna unplug, read more about it at B.J. Anderson's blog. She's the Unplugged Queen. Hereafter referred to as UQ. LOL!


  1. Good Luck! Enjoy your first week back to work!

  2. Good Luck. School started here today.

    When I was growing up, not that you need to know this, we didn't start school until the Tuesday following Labor Day! Woo-hoo! Then again, we didn't get out until mid-June, so I guess that was the price I paid!


  3. Is that you being all teacherly at the wipe board? Well anyway, it's unfortunate you have to unplug but try not to get too crazy with the few week madness. I don't envy your job one bit, but I do have the greatest respect for all teachers. You fill a role too many of us probably couldn't handle, let alone succeed at. Take care and good luck.

  4. Good luck! I hope this is a great school year for you.

    Enjoy your weekend :)


  5. Take care of yourself and your work, and keep in touch!

  6. Good luck with the kids. And I just know you'll find plenty of inspiration from them for your YA writing projects, right? ;)

  7. Haha! Just as i start getting it together... You have to love irony. My timing has always been bad. lol Good luck with managing the madness!

  8. Good luck, Elana. I hope the beginning of your year goes off without a hitch. Have a good time, and we'll see you on the other side, too : )


  9. Ack! Unplugged week! Yikes!

    Don't know if I could do it ... except perhaps if I could still work on my edits during the day. That's okay, right? Day job = work = edits?

    No TV either? What will I ever do ...

    And yet, the very thought fills me with a strange sort of enthusiasm. Hmm.

    See you in a week Elana! Enjoy the tech-free week :) And the start of school, hee hee

  10. my girl just started K this week. Craziness.

  11. I'm mourning the loss of summer too! Back to work, early mornings and late night games! :( Hang in there, Thanksgiving break is right around the corner ;)

  12. I go back to school this Wednesday, but I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm a student at my local college. Keep your fingers crossed though. My wife is trying to get a full time teaching post this semester instead of just subbing.

  13. BTW, what is unplugged week? From the comments I'm assuming its a technology (such as TV and internet) week. Am I close?

  14. Hey! There's a little pressie for you on my blog when you're back from unplugged week! :D

  15. Have a great time! We (teachers) started back to school this past Wednesday and the students show up on Tuesday. I'm still adjusting and next week will be more adjusting. It's a great profession though. :-)

  16. School here (Calgary, Canada) doesn't start till the end of the month, but that's a week earlier than normal. We're having some world trade fair at the beginning of September which someone figured all the grade tens should go to. Grumble. Grumble. We won't get back home until the night before school starts.

    Good luck with going back to work, Elana. I'll be thinking about you while I'm sitting on the beach, dreaming about characterization and plots. :)

  17. Good luck, Elana. I just had my first week of school, and I totally get the need for unplug week. :D

    Oh, and you've got a blog award waiting for you at my blog when you get back:
