Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Believers

I'm reading an amazing book. I've read a lot of amazing books in my lifetime. I love love love reading. I like going on an adventure with people I care about. I like learning new things, tasting things I've never tasted, seeing sights I've never seen. I like mysteries. I enjoy feeling smart when I figure them out first. I adore everything there is about books.

So back to this fabulous book. I'm reading it. It's awesome. I'm crying in some parts. Mad in others. I finally close it after ignoring my kidlets for three hours, yet I'm still staring at the cover. Sometimes I reach over and stroke it.

And I wonder: What makes this book so different from mine?

There could be a myriad (love that word!) of things. But really what it boils down to is this: The Believers.

This author has Believers. Namely, an agent. An editor. A publishing house.

I have Believers in my corner too. Friends, online and real life. Critique buddies. Blogosphere friends. Forum members. And most of all, myself. One day, I'll have the "big" Believers--the agent, the editor, the publishing house.

Who are your Believers?


  1. In order of appearance . . . my partner Frank, my best friends Jon and Suzi, my blogging buddies, my sister Patti, and so many others . . . oh, and me. Yes, me. You see, if I don't believe in myself, if I don't believe I'm capable, then the belief of others really isn't going to matter because I'll end up being my own worst enemy. Not good. Not good at all. So, let me revamp the list and put 'me' first. I believe in myself and - luckily - I have others that believe in me as well, and that help me when I get so frustrated I just want to quit writing.

    Oh, and I believe in faeries too. I'm just saying . . .


  2. My believers are me, most days ;); my incredible, super-supportive husband; my kids--who think I can do anything, regardless of the situation; my sisters; awesome friends, online and off; crit buddies; bloggy friends...

    Wow. Thanks for helping me remember what a great support system I have. :D

  3. Now you know you have to tell us what this magical book is... :)

  4. I'm like Abby--I think my biggest believer might be me.

    But I do have my mom, who still can't figure out why the very first thing I ever wrote hasn't been published, and my husband who thinks every rejection I get is a personal insult and wants to beat up a myriad of people in NY for that very reason...

  5. I have a couple friends and my sisters. Once in awhile I'll have someone find my website and say they think my book sounds awesome. I like them!

    But I can't wait to have an agent/big believer!

  6. I have a small group of fans, but no one (yet) that can actually get me published. So I keep working.

    I love that feeling when I'm reading a book and all I want to do is get back to it. Those are the ones I sometimes read slower because I don't want them to end. Sadly, my current read is not having this effect on me. I like it, but I don't look forward to it.

  7. I completely agree with this. You will! Just keep believing in yourself!

  8. I also want to know what this awesome book is.

    As for believers, my husband, my parents, me. My kids. The friends I've shared my story with. Definitely me. If I didn't believe I sure wouldn't be doing it.

  9. Mostly the people on here. But I think everyone in real life sees it as kind of something silly, unattainable. Here, everyone knows the same pain, the same struggle, the same hope. We are all aligned that way.

    My boyfriend is pretty supportive, and so are my beta readers and crit group, to be fair.

  10. My hubby and my parents - they urge me to continue. Lots of people online - my own personal cheering squad.

  11. My 2 biggest believers are my younger sister and my BFF (since 4th grade!).

    Following them would be a semi-interested husband (he tries, he really does - he just happens to be a "magazine" sorta guy), a pretty close network of friends (online & live), crit buddies (online & live), and followers.

  12. Dang girl, what's the name of the precious book? Spill!

    You know I'm a BELIEVER. You rock too hard to not one day be a kick butt rock star. And when you are, I will be your groupie. For reals.

    YOU are one of my believers. You are aren't you? LOL Suddenly I'm insecure, lol.

    My crit group, and a few special friends. My sweet hubby is my number on Believer. Bless him for that.

  13. My blog friends. But I do have to work to be my own best believer. If I don't I'll never be brave enough to try for publishing.

  14. My awesome photographer husband, my mother, my friends...somedays I'm a great believer in my work...other days, I'm my own worst enemy.

  15. OOh, I love believers. I can't imagine where we'd be without them.

    We've got believers in our family, our friends, our blog friends and our agent. Whenever we're feeling down there's always someone out there to bring us right back up and thank goodness for that!

  16. Thank you, Elana, so, so much for this post. It is easy to forget or, dare I say, not believe in our believers. I have rock-steady friends, family and crit buddies who constantly tell me I will be published. I should believe them more. ;)
    And on the subject of that book you are stroking....I think that is a reason books will never be totally gone. I stare at and stroke books, too. I can't imagine doing that with a Kindle.

  17. What is the name of this book? I'm DYING to know. Seriously.

    Believers? My husband, first and foremost. My lil' dudes are too little to really be believers but I'm counting them anyway. My eldest sister. My crit group. And some very dear friends, all of which I don't deserve but all of which I refuse to live without.

  18. Share the book! I love your analogy of believers! My circle of believers is fairly small right now, but someday...... :)

  19. I have lots and lots of believers, but the best thing EVER is when believing becomes contageous, when one believer tells a potential believer "You've gotta check this out."

    Those are the moments I love.

  20. My husband is my number one believer, and he is a pretty good guy to have in one's corner:)

    Like some of your other commentors I really want to know what book you were talking about - please tell. Pretty please?

  21. My husband is number one believer too, but so are the other friends who look at me with stars in their eyes when they talk about my becoming a published novelist some day. Of course they're not in the industry and most have no idea about the daunting odds but there's something about those stars in the eyes that motivates to keep going.

  22. My wife, most of my English profs at school, my family, me, and I like to think my cat does too. Even though all she does is stare at me as I read what I have written aloud too her. (Cat's are so insensitive).

    But, anyway, I too am reading a great book. And, I can't help but give you guys the tite of it. You actually don't have to look to hard to find it. It's right at the top of this blog:)

  23. My believers are my husband, mom and sisters. Also my extended family and many friends, some of whom haven't a clue about writing (well, even less a clue than I have and that's saying a lot). And my online friends, etc. My circle of believers is growing as time passes.

    I'm learning this writing thing (for me anyhow) takes time and patience, grasshopper. Lots of patience, something I hate almost as much as watermelon.

  24. My mom and sis are always up front and center. My hubby, kids, and family, my friends and crit buddies (without whom I'd shrivel into a non-writing blob and die), my agent....and occasionally me :D

    Now what is this book you love so much!!!???

  25. Wow, you guys are oozing belief! I'm so glad to hear it. The book? You wanna know the book? I mean, it's all the rage. There's two, actually.

    1. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
    2. Graceling by Kristen Cashore

    Both brilliant in their own right. I was stroking Graceling, if you want to know, but I consumed Catching Fire in about 6 hours.

    Anyway, Ryan, you are my new hero. Thanks!

  26. Yea! You love Graceling!! I'm so happy!

    I have friends and family that are my believers. The one I have to work on being a believer is me, because that's the one that gets me sitting down and putting the hands to the keyboard on days when there are so many other things I could be doing.

    You'll get those big believers soon, Elana. I know it. :)

  27. I have so many amazing believers in life and online. I'm still holding out hope for the same ones as you, tho :)

  28. My kids believe in me. Mostly because I told them I'd buy them a cat if I'm ever published. Okay, maybe I don't believe enough in myself to have made that promise. My husband is allergic to cats, and I'm not planning to get rid of him. I also promised them I'd get them a dog if one of my books was ever turned into a movie. :D

    I'm in the same place as you, Elana. Though I did have an agent believe in me enough to request to see my ms again if I made serious revisions to it (sent it to her this week), and another requested I query her for my next project (if I didn't find representation for my current one) when usually she just sends form rejections. Those comments, among others have helped me believe in myself . . . most days.

    And hey, I believe in you. From what I've seen of your stuff, you're an incredible writer. It will happen one day for you. I believe it will.
