Friday, September 25, 2009

Goin' George

Have you seen that Seinfeld episode where George Costanza decides to do everything the exact opposite of what he's done in the past?

Yeah, that's me.

I've gone off the complete deep end. It's just that all the stuff I've been doing hasn't been working. And I went to a conference yesterday and Brandon Sanderson said something along the lines of "Don't be afraid to try something you've never done before."

I'm sure that's not what came out of his mouth, but that's what I heard inside my own head. And I decided he's right. So, fully embracing my new identity, I went to a class on story arc, plotting, and a whole bunch of other stuff I don't normally think much about.

I'm goin' George!! I just figured it's time to do something different--especially if I want different results. What do you guys think? Is it good to switch up your approach to writing and publishing every now and then? Why or why not? And what do you do to keep it fresh?


  1. Great post, and great idea. I'm going to some workshops soon at a conference in the hopes that I will learn new techniques, things I haven't done before.

    Oh, and I love that episode.

  2. Yes. If something isn't working, clearly it is time to change up the approach.

    Well, the first thing I did to "keep it fresh" was to switch from coffee to tea. Hahaha. But I'm branching out a bit on what I'm writing, pushing myself into a different genre.

    Good luck with the Costanza thing later today. ;D

  3. Definitely. Every now and then we need to try things just a bit differently. I did it with one project and loved the results. I also realized that the concept wouldn't keep working for me . .. but I have other devious devices in my mind. Ha!

    I really think, when we become too complacent in how we do things, we begin to . . . stagnate.

    We need to keep learning, jazz things up a bit, and keep trying new things.


  4. YES! I'm doing the same thing - trying a different approach to my new story. I usually don't outline and just ramble and skip around - very unorganized. I'm now trying the spreadsheet thing. Yes. A spreadsheet. I look at these things all day and yet I'm always going to be looking at them at night. Just trying something different!

  5. LOL, I guess I must play it too safe when I shake things up. I think using present tense instead of past is an earth-shattering change. Maybe sometime I'll try writing by the seat of my pants instead of plotting. Getting goosebumps just thinking about it...

    Good luck with your new approach!

  6. Let us know how it goes...I've totally been considering doing the same thing.

  7. Ha; I'm right there with you Elana. I just finished a classical (classical world, i.e., Greece, etc.) fantasy novel and now I'm working on a Southern racial issues exploration. Talk about 180s.

    But you know, I have to agree that it's been good for me so far. It's a hard story to write and I can't really say I'm enjoying the beginning. But exploring something outside of my comfort zone seems to be working for me, so I say, keep it up, Elana!

  8. Heck yeah, Elana. I absolutely agree. Change it up, do something different, try something new. But as you're doing it, make sure you're being yourself.

    As Maria Covey Cole said, sincerity is key, the rest will come.

    It was good to see you, and I was glad to get to sit at your table for a bit yesterday. Good luck with this attempt!

  9. I will be applying some new techniques to what I do today for my WiP. So, yes, I think it is potentially a good thing to switch it up every now and then. If nothing else, it may just kickstart the creative juices.

  10. OK, soup for you.

    You just started me thinking.

    At what point is someone going to say that the "rules" we've been following no longer apply?


  11. I think that's a great idea! Now I'm wracking my brain to figure out what I can do the opposite. Hmm... write before reading blogs? :P

  12. I think it's always good to shake it up a bit, now and then. A little fresh water in the fountain, so to speak. (And Seinfeld? I so LOVE YOU!)

    I'm also with Nichole on this one. Sincerity is key. But you manage to do that in every post so I'm not worried for you. You'll do amazingly!

    Great to meet you in person yesterday! Sorry about the Edward/Jacob dispute. ;)

  13. It's never a bad idea to seek new knowledge. Even if you've heard some of it before or if some of it doesn't appeal to you, it's always good to hear someone else's approach to writing. Who knows, you might learn something :)

  14. What a great idea....It is always nice to look at things with a new perspective!

  15. I just wrote a fake query to crack myself up telling the agent/editor all of the reasons that they shouldn't read my book.

    Actually, it wasn't half bad.

    I'm going George, too!!


  16. I am definitely, absolutely going to do more outlining before I start my next novel. I mean, why not?! I'm thinking it can only make things go more smoothly so I don't have a gazillion plot holes to fill after my first draft.

  17. I think it's good to switch sometimes. I hope you enjoy your class!
    As for keeping it fresh, LOL, not sure I do that very well.

  18. I think that's a great idea. I switched from YA paranormal to YA contemporary for the same reason.

  19. One of the best episodes ever. Every has to try it some time! I had to it with dating, because I was 34 and still single! It worked :)

  20. Heaven forbid anything get boring! Yes, I think switching things up a bit is a great idea! I kind of like change though...
