Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Have Been Changed, For Good

Yeah, I'm going totally musical on you today. Particularly from the musical Wicked. See I love Wicked. I like all the songs, but none as much as this one.

Today's song: For Good from the musical Wicked.

Lyrics that inspire:

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you...

I have many stories of people who have helped me in my life. Reminded me of who I am. Who I am not. Shown me that good exists inside of people. They have all touched my life, molding and forming me into the kind of person I am today.

So what does this have to do with writing? Well, it could be applied in any number of ways to character development. But I think it has to do with the community of writers I've been lucky enough to "meet" and "know" online. We really are led to each other in remarkable ways. We help each other, lift each other up, change each other

And that's just kewl

Thus ends writing lessons from Wicked.

What do you think about your fellow writers? Aren't they WICKED awesome? Do you think you've been helped in your journey in some way by those around you?


  1. I've definitely been helped by my writer friends. Aside from critiquing my work and chattering about writerly things, they've provided a social network I don't have where I currently live. My life would not be the same without them.

  2. Yes, they are WICKED awesome! Love having them on this journey with me!

  3. I love Wicked, but I love our writing friends even more! That song makes me want to see the musical all over again.

  4. We are kindred spirits Miss Elana! I posted a very similar post over the weekend.

  5. Beautiful song and yes writer friends are wicked awesome. I haven't seen Wicked - want to now more than ever.

  6. well said.

    writing can seem like a lonely and long journey so having friends to chat with and learn from along the way really helps.

  7. Just posted about this yesterday. (Well, not the WICKED reference)

    Without my blogger friends I wouldn't be where I am now: DEFYING GRAVITY!

  8. Yes, my fellow writers are wickedly awesome! And supportive, I love that.

    I really need to see that play.

  9. I LOVE the people I've met since I started on this path. I agree, everything happens for a reason. And sometimes I think the best thing about writing is the people I've met because of it!

  10. Wicked Cool . . . and awesome.

    OMG - I love, love, love Wicked, both the book and the musical!

    Great post.

    BTW - Twisted Sister, Hannah, and now Wicked. I can't wait to see what tomorrow, tomorrow brings. : )

  11. Absolutely! There's nothing like having a crappy day, whether it's words that won't come or yet another rejection or whatever, and to stop by the critique group or the blog comments and see people who understand and are just as crazy as you!

  12. If it weren't for all the others here in this blogging world I might have given up long ago. Every one of you is wicked awesome :) I love the word wicked...sigh....Why is it only the brits seem to say it often?

  13. Absolutely!!! I'm so thankful to be a part of the writers' world.

  14. Yes!! AMEN, sistah. I don't know what I'd do without my writing buddies.

    Love to all of you!


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I think you're WICKED awesome, Elana. And so is your blog.


  17. I have been changed by my fellow writers. Not in just the change of becoming a better writer in practice but in being a better human being.

    I've seen facets of myself in a collective whole--and felt whole. I've seen beneath the layers to discover veins of gold and learned that people are better than I believed. I've learned I'm not alone in so many things. I've found haven, sanctuary, peace, and another hand in the dark. I've found home.

    I've found other things but these are the ones that reach me most. I love my writing community--deeply.

  18. Every person that comes into our lives will affect it for good or bad. It is what we learn from him that is truly important.

    You're the best, E.


  19. I've been helped by so many writers. That's something unique about this community: people support each other and cheer each other on in such a cool way.

    Thanks for the happy thoughts. :)

  20. I am relatively new to this network of writers, and yet am stunned at the blessing of support that is offered. Grateful, grateful, grateful! And being able to type this comment while listening to this song (which I LOVE) puts me over the top!

  21. Oh yeah - the online friends I've made are definitely WICKED awesome (great song choice BTW)and I know I would not be where I am w/o them...from crit help, to brainstorming, to talking me off the ledge. They are terrific!~

  22. I love my circle of writing friends, both those I've met in person and those I only know online. What a great community. I am so thankful to be part of it!

  23. I couldn't/wouldn't write without the online community. Buckets of Awesome.

  24. Hi Elana! You were voted Most Likely to Brighten Your Day by the First Novels Club in our first ever blogger superlatives!
