Friday, December 18, 2009

Catching Up...Or Not

Just when you think you've caught up, life has a way of throwing you back down on the mat and laughing at you.

I can't catch up with the social networking racehorse.

There will always be one more blog I should be reading. Usually one that everyone else in the known universe knows about, but somehow, I don't.

There will always be one more person to follow on twitter or friend on Facebook. Just when I think I've stalked all the writing lists and added everyone there is, I find more.

There will always be one more amazing book to read. Another author to follow/read about/know.

Always. One. More.

I have to know her, and her, and him, and hey she's amazing! And oh my heck, she sold her book to HarperCollins! And I need to follow her and tweet to him and and and--

I feel like I'm not doing enough. Yet at the same time, I feel like I'm doing so freaking much.

It's enough to make you explode.

And another thing: I don't have one yet, but today is Editor Appreciation Day, and I just wanna say "Yay!" to editors. Happy Editor Appreciation Day! If you want to read all the amazing love for editors, I believe Gretchen McNeil is hosting the official list on her blog.

And one more thing: Suzette Saxton is going to be unveiling a pretty cool feature on on Monday. It's totally related to social networking and hopefully will make finding other authors on Facebook, twitter, blogs and websites easier and faster. QT isn't just for queries anymore, my friends. So go to the main site (it's free!) and update your profiles with all your social networking sites--and your genre preferences. Then watch the QT blog on Monday, December 21 (kissing day! Visit Katie Ganshert's blog for that info.).

How about you? How are you feeling about life right now? Totally overwhelmed? Ready for the holidays? The new year? Need a vacay from your life? We can pack together. Mentally, I'm already there.


  1. Bags packed and ready to go!

    I do feel like I've been slacking on seeking out new blogs, there is just much to pick through. I feel way over my head.

    It helps to have bloggers include links to other sites that they have found.

    I'm rushing over to join in with Query Tracker! Thanks Elana! Mexico here we come...

  2. Life is good right now, although I'd like to find a better balance between my real job and writing pursuits. It always seems that when work places more demands on me, that there's something going on that I really want to get involved in with writing. And when work is slow, I've got nothing in the hopper and blogs I follow have gone silent.

    Can anybody so somethng about that for me?

    As far as social networking goes, I'm a semi-passive facebooker and tweeter. There's much more information on the blogs, so that's where I focus my efforts.

    My recommendation, take a deep cleansing breath . . . and embrace the pace. The alternative would be awful.

  3. Ahh, the dilemma of having an infinite number of good things you could be doing but a finite amount of time. I struggle with prioritizing as well, especially at this time of year.

    Who am I every time of year!

  4. I get so overwhelmed some days that I just unplug and ignore it all. Especially this time of year. It's ALL TOO MUCH!!!

  5. I'm with you, Elana. Totally ready for a vacation from life.

  6. Gah. I know what you mean.

    Here's hoping that things will calm down, or you find a way to work around the challenges. I am ever glad that you do follow me, though! :)

  7. A holiday from life would be so nice!!! And I am with you on social networking. I have a hard time even looking at is as networking. I don't want to be networking, I want to be forming friendships. Keeping up with it all is definitely work, but meeting everyone and getting to know them is so worth it!

  8. Totally overwhelmed but looking forward to Kissing day!!! That should heat things up this holiday season.

  9. I'm ready for Saturday to come so I'll finally have a few solid hours to work on some new chapters for my 2nd draft.

    If I'm not too exhausted after this week!

  10. All I do is blog and that's enough to exhaust me! I do know what you're talking about, though. There's so much out there to keep track of and you could spend 24/7 doing it. Taking a social-networking break in November helped me get in touch with myself again and gain some needed perspective. And amazingly the blogosphere didn't implode while I was gone!

  11. I know exactly how you feel, Elana! It is so easy to get overwhelmed with social networking. There is always one more amazing thing to read and one more amazing person to catch up with. I've decided I can only do the best I can. I just has to be good enough.

    Happy Friday!

  12. Man, I know EXACTLY what you mean. I can't keep up anymore because I want to keep up with so many people. I just can't do it. Arrrgh!

    I've really been trying to examine what I've done this year and how I need to approach 2010 in order to function at full capacity.

    Yeah... good luck with that, right?


  13. Phew. So glad it's not just me. And I'm totally going to be taking stock of 2009 and seeing what I can do better or stop doing in 2010.

    You guys rawk!

  14. Social networking is hard. And time consuming. And endless. But I plug away at it all the same and in some excellent turns of events, I found some pretty wonderful people that I love and care deeply for.

  15. Yep, it's all becoming too much. I'm seriously thinking of dropping facebook. Blogging is going to have to be enough. And as long as I enjoy it, I'll keep doing it. When I don't, well, it's gonna go.

  16. Need vacay. Taking one soon. Yay!

    I'm always impressed by how many blogs you read, people you follow, and all that other stuff you do.

    You're like Superman, except your a chick and you don't wear tights or a cape.

    At least, at least I don't think you wear tights and a cape.

    Can you fly? Because that would be really cool if you could fly.

    See? I need a vacation. It can't come soon enough.

  17. YES! But ya know, I bit the bullet and dropped Facebook. It was driving me nuts. I couldn't keep up with all the invitations and silly quizzes. I don't have the time, and what little time I have, it was stealing. I'm much happier now that I only communicate on Blogger. I know that my decision isn't the "in" thing to do, but life is better this way. Merry Christmas Elana!

  18. I don't know about you but my husband is ready to ban me from the internet! LOL

    My bags are packed ... please can I come :)

  19. I can't keep up either. There are so many awesome blogs out there and so little time... If I wasn't a dedicated writer, I'd spend all of my time reading blogs.

  20. I am SO ready for break. Time to curl up with a good book (for fun and not for class) and enjoy without any distractions. Maybe even in one sitting! That would be something new. ;-)

    Hope your break turns out to be relaxing too.

  21. I've been away for the entire day. There is WAY MORE than just one more thing to catch up on!!!

  22. Christmas shopping done? Nope.

    Caught up in the blogosphere? Nope

    Caught up with school work? Nope.

    Enough time to laugh and play with my son? Nope.

    Overwhelmed. CHECK!

    I'm with ya sista.

  23. I need that vacation, too. But that's not gonna happen with the kids out for Christmas vacation.

    You're right, there's not enough time to catch up on everything. I was caught up in shopping this week (because I've really been slacking in that area) and I feel like I missed out on a lot in the blogging world. I can't figure out how to balance everything!

  24. Elana, you're one of the best networkers out there. I don't know how you find the time to check so many blogs. I feel overwhelmed with my circle that (like you said) seems to get bigger every day. But, it's fun to get to know everyone and as long as I can keep saying that then it's worth it.

  25. I am excited for the holidays and the new year!

    However, a vacation sounds lovely. How about Ireland?

  26. I was musing about this today. As I looked at my list of blogs which I follow, I noticed I have about 45blogs that I try to stay on top of. It may not seem like a lot, but good grief, it can be hard to read all of them, regularly, let alone comment on them all and follow up on comments about comments... and that's not even bothering to comment back on people commenting on my own blog.... haha, it's tough at times to keep up, but I think it's fun and worth it. I've developed some great friendships via blogging and learned a huge amount of invaluable information. So, as long as I can keep typing, I'm going to keep trying. Hopefully you do too. :)

  27. I'm not sure my poor brain would recognize a suitcase if it bit me, but I'm in! Overwhelmed is the exact right word. I keep waking up at night & adding to the to-do list. Who knew I'd need an entire book for this :)

  28. Hey! I've been decorating for this Mega-Christmas party, which is tomorrow night. It's been fun to be with friends and do this. I'm trying to savor every minute of this Christmas season.

  29. Ohhhverwhelmed..yes, we could say that. :0)

    Happy Holidays

  30. It IS overwhelming, isn't it? Way too much to do. Make sure you take time to enjoy the holidays. You deserve it!

    I've been recommending Query to the Call to tons of folks lately. Hopefully you'll get some new sales!

  31. We do what we can do and dont' worry about the rest.

    No guilt allowed.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it ;)

  32. I like Tess's story. But I wouldn't mind a week in the tropics.

  33. I felt caught up and ready, then the blizzard hit (really).

  34. The social networking thing is definitely exhausting. It will probably be my New Years resolution since I've been slacking--especially on facebook. Wow, haven't had a New Year's resolutions in years. *swallows hard*

  35. Yep, things get overwhelming. Social networking... you're so right! There are so many bloggers I see that I'd love to go check out their blogs, but I just don't have time!
    Maybe someday, but I doubt it. I guess we do the best we can and keep things reasonable.

    So where are we going for the vacation??? :-)

  36. I just moved from California to Georgia which resulted in three weeks without internet. I now have 2568 unread posts in Google Reader, emails coming out my ears. And Facebook and Twitter? They're dying on the vine. Help! Overwhelmed is an understatement! Even worse? I Haven't written a word since NaNo. :(

  37. I often feel bad because try as I might, I just can't keep up with how wide my social network has become. All I can do is try my best!

    Have a great Christmas!

  38. Considering I'm #gazillion to respond to this, I think it's fair to say I'm a bit behind, too. You're right. There's always one more. And when it gets to be too much, then I just hit mark all as read.

  39. I SO understand... as an author hoping to get published, I feel the pressure to keep up the social networking. (Don't misunderstand-I L-O-V-E to read other blogs because I learn so much.) Yet the networking leads to more networking and new ideas to try and on and on... This time of year, it is nice to take a break and just breathe quietly.

    Whatever your new resolutions are for 2K10, I would be honored, when you have time, if you'd include my blog in your check-it-out list.
    Season of peace and joy to you!
