Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Some Year-End Loose Ends

I've got a few things to take care of before I officially begin my Christmas vacay tomorrow. No, I'm not going anywhere. It's all mental, baby.

First, I've received some blog awards! Thanks so much to Shelli Johannes at Market My Words. She gave me the Helpful Blogger award.

I'm giving it to Casey McCormick (Literary Rambles) and Steph Bowe (Hey! Teenager of the Year).

Marybeth Smith gave me this:

It has rules (I have to list 7 things about myself and pass it along to 7 people), but I'm ignoring them. I sorta feel like I bare my soul on every post as it is.

I'm giving it to Lisa Amowitz, Tere Kirkland, Roni Griffin, Tess Hilmo, Angie Lofthouse, Melanie Avila, and Indigo Ravenwood.

Tara McClendon gave me the Blogging Writer Award.

I can do whatever I want with it. (No, really. It has no rules. But Elizabeth Spann Craig came up with it.)

I'm giving it to Katie Ganshert, Jessica Nelson, Suzy Hayze and Paul Greci.

Second, I sent off my revisions for my novel even though Booksta won't be in the office until January 4. And let me tell you, I've lost about 1000 pounds since Monday. The Revision Diet. Try it. Or don't.

But a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Now I'm free to edit yet another book. And, shhh, don't tell anyone, but I might start my next project. Or I might not. But tomorrow, I'm definitely sleeping in.

And eating pie. And ham. And singing Christmas songs and watching Christmas movies. And wrapping presents. And going to the post office again. And, and, and...

What do you have to finish up before you can enjoy your holidays?


  1. Mmm...pie. :) Thanks for the award! And congrats on receiving them yourself. Have a great holiday!

  2. I think I'm nearly done for the year. I'm going to take one more look at a newsletter I edit for OWW (Online Writing Workshop for SF, F and Horror) and then that's it.

    I'm ready to chill.

    Merry Christmas, Elana. Thanks for a great blog.

  3. My goal is to finish up my edit that came from a couple critiques before the end of the year. It's a tall order, but I REALLY want to do it!

  4. Alright! Thanks, Elana! Thanks for leaving me with a topic for my last blog post before the holidays for tomorrow. ;) Kidding, I mean thank you so much for the award. Love it!

    I'm also looking forward to some time to chill. And eat pie. And not think about anything unless I want to.

    After tomorrow, my next post will be January 2nd, so I have until then to narrow down which "no-kiss" scene I'm going to share for FrankieDiane's blogfest. The only other choice I'll have to make is which pie to eat first.

    Decisions, decisions...

  5. Yep, wrapping gifts is on my list too. Is it too early to start dieting? My sugar consumption is out of control.

  6. I am enjoying my holidays already! :) Though there is that pesky laundry threatening to erupt all over the bedroom floor. Yeah, I might need to get to it...

  7. Thanks Elana! I need to do an awards post tomorrow. I've got a couple waiting to be passed on. I love the helpful blogger award. I'm all about that - yay!

    Have a great holiday and have fun editing and/or starting that new project!


  8. The Revision Diet. Isn't that only for the super elite authors that actually make it to publication? No, really, I so want to try it. Anyhoo, congrats on your award and have a wonderful holiday!

  9. I have a whole pile of gifts to wrap and I need to get on it. Everyday my daughter walks into the room holding one of her Christmas presents. Hopefully she's too young to remember.

    Congrats on hitting send. I LOVE that feeling!

  10. Thanks for the award!!

    We have to tie up some loose ends and then we're heading to Florida and then New York. Both are a long ways from Alaska!! Happy Holidays to you Elana!!

  11. Have a great holiday break, Elana. I'm sleeping in tomorrow too. And wrapping presents and watching Christmas movies and doing a puzzle (maybe) and hanging out with my family.

    Congrats on finishing your revisions and good luck!


  12. Thanks, Elana!!! You da BOMB!!! You've had a GREAT year. I have to say..you are MY blogspiration. Yep. You are.

    Love you!

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  13. Hi, Elana!

    You sure have been busy, haven't you?

    Well, I have a short story that I'm thinking about sending in for consideration, but I'm not sure yet.

    Also, I have to finish writing up some interview questions for authors that are going to be guests on my blog.

    I just entered the "Tinsel Tales Flash Fiction Contest" and I was wondering if I could count on you to support me by voting on the stories that were submitted that you like. The details are here.

    Thanks a lot and Merry Christmas, Elana!

    God bless you,
    Cynde's Got The Write Stuff

  14. Oh yes, sleep in girl! Congrats on your awards and Merry Christmas to you!

  15. Oooh, thanks for the award! I love that one, just because it has books on it. Awesome! :-)

    Congrats on sending it off! I hope you have a great day tomorrow and enjoy the holidays.

  16. Oh, how I wish I could sleep in, but my kiddos won't cooperate.

    Well, the shopping is all done. Now I have to finish wrapping the presents. Which I hate doing.

    Have a Merry Christmas!

  17. The revision diet, eh? Sounds like a good one. Merry Christmas!!!

  18. I finished a newsletter for a client today. So glad to be done!

    I'd like to go on that revision diet :)

  19. Yay for your accomplishments!

    Me...well, I've got to *start* a few revisions, and then get started on the next book!

  20. Congrats on all of your awards!

  21. Thank you for the award!

    Sorry I haven't commented in a while -- I'm just now catching up on blog reading. I can't seem to crack 100 in my reader...

    I could cook my first Christmas dinner this year, but my parents offered to bring a prime rib, so I think I'll let them do that and just cook the sides. :)

    Congrats on finishing the edits!

  22. Congrats on all the awards! Congrats to the awardees!

    That's so AWESOME about sending out your MS! Woo-hoo!!! Can't wait to hear all your good news. =]

  23. Thanks so much for the honor. I'm still immersed in the holiday hoopla, but wanted to make sure to let you know I appreciated this. Thank you again. (Hugs)Indigo
