Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why I Keep Writing

Okay, so I titled this post over the weekend, and as I sit down to write it, I cannot think of a single thing.

So I started writing. I emerged from the dark. I'm happy now. Even in "dark" times, I am nowhere near the kind of blackness I once was. Thankfully.

So...now that I'm a writer, why do I keep writing?


Because I like it?


*still thinking*

*more thinking*

*frantically trying to think of a different blog topic*

*scanning over what I've already written, finger hovering over the delete key*

Oh, my gosh! I already answered it!!

Why do I keep writing?

Because I'm a writer. (Man, I am a genius at this moment. *snarf*)

Now that you've started writing, why do you keep writing?


  1. Yes, yes, yes! Writer is my definition. That's why.

  2. ROTFL, As I read your post my thoughts matched yours exactly!!! And yeah, I came to the same conclusion...I write beacuse I am a writer!

  3. I write because I have a story to tell, because I like it, because it keeps me sane ie busy.

  4. Because the stories keep filling up my mind, and if I don't write them down my head will explode.

  5. Yeah, I'd say about the same as everyone else: I have stories in my head, no one else can tell them like I can, and I like it.

  6. Because I am completely incapable of stopping. The author in me is like a giant monster that has complete control over my brain. I think like a writer, I read like a writer and I cook mac and cheese like a writer

    (ie Marybeth poured the boiling noodles into the strainer making sure to pour some down the drain. A full box of noodles is a not so cheesy experience, but a three fourths box of noodles is a cheesy explosion in your mouth.)

  7. Writer here.
    I was born that way. Blame it on DNA.

  8. I keep writing because I apparently have a lot to say:)

    I can't write as fast as the ideas come, so I'll keep on going until I catch up. I'm sure to catch up at some point - I hope.

  9. Why do I write....I was born doing it, at least that's how it seems. i'm a writer...I love stories...Also because it becomes more challenging each time I write, challenging to make it better, richer, deeper, etc.. I love it.

  10. Because I'm afraid the voices inside my head might take over if I don't keep letting them out. :-)

  11. I'm going with a tiny alien embedded himself in my brain and refuses to leave. :]

    I'll also chip in unending inspiration. From holidays to relationships to religion, ideas continually pop into my brain.

  12. I write because I'm a better human when I do. I'm happier, kinder, and more creative. I write because I love it. =]

  13. Because I'm too grumpy when I'm not writing.

  14. Because I'm stubborn? LOL The reason I write is different than the reasons I write novel length fiction with the goal of publication, if that makes sense? But even if I didn't write romance, I'd still be writing *something*. :-)

  15. B/c I don't trust myself when I'm not writing. I likely would walk around in a constant state of PMS and who in the world would want that?

    ~ Wendy

  16. Because I couldn't stop if I tried. :)

  17. Because if I stopped, my characters would kill me. And because I love writing.

  18. Hey, Elana!

    I write because I think I'd stop breathing if I didn't.

  19. LOL :)

    Because it's fun and relaxing when it's not stressful :)

  20. I write because I've never loved anything more. It's addictive. And I now need it to breathe.

  21. Because I can't imagine doing anything else. Once I opened that vein and started bleeding on the page, I couldn't imagine stopped until I was bled dry. I know it's a little gory and intense, but it the only way I could explain it. (Hugs)Indigo

  22. Because when I am not beating myself over the head with thought of never being good enough to write, I love writing!

  23. Oh this is good. Because I can't not write. I wish I could stop. I'd sleep a lot more, watch more TV and wouldln't be addicted to chocolate and coffee. Sigh.

  24. You're too funny!

    I'm with Christina Farley, except for me it's Diet Coke instead of coffee.
