Friday, January 8, 2010

Bad Poetry -- Just For You

Dear Bloggy Friends,

I've written songs for you
Comments galore
I spilled about my writing origins
And much, much more

Holy crap, I'm writing poetry
Something I swore I never did
See? That's how wicked amazing you guys are
I'll do whatever you bid

I love living the impossible
I love how you endure my rants
I love hearing your innermost thoughts
Hey, I even like your pants

Thanks for clicking over here
Thanks for being my fabulous friends
Thanks for leaving your comments
I hope this journey never ends


By the way, I've been having brainwave after brainwave for my newsletter. And at the risk of sounding snooty, I think it's gonna rawk the house! Sign up if you haven't yet!


  1. If I can write lyrics for my novel, so can you. Great stuff! And you told me you couldn't write poetry.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. :) And we like your pants, too.

  3. I signed up for your newsletter- I'm uber excited!

    You should write poetry, what a nice Friday treat.

  4. Hey thanks! I like m'pants too ;)
    Have a great weekend! I love stopping by here. Always a pleasure.

  5. Aww... That's so sweet!

    So excited for your newsletter!

  6. Dude, Friday's are the best days for poetry about appreciation and pants. Good job :D

  7. mind boggling good sci fi? yes - you can do it.

    cutie pie rhyming picture book? urrmmm....

    jk. I like the 'pants' line. I actually thought, 'you do? thanks!'

  8. You are a rhyming machine!

    You rock too. Can't wait for the newsletter!

  9. Good job! I never realized how hard it was to write poetry until I tried it once (once being the key word). : )

    Have a great weekend!

  10. How'd you know what I was wearing?

    Signing up for your newsletter now--but only if you promise more poetry. I need a good chuckle every now and again : )

  11. catwoods - MORE poetry?? *snarf* Just for you. ;)

    Kimberly, you wouldn't believe how long it took me to write that last night.

    Tess - at least I know my strengths, right? LOL!

    Cindy, ha ha ha!

    I'm glad you guys are excited for the newsletter - so am I!

  12. I thought I signed up for the newsletter but I haven't seen it yet. Hmm.

    Elana, oh Elana
    you fabulous girl
    your blog posts always
    take me on a whirl

    I love your great wit
    your posts never fail
    but mostly I love
    that you drink ginger ale!

  13. LOL! You're welcome, it's a pleasure reading you.

  14. Aw, Elana, I didn't know how you felt about me until you put it in a poem (that's the only way I can truly comprehend people's feelings). Thanks. :) But really, it was cute.

  15. Fun poetry?! Who woulda thunk it? :)

  16. I start every single poem with Roses are Red Violets are Blue, so I think you're pretty awesome.

    And smart too.

    See, I just can't help myself.

  17. LMJ - You are hilarious.

    EJ - I'm really glad you write novels and not poems, but I'm very excited for your newsletter.

  18. Oh, I chuckled. That was nice. :D

  19. You are brilliant...I can't wait to see your newsletter!

  20. You are brilliant...I can't wait to see your newsletter!

  21. That darn poem is your ticket to fame, lady!

  22. LOL on the poem! :-) A newsletter, huh? I have to figure out how to do one of those. Heehee!

  23. So much fun to read silly poetry!

    Well done!

    Newsletter? How does that work?


  24. For someone who 'doesn't do poetry' you have done very well...oh and I'm glad you like my pants ;0)

  25. Your new look is you in a nutshell. The poetry rocks, as do you. And this journey will never end. It can only get better.

  26. I'm digging your blog - feeling the positive mojo..
