Friday, January 1, 2010

Red Tag Contest Is On!

Okay, today's the day! Fill out the form below to enter to win a $25 gift certificate from! This contest will close on Saturday, January 2 at midnight, MST. So those of you who partied last night (Happy 2010!) have plenty of time to sleep it off before answering (Scott - *wink*).

Good luck! And I can't wait to see the results! Winner of the title "Elana Johnson Know-It-All" and the $25 gift certificate will be announced on Sunday, January 3. Let me know if the questions were too hard! I tried to pick really easy ones. Easy, easy.

Happy New Year!


  1. I hope you have an excellent year!

  2. All the best to you in the New Year!

  3. That was a pretty awesome form, Elana. You'll totally have to teach me how you did it.

    Happy New Years!!

  4. Elena--Really fun format for a contest! How did you do it? I love your profile! I tried to sign up for your blog via email and it wouldn't let me????

  5. Very fun. I could've sworn I was already a follower, but apparently not. Well, I've remedied that. :)

  6. Fun stuff! Lol do I get bonus points for having the same last name? ;)

  7. How fun! Came by to wish a new friend a Happy New Year and got to play a fun game:)

  8. Cool form! Hope I didn't totally blow it. You'll have to let me know how that form thingy works out.
