Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Sith Lord

*cue music*

You know the kind. Darth Vader's kind.

Okay, so I went to a writing party on Friday. It was all kinds of amazing and awesome and uber-fun. And now, apparently, I'm the Sith Lord. I've been luring writers to the dark side for months now.

Who knew?

And just what is the dark side? Paranormal. Yeah, I luvz it. So I guess I've been "encouraging" my contemporary writerly friends that they should write paranormal.

And now I've decided to go contemporary. I can't remember who it was that said I was "enticing" the competition to my side just so I could run a coup on contemporary.

But I'll find out. Oh, yes. The Force is strong with me. I'll find out.

*/end music*

So the party was awesomesauce. We sat around and talked about what we write. So, dear friends, what do you write and why? What genres do you find yourself gravitating toward? What's easy? What's harder?

And do you think I'd look good in a hood? (lol!)


  1. Wait! So I wanna know more about what y'all did at this writer party?

    I think I have settled in nicely into the magical realism genre. It's part contemporary, part paranormal, part magic :-)


  2. You crack me up! The hood is fine, just please avoid black and red tats and horns.

    And, no I am never going to the DS.

  3. Mysteries are my forte, but at some point I can see myself venturing into a genre like Horror along the lines of Koontz or Straub.

    Yes, please, tell us more about this party. Were there funny hats?

  4. Wish I could go to one of your parties! Hey..I live on the dark side. But who knows, one day I may crawl into the light. It's getting crowded in here! After reading Anne Spollen's The Shape of Water, I'm tempted.

  5. Did you bring a light saber?

    I'm a Fantasy, paranormal gal! Hmm could do horror or romance. Historicals, errr no!

    I wanna go to a writer's party...

    eeeek just have to do it
    Luke I am your father!

  6. I'm a very literal person, but my YA idea is kind of paranormal, I think. If I'm defining it correctly. I didn't think I had it in me, but we shall see!

  7. Uh, hmmm, I wonder who made the comment that led to your Sith Lordiness ....

    I'm comfortable in the contemporary (YA and maybe what is now defined as "New Adult"). All my completed projects are contemporary, 2 of my 4 wips, though, are YA paranormal. Yeah. Someone converted me to the darkside.

    I wonder who that was.

    And the hood, oh yeah. Super H-A-W-T!!

  8. You had a party and didn't invite me? Okay, fine! Well, I was in FL enjoying warm weather, beaches, and sunshine! Ha!

    In the beginning, I wrote fantasy. Why? Well, that was my chosen genre to read from way back, probably because of The Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings. At some point, I began to write contemporary - here, now, today - fiction. I'm not sure why, or what the motivation behind the switch in genres was, it all just sort of felt right! I do have an idea for a future project that blends the contemporary fiction aspect with fantasy.

    I think fantasy is harder because of the world building.

    As for the hood . . . wouldn't that cover up your hair? Aren't you all about your latest hair style?? : )

  9. I knew there was some sort of multiple-personality hiding over there, Senator Palpatine. LOL

    I guess I should answer your questions. I write fantasy. But I do have two ideas for urban fantasy floating around in my brain.

    I just like to write fantasy. I like magic. I like crafting my own world and then introducing people to it.

  10. I write stuff that most accurately falls into YA fantasy. It's more fairy tale retelling, but whatever. I have ideas for some sci-fi, some paranormal, and some contemporary. Maybe I'm just a hodge-podge sort of gal. Not nearly as cool as Sith Lord.

  11. You would rock with a hood, Elana. :)

    I write fairy tale fantasy. I've tried contemporary settings and...yeah. Did not work out so well. >.<

  12. Of course you'd look good in a hood. Hehe. The part was so fun! So good to see you again! You have yet to lure me over to the dark side. Good luck.

  13. Jealous! I want to go to a writing party!!! :)

    PS: Your new contest sounds AWESOME!

  14. Hood yes. Horns and red skin? Well, maybe you should put your own spin on the sith lord thing. I mean horns and red skin, sooo done, you know?

    One of these days I'll write a paranormal. I love all that stuff, just don't write it...yet.

  15. The party was a blast! I can't wait for the next one. I'm checking out scary hood colors right now. You would totally rock in a hot pink sith hoodie. Don't you think? =)Okay, maybe not pink. But still...

  16. Luke...I am your father...
    too much Star Wars stuff going on in this testosterone filled house!!
    Yeah a Sith Lord with a pink hood would be great!
    I'm on my second paranormal but recently got a nugget of an idea and started the first chapter of a mystery/ghost story--so still kinda paranormal, huh? I cannot get away from it...

  17. A Sith Lord w/ a pink hood might look an awful lot like a Snuggie. :)

    I write YA urban fantasy -- no desire to change yet.

  18. You could pull off a hood. Sure. (Me in all my fashion wisdom! lol!)

    I'm so glad the get-together was awesome!

    I write fantasy. I love fantasy, the epic kind! Write what you love. And then, all of the sudden, I not one, but TWO dreams in the same night, begging to be set to paper. Epic fantasy? Nope, Urban... I wonder if I can do it?!

  19. Hehe- you crack me up! I think the hood could work for you, but can you do the menacing/raspy/I can kill you with my eyes tied behind my back kind of voice? ;) One really must have the proper accessories.

    I write adult fiction- completed ms is women's fiction with a literary edge while the wip is most solidly in the literary camp. Have a historical fiction cooking for after this wip and a few ideas for some romance. The hardest for me, so far, is the current project- but that's because I got all schizophrenic in the beginning and now I have to fix it.

  20. Dude, you guys, I forgot all my accessories! No light sabers, no pink hoods, no amazing cool voices. That'll be for the NEXT party. :)

    No funny hats, DL. Sadly. :(

    And Scott! You are so right! I'm not sure I can pull a hood off. Then no one would be able to see my wicked hair. I think you win the prize for today.

    And Snuggie? Yeah, Kristi, you're right. This hood is sounding less and less appealing. I better stick to my men's jeans and lame T-shirts. ROTFL!!

  21. No genre yet for me. I'm still trying to write a story that is more than 1000 words long.

  22. Just signed up for your newsletter...looking forward to see what you do with it. :-)

    Something tells me I probably shouldn't have skipped the last two Star Wars movies...but really, no Harrison Ford? Come on!

    As for genre...I love to read all kinds of romance, and I love reading action/thriller/suspense novels too. So it comes as no surprise that I've settled into romantic suspense, and am very comfy with that. :-)

  23. Hey, I'm on the dark side too! But I have an idea for a contemporary book stashed away (for sometime in the far, far future). And yes, you would make a hood look real good!

    By the way, I have an award for you at my blog.

  24. Something...something...
    something... DARK side!

  25. You would make a totally wicked Sith Lord. I'm just sayin'. And I'll still be your friend even.

    You can go contemporary if you want to. I'll hold your place on the Dark Side for when you're ready to come crawling back.

    Because you will.

    Oh yes. You will.

  26. you are sneaky... sneaky sneaky. ;-P

  27. Ooh, I love the hooded look.

    I love writing paranormal, so count me in on the dark side.

  28. I'm too much of a chicken to go to the dark side.
    But the force is strong with this one.

  29. Come to the dark side. We have cookies. I write paranormal also. And I haven't heard anyone cue up the Imperial March since my last Organic Chemistry exam. Yes, my professor was evil.

  30. Yes, get the cloak and hood and make that a profile pic for a week. LoL.

    I'm an urban fantasy writer who occasionally dabbles in the paranormal romance/erotica genres. Don't know if that is really dark side or not, but it is fun. =)

  31. You'd look good in a hood or a garbage sack. ;) Oh, to be half so evil--er, cool as you.

  32. I read a lot of genres, so I'm willing to try just about anything in my writing :)

    Currently I'm writing one romantic mystery & one YA steampunk :)

  33. I luvz YA paranormal too! And, of course, that's what I'm writing right now. : )

    But, if it's not paranormal, it's definitely YA. YA rocks!

  34. Hi Elana, great blog you go there!

    I write urban fantasy, but while writing a story for a blog tour I recently found out that I can write non-fantastical stuff too, yay!

    I'm also putting my curious fingers (mind?) on paranormal, and some day I hope to be geek enough to write sci-fi. :)

  35. I meant "got there", duh. Typos... :)

  36. So funny. I write YA fantasy because I just find it easier. Paranormal would seem a logical possibility as well. Hmmmm. Are you sure you don't have Jedi mind tricks, too?

  37. Ah, yes, the force is strong with this one.....

    a pink lightsaber would be so cool. I would buy one.

    I think I gravitate towards genres that I love to read.


  38. Everyone looks good in a hood. I think they're the next big thing.

  39. Hey Elana! I love your blog -- the layout is fantastic, and the content entertaining and helpful. Thanks for becoming a follower on my tiny little blog ... so glad to know you're here in cyberspace, too! I write fantasy because I love the worldbuilding, and I long for the days when publishers would take the ridiculously long Robert Jordan-esque 300,000 word first novels. *Sigh.* *Gets to work on time machine.*

  40. okay - so I am supposed to be talking the week off of blogging and commenting...but seriously, Sith Lord...I HAD to come and read that one!

    I write paranormal and urban fantasy YA, and contemp YA. The reason - where I get my ideas. You see, the fantasy/paranormal stuff comes from the legends and what not that I read - you know I LOVE reading/researching that stuff. The contemp - that comes from work. So, I am a product of what I read, research and do all day long!

    Okay - I am signing off for the rest of the week - really, I am!

  41. Fantasy, and sci-fi. And yes, you would be rockin' in a hood.
    Winged Writer

  42. I wear a hood (ie) most days. Nothing wrong with it! If anyone has a problem with it, they need to see me!

    Okay, back to my normal personality...I write pb manuscripts mostly. I'm working on my first mg and ya...I have the stories in my mind and have lots of notes, but have to work harder to let those stories flow.....

    Elana--hood rhyms with good!

  43. Oh no! You are teh ebil! As for me, I tried sci fi( not smart enough) horror (not icky enough) and now I am on to fantasy, and I have written 4 (and 3/4) novels and I'm waist deep in my fifth. Elves, fairies, dragons, castles, magic lands - this is the stuff that makes my soul sing.

  44. I want to go to a writing party!!!!! So fun!

    I always veer toward paranormal with heaps of mystery and adventure. Can't help it.

  45. But those little Lego versions of Darth Vader and Count Dooku are so cute...

  46. You are cracking me up! SO looking forward to stalking...I mean...following you!

    And I just found your wicked blog site and I have to say...it's certainly not helping my blog reading addiction but I'm quite excited to find some more new fun people! Distraction here I come!

    And I say yes to the hood!

  47. I am like trying SO hard to resist the force of your subliminal suggestion....

    I like those tweeners, so most of my stuff is for that age group. And I like the dreaded anthropomorphic animal who saves the day.

  48. Oh yeah. . . The Dark Side. Bring it! Paranormal rules.

  49. We watched a Star Wars marathon on Monday--awesomesauce indeed!

  50. Hey Elana, welcome to my dark side. ;) You'll love it here. I, too, was a former YA paranormal writer, but realized it wasn't working for me. I couldn't balance the characterization AND the fantasy elements very well.

  51. Well, I love to READ paranormal and historical and romantic suspsense, but I mostly just write contemporary romance. I'd like to try my hand at romantic suspense, but I think I'll always like reading paranormal and historicals better than writting them!

  52. I write memoir and love to read them as well. I wish I could write more fiction but I get antsy and my writing just turns silly. Really, silly.
