Wednesday, June 30, 2010

WriteOnCon Goes...Apocalyptic?

Or grocery shopping? Maybe undercover? Oooh, I know! Clubbing!

Dude, you guys. Registration for WriteOnCon is tomorrow! That's right, tomorrow, July 1!

And you know you wanna find out if we're really going shopping or undercover or apocalyptic or clubbing, so watch this...

Check out the WriteOnCon website, where we've updated our participant list. Get ready to register tomorrow.

And, uh, any questions? (And not about my high voice or some such.) Email us at writeoncon(at)gmail(dot)com.


  1. This seems like such a kick ass event. Thank you so much for doing this and for vlogging about it.

    Will there be a dance off between the agents after Karsten's session? Dance offs are the only way to solve problems.

  2. Well done video--and you act well to? Cool.

  3. Funny video. Thanks for organizing this. Can't wait to register.

  4. Hey, I want to be able to dance like that dude. And think just how impressive we'll be at book signings if we could dance like him. The teens will love us. And the kiddies? They'll be begging their parents to buy our books. Seriously, the guy should be allowed to participate.

    You rock, Karsten!

  5. That was superfun!!

    (You were my fave, don't tell anyone.)

    (Love the blue streak. Vi is very you.)

  6. This is wonderful. Thanks to all of you for putting in so much effort!!

  7. Sounds like it'll be a good time for al those involved!

  8. I have laughed and giggled and chortled over this masterpiece!!!!!!!! Your part especially!!!!!!!!!!

    tooo cute!

  9. Ooooh, this is exciting!!!! :D

  10. Aahahha! You all are so freakin cute!!!

  11. "His dance moves might trigger the apocalypse!" Bwahahahahahahahaha! Oh, man. That's funny :D Can't wait for WriteOnCon!!!

  12. These videos crack me up. I love each of your ringtones by the way :-)

  13. Now THAT was creative. Good stuff and good luck. Oh, and your voice wasn't too high.

  14. Based on his dance moves, I think he has rabies... My favorite part of the vid. I LOL'd for real.

    YAY, so excited to register!!

  15. I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I'm already ready to register!!! Let's go!

  16. Can't wait to register!

    Great vlog! The ring tones were so funny!

  17. LOL! Thanks guys. I only did like 10 takes this time. I figured, you get what you get, you know?


    And I cannot wait for a dance-off. You know who needs to do a dance-off...? The six of us...

  18. I'm so excited for WriteOnCon! Hopefully I can take some of the events during work :).

  19. Ha! Seems like the WriteOnCon is going to rock! :)

  20. This was so awesome!!!! But I have to say, I am a swing dancing so dancing lessons are cool with me too! :-)

  21. You guys are so silly. Fun video! I don't write ya or mg but may just have to sign up anyway. Thinking!!!

  22. I am really looking forward to this. But what is this participant list you speak of? I cannot find it on the site. I even tried to use the search engine you provided? Still can't find it. Forgive me for my apparent blindness.

  23. What the hell?

    Likin' the blue hair. Sporting purple these days, myself. (=

  24. I love it! I can't wait! :) This was so funny, and perfectly played out.

  25. Very cool. I'll check it out.

  26. Man! Why do I have to be having a baby right during that awesome conference? I hope it'll become an annual event.

  27. This is so awesome, Elana. I loved the video too. I had to smother the laughter. Too bad I don't have anything even remotely kidlit (not even sure I could write that very well). Oh well, I hope the conference is a blast anyway.

    Oh, and loving the blue streak. That is so cool.
