Thursday, September 16, 2010

FIRELIGHT (twitter version) by Sophie Jordan

Okay, people. Be prepared for some sweet reviews today -- because it's Bookanista Thursday!

Today, I've got Firelight by Sophie Jordan, and I'm bringing you my review, twitter style. So strap in for 140 characters or less of pure awesome!

Wow-who doesn't want to just stroke this cover? The girl with scales, the elongated pupil. Stunning. And the font on FIRELIGHT? #coverlove (with 2 characters to spare!)

About Firelight-Finally something new. I mean, dragons! Not vamps. Not weres. *insert Shrek voice* DRAG-ons. And a hot boy. Need I say more? (Exactly 140 characters. And that was holy hard.)

I loved the words. I fell in love with Sophie's writing. This book is in present tense, but it's BRILLIANTLY done. #fabulouswordusage (7 characters left, but I cut a lot of what I wanted to say. #ohwell)

Characters you care about: yes. Jacinda was a fabu narrator. And the boy! Holy fire-breathing dragon my friends. The boy. Read it. Love him. (Exactly 140 characters. I think I deserve a prize.)

So yeah. If you like YA and you're looking for something special and fresh, get Firelight. It's a masterpiece of character and storytelling. (Exactly 140 characters. That's it, I'm buying myself something bacon.)

Question: What book have you read lately that made you breathless? What did it? The characterization or the actual writing? (17 extra characters. Me = twitter review champion!)

Check out what else is going on around the Bookanista-sphere today:
Christine Fonseca is celebrating THE DUFF
Shannon Messenger is loving THE MOCKINGBIRDS
Carolina Valdez Miller is gushing about THE UNIDENTIFIED
Lisa and Laura Roecker are praising NIGHTSHADE CITY
Scott Tracey is ravenous about HUNGER

(-218 characters. Deal with it.)


  1. I loved this book! I am dying to read the next one! And yes the can you not love the boy in this book from the moment he first graces the pages I was done! Awesome review Elana...if people haven't read this one yet they need to stop what they are doing and run out and buy it!

  2. I've heard great things about this and really want to read it. I'm reading MARKED by P.C. and Kristin Cast on tape right now. It's about vampires--I'm not really into them--, but the main character has a great voice and it's set in Oklahoma with Native American stories weaved in. I'm enjoying it so far.

  3. Dragons and boys - sounds like my kind of book. I've had my eye on this one.

  4. Great review -- I've heard good things about this one! I'm especially impressed with your twitter-length reviews -- very brief but clear!

  5. I love your twitter-length reviews!

    I ordered my copy of Firelight last week and this review has made me even MORE excited to get it!

    I'm doubtful as to whether any boy can compare to Jace (Mortal Instruments) but if this one can, then... WOW!

  6. This is right up my alley. Dragons FTW! Thanks Elana.

  7. I love the Twitter version of a review. :D You certainly deserve something bacon!

    As for the book--I love dragons! I've heard a lot about this book and I really want to read it.

  8. The last book that I read that left me breathless was Firelight. I read it straight through the day it came out. I loved it for all the reasons you pointed out.

    And I LOVE the cover.

  9. Totally looking forward to reading this - guess I better finish the nine million books waiting for me...Yep, read-a-thon weekend in store!

  10. Yes! Firelight was awesome! I was more into the 'other' boy, than the boy. lol. I always fall for the wrong ones.

    But Jacinda! She's the bada$$test!

    Oh, an present tense seems to be the thing now: The Hunger Games, Firelight, Personal Demons.

  11. Dragons I likes (vampires, zombies...not so much) so this sounds like a book I could get into. Last book I read that left me breathless was Blue Plate Special by Michelle D. Kwasney.

  12. OMG - I'm reading Firelight now and it's so good. First person WORKS. Jacinda is an awesome MC & I'm loving hot guy. (116 characters)

  13. Ha! I love the Twitter version. I loved Firelight, too. I also write in present tense. Can't help it. it just comes most naturally to me, and I love the sense of immediacy it can add to the story.

    Anyway, super concept in Firelight. Great review, Elana!

  14. Yes, the cover is AMAZING!
    Yes, I want to read it!
    (So tired of fantasy involving vampires, werewolves, the undead...)
    Going on my list now!

  15. I've heard so many great things about this book, and DRAGONS. Definitely on my to-read list.

  16. I heart that cover so much! I can't wait to read it!! Squeeel!!

  17. I forgot to say ... normally I can't get into first person present tense, but I didn't even notice it with this book. Firelight is definitely an example of how to do first person present correctly!

  18. Dragons with scales and boy, oh my! I have 66 books on my TBR list. I better get a move on!

  19. Awesome job! Its so hard to cut down to twitter length so much applause from this gal for that accomplishment!
    This one is in the TBR pile, slowly climbing its way up that list!

  20. I know I've heard the title but I haven't read anything about it. I love the cover! Rats. Now I have something ELSE to add to that massive TBR pile!

    Oh, and great job on the twitter length reviews. I'm either hopelessly too verbose to Tweet, or I need to seriously edit myself :)


  21. Can't WAIT to read this one!!! The only book I've read recently that made me that excited was CLOCKWORK ANGEL. Holy cow!!! Incredible. For me, it was the plot and the characters.

    Love the Twitter review! :)

  22. Started reading this and I LOVE it, but I need to finish Clockwork Angel first.

    I like the pacing of CA, but it hasn't WOWed me yet.

  23. Love the review-twitter-style! The book sounds great - I too have to finish Clockwork Angel before moving on to another... and since starting to hang out in blog-world my 'to-read' list has grown exponentially!! Oy! ;)

  24. That book is already on my list, but I think I'm going to have to bump it to the top now. Thanks for the review.

  25. LOL, Elana! Love the Twitter-style book review. I just might have to poach that idea sometime...

    This book looks really great, so onto the TBR pile it goes. As for books I've read lately? SHIVER, by Maggie Stiefvater, for both the characterization AND the writing. WOW.

  26. Wow, I am seriously impressed by your limited character usage. Go buy yourself some bacon--you deserve it! :)

  27. Mockingjay.

    'Nuff said!

    I'm a young writer trying to improve my skill through a blog. Check it out if you have time :)

  28. Okay Elana, it's on my list, and at the top. =)

  29. Bought Firelight based on Carolina's Bookanista review a couple months ago and it was amazing! Definitely unput-downable. Red Pyramid was another recent read I couldn't put down, as was Mockingjay, duh.

  30. A good friend just got a review copy of this and I get to read it when she's done. I hope she reads fast!

    The Underneath by Kathi Appelt left me breathless. The writing was so beautiful, so lyrical, and the story so enchanting, that I dreaded the end. I think it is one of the most under-acclaimed books to come out in the last several years. It won awards, but it hasn't received the buzz it deserves.

  31. This one's next in my TBR pile--sounds fabulous! Can't wait to meet the boy :)

  32. I have to finish Clockwork Angels before I pick this one back up, but I can't wait. Maybe that's being unfair to CA, because I'm reading through it reeeaalllly fast, but I can't wait!

    Thanks for the fun recommendation!

  33. Can I just tell you how much I LOVE The bookinistas? I've been reading y'alls reviews every week for awhile and they are SUPER awesome. Thanks.

  34. Love, love, loved this book! Love that it's a series as well, at least THREE books maybe more!!!

    PS just incase any of your readers are interested I snagged a signed copy when I saw her Saturday and plan on giving it away to one lucky blog buddy if they wanna stop by!

    It even says "TO AN AWESOME BLOGGER!"

  35. I can't wait to read this book!! But I need more shelf space first, my library is getting a bit crowded! ^^

    And The Sky Is Everywhere is *making* me breathless. Not just the prose, but omg the characterization! Beautiful! <3

  36. I cannot wait to read this one! GAH! *drops to floor banging fists* I want it, I want it!

    I'm waiting for Gena Showalter's Unraveled to appear at my doorstep any day now. Intertwined was fab-o and I'm excited about the sequel. Hawt boy+amazing kissing scenes+plus all the tension and awesome story telling you can handle=sweet. Okay, I'd totally lose the twitter review challenge.

  37. I read The Theif series by Megan Whalen Turner. I know, it's been out for a while, but seriously! Those characters are the ones I've been waiting a lifetime for!

  38. This cover is stunning - it's on my wishlist!
