Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Inside Elana: Preparing for the Apocalypse

So I've been evaluating my food storage (that's right, people. When the apocalypse hits, I'm going to have rice and pancakes. And Ramen noodles. Get excited), and I realized that my beverage selection stunk.

Water. I mean, seriously. Just water? Even after the end of the world, I'm pretty sure I'm going to want more than water.

So as I was pondering what drink I'd like most, I came to the conclusion that there's nothing better than Welch's grape soda.


I bought a case, and now I can't stop dreaming about the Grape-soda-induced coma I'm going to be in at the end of the world.

Good times.

What drink would you take with you into the apocalypse?


  1. Well, I'd say a nice Belgian white ale, but I might need some caffeine to stay vigilant, so ... Diet Dr. Pepper.

  2. For the love of all punctuation: COFFEE.

  3. I like water, actually. lol I love Coke too, but I'm not sure I'd want it when I'm fighting for my life!

  4. That's tough. Non alcoholic--Cherry Coke
    Alcoholic Augustiner Helles (beer)
    I could go for a cherry coke right now. Is it too early?

  5. Oh my God, it has to be white hot chocolate! Even typing about it has my mouth watering.

    I don't even care if I'd get fat - totally worth it, especially if the world is ending.

  6. I agree with Jodi, it's COFFEE. I'll be in serious trouble if there isn't any.

  7. Cherry Pepsi...I love DT Cherry Pepsi a ton, too, but if I'm heading into the apocalypse...forget DIET. I'm drinking the REAL stuff. :)

  8. Oh man, this is hard! There are a few drinks I can't live without.

    Apple juice

    Hot cocoa

    Tiramisu Treviso Tea

    The two latter choices are essential because what if the apocalypse brings on an ice age? One must have hot drinks to get through it all. And if no ice age, well, I'm still going to need them because nothing beats hot cocoa or tea when you want a comfort drink. :)

  9. I should stock up on coffee because nobody wants to be near me when the apocalypse happens if I don't have coffee.

    I don't even have a stock of water in the house.

    Ramen noodles. My kids just discovered them, and the food is becoming a staple. Does that make me a bad mother?

  10. Orange juice. I love that stuff. :)

  11. Grape soda? Blech. During the ice storm 2 years ago when we lost power for a week - water became extremely valuable. Not just for drinking but cooking and flushing toilets. And you could always trade with it. Don't underestimate the power of water!

  12. Other than water, I only drink Peppermint Tea, so I'll go with that. Peppermint Tea. Yum :D

  13. Depends. Am I allowed to bring a bag of items (don't worry I have a point).

    If I'm going to be cold I'd like Apple Cider.

    If I'm going to be hot I'd like Dr. Pepper please. Nothing better than an ice cold Dr. Pepper (besides Grape soda of course - don't worry, I got your back).

  14. It HAS to be coffee. Although if there's no power, I'm not sure I could actually do coffee. So, in that case, I'd have to say those canned V8 fusions...full serving of fruit and veggies in each can...perfect for the Apocalypse! It's like a meal in a can!

  15. I like some peppermint tea with makes me feel better about my dependent relationship with chocolate. You can can M&Ms, just so you know...

    Good stuff to be thinking about, what with the massive bird die-offs and the alien invasion;)

  16. Don't just go dismissing water like that!!!! I more than heart water. <3

    But if I had to pick something other than water... Cold: Almond Breeze unsweetened vanilla milk. Don't judge my lactose-intolerance, I think it's delicious!

    Warm: Spiced apple cider!

    I think I have just died and gone to Apocalypse beverage heaven!!

  17. OMG, definitely coffee. And Gatorade - just not the original flavor. Blech.

  18. Essential beverages:

    1. water
    2. coffee
    3 Sam Adams beer

  19. Hands down it would be coffee, but I'm guessing there'd be no electricity to power my coffee pot. Darn Apocalypse!

  20. An energy drink. Sounds like I'd need it!

  21. coffees out due to the whole electricity thing....and I'll probably be in some cellar waiting for the nuclear winter to end so um....IDK!

  22. Juice--pretty much any kind of juice.

  23. Hot chocolate and lets not forget, lots and lots of toilet paper!

  24. 1. water
    2. COFFEE (and when the half & half runs out, I guess powdered creamer...hmm, I need to stock up)
    3. Cherry Dr. Pepper
    4. champagne
    5. juices

  25. No question. Blue Powerade. That and coffee are all I drink. I seldom drink just water.

  26. Water, of course. But after that, peppermint tea. And since the kind I drink is herbal, it still counts as my water intake!

    I couldn't do coffee; otherwise I'd get killed in the post-Apocalyptic wasteland taking too many potty breaks...

  27. Water! I love water. Then decaf Guatemalan coffee, then hot chocolate with a hint of mint. (Have you tried it? SO good...)

    I remember Welch's grape soda! I used to love that when I was a kid. Do they still dye it purple?

  28. I think I want to go into the apocalypse drinking liquid fire retardant.

  29. Look at you getting all Ashton Kutcher on us. :)

    I'd take water, since it's useful for things other than drinking. And Diet Coke, because judging from the way it takes rust stains off toilets I'm pretty sure it never expires.

  30. Boxed Wine. Lots of boxed wine. Portable. Does the job. Can double for a disinfectant, I think. Either way, it's the wine man.

  31. Water is a fav, but we also do Hot chocolate and OJ. If the power was out and my freezer was dead, melting all the frozen juice, I might have to go with Tang. It was designed for outer space. Surely it would survive the Apocalypse.

  32. I like water, but I figure if the apocalypse comes I'll need some sort of energy to run away from zombies. So I'd have Diet Coke.

  33. Water, water and more water. With maybe a squeeze of lime.

  34. Water. Boring, I know, but after I gave up caffeine, I really stopped drinking soda. I'll drink soda once in a while but it's pretty rare.

  35. I gave up Diet Coke last year (except when eating out sometimes), so if it were the end of the world I'd want cases and cases of Diet Coke.

  36. I FREAKING LOVE WELCH'S WHITE GRAPE JUICE! I'll have some at the end of the world for sure. And also lots of water. And Pink Lemonade. ANd, if it's the end of the world, I want some good vodka too. (Got to comfort myself somehow!)

  37. just water. I really like water.
    Also, my family has been planning for the apocalypse for the last decade or so and gift each other presents for b-days and xmas that involve the apocalypse. Fire starter? Check. Book on gardening for the pocy? Check. Book on making technology for the apocy? check.
    ahhh, good times

  38. I'll quench my thirst with the sweet dew on my lover's lips. 'Cause baby, I ain't going through the apocalypse alone. BTW, I'll be at the epicenter in Mayan land when the end of life as we know it hit.

  39. We seriously had a tub of necessities before the 2K crisis that didn't happen. My hubby had a small bottle of Jack Daniels in there along with the bottled water, choc chip cookies, soup, can opener, matches, batteries with flashlight and other necessities.
    I love grape pop too btw and craved it my first pregnancy. But my fave is Coca Cola. I limit myself to about four a week but I so look forward to it!

  40. Mmmmm...I love, love, love grape soda! That would suit me just fine. I would still need coffee, though. :-)

  41. Not to burst the bubble, but as a concerned individual, but did you look at the expiration date on the soda? I don't want you to try to drink it in thirty years and then die of soda drinkage after surviving that long. Maybe a powdered one would be better? Like grape Tang? Don't monkeys drink that in space?

  42. I'd be toast because my current 'supplies' consist of chocolate fudge, coffee and wine. I should probably get some water. ;)

  43. I love Crystal Bay Peach Sparkling water. I'm glad I read this post because it reminded me that I need to put a crate away for the apocalypse.

  44. I love Tropical Blend V8 Splash! It is the most delicious and thirst-quenching juice on the planet.

  45. I can't say I ever thought of this before, but I will definitely be needing some coffee. I might have to go buy a big container of instant coffee now, actually :)

  46. So after this blog post and the twitter conversation the other day about Diet Coke Zero, I've decided that I'm going with a selection of "mix with water" dry beverages. And also, Wild Cherry Pepsi. With extra cherry syrup. And maybe also Squirt. I love me some Squirt.

  47. I think I would get me some Canada Dry ginger ale. Although, if I had some, I don't know if I could wait to the apocalypse to drink it. Sorry, apocalypse, my cravings can't wait.

  48. 90% of the time I drink water. Boring I know, but I love it. Other drinks I have from time to time - wild cherry pepsi (sometimes with the Captain), strawberry daiquiris, vanilla milkshakes, and hot chocolate.

  49. Vodka. It's wet and clear like water, only it has the bonus side effect of making you forget it's the apocalypse.

  50. if the world is ending in a hail of h3llfire and brimstone, i'm sipping on a fine gin and tonic with a nice slice of lime.


    -- Tom

  51. For all of you who, like me, would take coffee with you but are concerned about the whole no-electricity thing—I suggest a fire, a teakettle, and a French press! Coffee for the win.

    And water. Because all that coffee will be a bit dehydrating, I guess.

    :) Kayla Olson

  52. Awe great. Now I want grape soda...I'm a big strawberry soda fan too. End of the world...I want...Coke. Yep. Going with just plain old coke.

  53. I'm a Pepper. But I do love me some grape soda. Yum :)

  54. I love me some water, but think I'd augment still with mineral or sparkling-Pelligrino and maybe La Croix Pamplemousse, both of which I'm addicted to. Wait! will there be ice after the Apocalypse? If not, I'll stick with plain water.

    Hmm, Ice After Apocalypse would make a dandy title for a book.

  55. In all post-apocolyptia type films the first thing people take for granted is water, then firearms and ammo, then personal cleaning products. So I'd take those first.

    For a luxury beverage I think Cherry kool-aid, depends on if I can keep beverages cold in post-apocolyptia town. Welch's is a solid choice though.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Diet coke with lime, but then I'd need more water because I'd be more dehydrated, so maybe just apple, banana, peach juice.

  58. Green tea. When you're dealing with an apocalypse, you're going to need something warm and relaxing to bring back your Zen.

  59. Water. I know, boring. But I love it. I really do love water! Just plain, normal water. It's so cool and refreshing and always quenches my thirst and even assuages hunger pains when I have to wait for dinner. There's nothing better than "boring" water!

  60. Is there a beverage that tastes like potato chips? Otherwise, water is a-ok.

  61. Iced green tea for me. What will you do when the bacon runs out? Do they make freeze-dried bacon? Would it even be worth it if they did?

  62. Dude, so many good choices!

    GINGER ALE! I love that stuff. I can't wait to drink it either, which is why the case I bought is already nearing empty...

    Love the idea of V-8. That is a meal in a can.

    And dude, who knew so many of you liked A) Diet Dr. Pepper B) Coke of some sort and C) coffee?

    You guys rule.

  63. I'd have to go with lemonade. Probably the pink kind. :)

  64. Oh, I hear you. I am going to need Nesquik. Lots of it. Which means I am going to need milk too. Hmmm. Maybe I should let my husband get a cow after all. (Nah.)

  65. OMG, definitely coffee. Also, Pepsi. Coffee first. I fear a day in which it won't be available. Serisouly. It's like a nightmare.

  66. Only one choice? Then apple cider. Good hot, good cold, good with lemon, good with cinnamon.

  67. First of all: Orignal Coca-Cola (not the one with cocaine, I just mean not new coke), Sake, and Grolsch.

    Now, have you seen Zombieland? You've got to see it. Woody spends much of the movie searching for a Twinkie after the Zapacolypse. It's really touching.

  68. LOL! Grape soda rocks! I don't care what I drink, as long as I can have some chocolate, I'm good. =)

  69. LOL! That's why I love you. Who else would think to ask me that?! I'd have to take Starbucks Christmas blend coffee, a LOT of it! Impractical yeah, I know. Hey, I laugh at practical.

  70. I would choose...water.

    I know, that sounds so lame. but I figure at the end of the world, there will be no more safe water, and I'll crave it like nobody's business.

    Of course, I would prefer not to be here for the end of the world, thank you very much. So if there's something you know that I don't, please, fill me in.

  71. Uh oh.

    Duck and cover people!

    Elana's going to START the Apocalypse just so she has a good reason to drink all her grape soda!


  72. LOL, the only apocalypse drink for me is Diet Coke with Lime. Anything else is just uncivilized!

  73. Let my death be quick. I need my coffee.

  74. Well, I was thinking Sprite, until I pictured you getting all excited over Grape Soda... now I'm thinking I need to go and try some of that. It's been years... maybe DECADES since I've had a GRAPE soda. Sheesh.

  75. I don't like this. I want too many. Cherry seltzer, root beer, Tropicana Pineapple orange juice. And Lord help me if I can't have a glass of wine...

  76. Too many drinks to choose from! Martinelli's sparkling apple cider is the first thing off the top of my head, but I do love my warm caffeinated beverages like Chai lattes! What to do?!

    On the other hand, I admire your love for grape soda. I can't really get into anything grape-flavored, I think because of long childhood association with cold medicine. XP

  77. Given that I already have a storage-shed filled with water? Wine. David Bruce Pinot Noir to be exact. Mmmm.....

  78. Hilarious! Can I only pick one drink? It's such a toss-up between Diet Coke and coffee. Probably coffee, because at the end of the world we will have enough problems without Mom waking up cranky.

  79. Hot chocolate to go with my water - and maybe some rootbeer. :)

  80. I would have to definitely say Dr Pepper, especially Cherry Dr Pepper... mmm.

  81. Dr Pepper, diet. Ha! No not diet at all since it's the apocalypse.

  82. Cranberry juice! At first I was going to say orange juice, but then I realized it needs to stay cold and I doubt there will be refrigeration in a post-apocalyptic world. So, cranberry it is!

  83. Definitely Coca Cola. But I'm trying not to drink it right now, because I'm totally getting too big for my pants. (That won't be a problem with the apocalypse, though!)

  84. Nothing carbonated, yuckers. Water is cool, but yeah, something with flavor is even nicer. Yay for grape juice! Apple would be cool, too. Old Orchard and Dole (100% juices, frozen) make lovely combos like Blueberry Pomegranate, Cranberry Apple, Peach Mango Passionfruit, etc. I love those!

    Oh, and you can't forget White Grape. Slurp!

  85. Coconut drink! Fresh from a coconut, too. :)

  86. I made a New Year's resolution to stop drinking carbonated beverages. Right now, if it were the apocalypse, I would kill someone for a Diet Coke.

    You think I jest, but I'm not. I'm totally serious. ;-)

  87. Other than water - Diet Dr. Pepper and orange soda. Nothing beats a good orange soda. Fanta is one of my favs. Sunkist too.
    Lisa ~ YA Literature Lover

  88. Better start stocking up now because birds are biting it right and left!

  89. LOL. Well, prepare for 2012, then. My husband and stepdaughter LOVE Grape Crush. I keep it in stock. I usually buy the Wal-Mart brand To-Go drink mix packets that are grape and put them in my bottled water. Try it. No calories and YUMMY!

  90. omg, seriously? COFFEE!!!!

    Of course, coffee is dehydrating so probably not the best apocalyptic choice, but... hells yeah, coffee.

  91. Oh, and if the apocalypse is the zombie kind? I totally need to stay awake. So more votes for coffee. ;)

  92. I'd be sensible and bring stuff like Boost and Ensure.
    If I were being insensible, I'd bring Orange Fanta.

  93. Good question!! I'd love to have my Chai tea if I can boil water and maybe some diet Orange Crush too :)

  94. All I have down in my storage is water and hot chocolate mix. Maybe I best add some Tang. Do they still make it? ;)

  95. My OCD is kicking in... I want to say something like my mocha lattes or a frosty coke, but THE END OF THE WORLD? I just really love OJ in the morning, but sometimes you need a little something bubbly during the day. Root beer? What about wine? A big cup of hot chocolate. This is so hard. Elana, I'm starting to panic.

  96. Beer and lots of it--although keeping it cold might be a challenge. That's what nuclear winter is for, right?!

    On a separate, I just wanted to stop in and say thank you. I'm celebrating my blogs one year anniversary today, and you were a big part of why I kept with it--particularly in the early days.

    From the bottom of my heart, thanks! :D

    BTW: when the world ends, first round is on me!

  97. Orange juice. Nutritious and completely 100% amazing.

  98. I got my year's supply of hot chocolate. I'm good.

  99. Something with kiwi and strawberry, I should think. Or mangoes. Definitely mango smoothies. The only problem will be keeping it all frozen. Sucktastic! How will I do that?!

  100. I'm thinking being in heaven with some flowing rivers of milk and honey by that time would be the sweetest option... wonder if they'll have chocolate soy milk?! Hmmm...

  101. I would take tea all you need is water but mostly, water is good for me. And my machete.

  102. Mountain Dew, without a doubt. I'm an addict, ha!

  103. That's funny because all I have is water right now as well. Gosh, I don't know about beverages. Probably minute maid lemonade (it can't be just any lemonade- it has to be minute maid)
